Counterfactual Dissimilarity: Can Changes in Demographics and Income Explain Increased Racial Integration in U.S. Cities?
March 2021. Paul E. Carrillo, Jonathan L. Rothbaum. IIEP working paper 2021-10
What Do Hedonic House Price Estimates Tell Us When CAP Rates Vary?
February 2022. Paul E. Carrillo and Anthony Yezer. IIEP working paper 2021-03
Pollution or Crime: The Effect of Driving Restrictions on Criminal Activity
by Paul E. Carrillo (George Washington University), Andrea Lopez (George Washington University), & Arun Malik (George Washington University) IIEP Working Paper...
Could Austerity Collapse the Economy of Puerto Rico?
September 2017 by Paul Carrillo (George Washington University), Anthony Yezer (George Washington University), & Jozefina Kalaj (George Washington University) IIEP Working Paper 2017-17...
Long-Term Impacts of High Temperatures on Economic Productivity
October 2015 by Ram Fishman, Jason Russ, and Paul Carrillo (George Washington University) IIEP Working Paper 2015-18
The Repeat Time-On-The-Market Index
by Paul E. Carrillo and Benjamin Williams (The George Washington University) IIEP Working Paper 2015-8
Driving Restrictions That Work? Quito’s Pico y Placa Program
by Paul Carrillo (co-author Arun Malik and Jiseon Yoo (IIEP and GWU) IIEP Working Paper 2013-01
Are Sunday Babies Doomed for Life? Measuring the Sunday-Born Achievement Gap in Ecuador
March 2013 by Gabriela Aparicio (co-author Paul E. Carrillo (GWU) and M. Shahe Emran (IPD, Columbia University) IIEP Working Paper 2013-02
Can Tightness in the Housing Market Help Predict Subsequent Home Price Appreciation? Evidence from the U.S. and the Netherlands
August 2012 by Paul Carrillo IIEP Working Paper 2012-11
To Sell or Not to Sell: List Price, Transaction Price and Marketing Time in the Housing Market
by Paul Carrillo IIEP Working Paper 2010-23
Taxes, Prisons, and CFOs: The Effects of Increased Punishment on Corporate Tax Compliance in Ecuador
by Paul Carrillo, Gabriela Aparicio, & Shahe Emran IIEP Working Paper 2011-2 Updated 2011
Do Cheaters Bunch Together? Profit Taxes, Withholding Rates and Tax Evasion
by Paul Carrillo IIEP Working Paper 2011-3 Updated 2011
Public Information and Household Expectations in Developing Countries: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
April 2009 by Paul Carrillo & Shahe Emran IIEP Working Paper 2009-8
Alternative Measures of Homeownership Gaps Across Segregated Neighborhoods
by Paul Carrillo IIEP Working Paper 2008-7
Efficient Deliveries of Cash Transfers to the Poor: Improving the Design of a Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Ecuador
April 2007 by Paul Carrillo IIEP Working Paper 2008-8