Microfinance and Moneylenders: Long-run Effects of MFIs on Informal Credit Market in Bangladesh
August 2013 by Claudia Berg (George Washington University), M. Shahe Emran (IDP, Columbua University) and Forhad Shilpi (World Bank) IIEP Working Paper 2013-08
Are Sunday Babies Doomed for Life? Measuring the Sunday-Born Achievement Gap in Ecuador
March 2013 by Gabriela Aparicio (co-author Paul E. Carrillo (GWU) and M. Shahe Emran (IPD, Columbia University) IIEP Working Paper 2013-02
Assessing the Frontiers of Ultra-Poverty Reduction: Evidence from CFPR/TUP, an Innovative Program in Bangladesh
June 2012 by Stephen Smith & Shahe Emran IIEP Working Paper 2009-6
Taxes, Prisons, and CFOs: The Effects of Increased Punishment on Corporate Tax Compliance in Ecuador
by Paul Carrillo, Gabriela Aparicio, & Shahe Emran IIEP Working Paper 2011-2 Updated 2011
Education and Freedom of Choice: Evidence from Arranged Marriages in Vietnam
November 2009 by Stephen Smith & Shahe Emran IIEP Working Paper 2009-15
Lazy Banks? Government Borrowing and Private Credit: Evidence from Developing Countries
June 2009 by Shahe Emran IIEP Working Paper 2009-9
Public Information and Household Expectations in Developing Countries: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
April 2009 by Paul Carrillo & Shahe Emran IIEP Working Paper 2009-8
Financial Liberalization, Financial Restraint and Entrepreneurial Development
January 2009 by Shahe Emran IIEP Working Paper 2009-2
Cultural Inheritance, Gender, and Intergenerational Occupational Mobility: Evidence from a Developing Economy
December 2008 by Shahe Emran IIEP Working Paper 2008-12
The Extent of the Market and Stages of Agricultural Specialization
December 2008 by Shahe Emran IIEP Working Paper 2008-11
Estimating Import Demand Function in Developing Countries: A Structural Econometric Approach with Applications to India and Sri Lanka
December 2008 by Shahe Emran IIEP Working Paper 2008-10