Contact Information
The George Washington University
Economics Department
Monroe Hall 340
2115 G Street NW
Washington, DC 20052
Professor Smith teaches primarily courses in development economics. For example, he most recently taught in Fall (2020), teaching the undergraduate course Economic Development (Econ 2151) and the master’s course Survey of Economic Development (Econ 6250).
In Fall 2016 he taught Survey of Economic Development (Econ 6250), and the International Development Studies (IDS) Pre-Capstone Workshop (IAFF 6137). In Spring 2016 he taught the IDS Capstone Project. In Spring 2015 he taught undergraduate Economic Development (Econ 2151); in Fall 2014 he taught the Ph.D. course, Development Economics II (Econ 8352); in Spring 2009 he taught the Ph.D. course, Development Economics I (Econ 8351). Prof. Smith has also taught development economics Doctoral Seminar (Econ 8395), Survey of Microeconomics (Econ 6217), International Economics II – International Finance (Econ 2182), Global Poverty-Causes and Remedies (Econ 1801), a special Writing in the Discipline (WID) version of Economic Development, international development at the Foreign Service Institute, Economic Effects of Labor Management and Profit Sharing (Econ Ph.D. level, at Cornell), and Transnational Firms and the World Economy (at Johns Hopkins – SAIS).