Fiscal Discoveries and Yield Decouplings
May 2014 by Luis Catão (IMF), Ana Fostel (George Washington University), and Romain Ranciere (IMF) IIEP Working Paper 2014-21
Financial Innovation, Collateral and Investment
June 2013 by Ana Fostel (George Washington University) and John Geanakoplos (Yale University) IIEP Working Paper 2013-18
Leverage and Default in Binomial Economies: A Complete Characterization
May 2013 by Ana Fostel (George Washington University) and John Geanakoplos (Yale University) IIEP Working Paper 2013-16
Leverage and Asset Prices: An Experiment
February 2012 by Ana Fostel IIEP Working Paper 2012-1
Why Does Bad News Increase Volatility and Decrease Leverage?
June 2010 by Ana Fostel IIEP Working Paper 2010-18