Selected Publications

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Elliott School of International Affairs
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Washington, DC 20052

“Measurement as Social Choice: Commentary on Sen’s Social Choice and Welfare Economics, in The State of Economics, The State of the World (K. Basu, ed.), MIT Press, 2020.

“Person Equivalent Headcount Measures of Poverty” (with T. Castleman and S. Smith), in K. Basu and J. E. Stiglitz, Inequality and Growth: Patterns and Policy, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.

“Using Synthetic Panels to Estimate Intergenerational Mobility” (with J. Rothbaum, in Spanish), in México, ¿El Motor Inmóvil?, (Vélez-Grajales, R., J. E. Huerta- Wong y R. M. Campos Vázquez, eds.), CEEY, México, 2016.

“Ending Extreme Poverty and Sharing Prosperity: Progress and Policies” (with M. Cruz, B. Quillin and P. Schellekens), Policy Research Note 101740, World Bank, Washington, DC, October, 2015.

Multidimensional Poverty Measurement and Analysis (with S. Alkire, S. Seth, M. E. Santos, J. M. Roche, P. Ballon), Oxford University Press, 2015.

A Unified Approach to Measuring Poverty and Inequality: Theory and Practice (with S. Seth, M. Lokshin, and Z. Sajaia), World Bank Press, 2013.

“Inequality of Happiness in the U.S.: 1972-2010” (with I. Dutta), Review of Income and Wealth, Volume 59, Issue 3, September 2013, pp. 393-415.

“An Axiomatic Approach to the Measurement of Corruption: Theory and Applications” (with A. W. Horowitz and F. Méndez), forthcoming in World Bank Economic Review

“Composite Indices” Rank Robustness, Statistical Association and Redundancy” (with M. McGillivray and S. Seth), forthcoming in Econometric Reviews.

“On Measuring Vulnerability to Poverty” (with I. Dutta and A. Mishra), Social Choice and Welfare, Volume 37, Number 4, 2011, pp. 743-761

“Where Did Identification Go?” (with S. Alkire and M.E. Santos), Journal of Economic Inequality, Volume 9, Number 3, 2011. pp. 501-505.

“Counting and Multidimensional Poverty Measurement” (with S. Alkire), Journal of Public Economics, Volume 95, Issues 7-8, August 2011. pp. 476-487.

“Freedom, Opportunity and Wellbeing,” Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare, 2 (K. Arrow, A. Sen, and K. Suzumura, eds.), North Holland, 2010.

“The Foster-Greer-Thorbecke Poverty Measures: Twenty Five Years Later” (with J. Greer and E. Thorbecke), Journal of Economic Inequality, Volume 8, Number 4, 2010. pp. 491-524.

“Polarization and the Decline of the Middle Class: Canada and the U.S.” (with M. C. Wolfson), Journal of Economic Inequality, Volume 8, Number 2, 2010, pp. 247 – 273.

“Investing in Health: The Long-Term Impact of Head Start on Smoking” (with K. Anderson and D. Frisvold), Economic Inquiry, Volume 48, July 2010, pp. 587 – 602.

“A Class of Chronic Poverty Measures” in Poverty Dynamics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (T. Addison, D. Hulme, and R. Kanbur, eds.), Oxford University Press, 2009.

“External Capabilities” (with C. Handy) in Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen (K. Basu and R. Kanbur, eds.), Oxford University Press, 2009.

“Is Economic Growth Good for the Poor? Tracking Low Incomes Using General Means” (with M. Székely), International Economic Review, Volume 49, November 2008, pp.1143-1172.

“Inequality Measurement” in The Elgar Companion to Development Studes (D. Clark, ed.), Edward Elgar, 2006.

“Poverty Indices” in Poverty, Inequality and Development: Essays in Honor of Erik Thorbecke (A. de Janvry and R. Kanbur, eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005.

“Measuring the Distribution of Human Development: Methodology and an Application to Mexico” (with Luis F. Lopez Calva and M. Székely), Journal of Human Development, Volume 6, 2005, pp. 5-25.

“Measuring Health Inequality Using Qualitative Data” (with R. A. Allison), Journal of Health Economics, Volume 23, 2004, pp. 505-524.

“Ranking Investment Projects” (with T. Mitra), Economic Theory, Volume 22, 2003, pp. 469-494.

“Patterns of Racial Mortality and Life Expectancy from 1933 to 1999: Implications for Healthy People 2000” (with R. Levine, R. Fullilove, M. Fullilove, N. Briggs, P. Hull, B. Husaini, and C. Hennekens), Public Health Reports, Special Issue on Health Disparities, Volume 116, September-October 2001, pp. 474-483.

“Path Independent Inequality Measures” (with A. Shneyerov), Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 91, April 2000, pp. 199-222.

“Isolated and Proximate Illiteracy: And Why These Concepts Matter in Measuring Literacy and Designing Education Programs” (with K. Basu and S. Subramanian), Economic and Political Weekly, Volume 35, January 8-14, 2000.

“Lorenz Dominance and the Variance of Logarithms” (with E. A. Ok), Econometrica, Volume 67, July 1999, pp. 901-908.

“A General Class of Additively Decomposable Inequality Measures” (with A. Shneyerov), Economic Theory, Volume 14, 1999, pp. 89-111.

“On Measuring Literacy” (with K. Basu), Economic Journal, Volume 108, November 1998, pp.1733-1749.

“Absolute versus Relative Poverty” American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, Volume 88, May 1998, pp. 335-341.

“Poverty Orderings for the Dalton Utility-Gap Measures” (with Y. Jin), in The Distribution of Welfare and Household Production: International Perspectives (S. Jenkins, A. Kapteyn, B. van Praag, eds.), Cambridge University Press, 1998.

“On Economic Inequality: After a Quarter Century” (with Amartya Sen), Annex to the enlarged edition of On Economic Inequality, by Amartya Sen, Clarendon Press, 1997 (with editions in Japan, India, and Mexico).

“Complementarily Yours: Free Examination Copies and Textbook Prices” (with A. Horowitz), International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 14, 1996, pp. 85-99.

“Subgroup Consistent Poverty Indices” (with A. F. Shorrocks), Econometrica, Volume 59, May 1991, pp. 687-710.

“Learning Rational Expectations: Classical Conditions Ensure Uniqueness and Global Stability” (with M. Frierman), Economica, Volume 57, November 1990, pp. 439-453.

“Inequality and Welfare in Market Economies” (with M. Majumdar and T. Mitra), Journal of Public Economics, Volume 41, April 1990, pp. 351-367.

“Poverty Orderings and Welfare Dominance” (with A. F. Shorrocks), Social Choice and Welfare, Volume 5, 1988, pp.179-198; reprinted in Distributive Justice and Inequality (W. Gaertner and P. Pattanaik, eds.), Springer Verlag, 1988.

“Inequality and Poverty Orderings” (with A. F. Shorrocks), European Economic Review, Volume 32, 1988, pp. 654-662.

“Transfer Sensitive Inequality Measures” (with A. F. Shorrocks), Review of Economic Studies, Volume 54, July 1987, pp. 485-497.

“Inequality Measurement” in Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics (H.P. Young, ed.), American Mathematical Society, 1985.

“On Economic Poverty: A Survey of Aggregate Measures” in Advances in Econometrics, Volume 3 (R. L. Basmann and G. F. Rhodes, Jr., eds.), 1984.

“Involuntary Unemployment as a Principal-Agent Equilibrium” (with H. Wan), American Economic Review, Volume 74, June 1984, pp. 476-484; reprinted in Efficiency Wage Models of the Labor Market (G. Akerlof and J. Yellen, eds.) Cambridge University Press, 1986.

“A Class of Decomposable Poverty Measures” (with J. Greer and E.Thorbecke) Econometrica, Volume 52, May 1984, pp. 761-766; reprinted in Measurement of Inequality and Poverty (S. Subramanian, ed.), Oxford University Press, 1998; reprinted in Development Economics: Critical Concepts in Development Studies(C. Barrett, ed.), Routledge, 2007.

“An Axiomatic Characterization of the Theil Measure of Income Inequality,” Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 31, October 1983, pp. 105-121.