Current Research

Contact Information

Phone: (202) 994-8195
Fax: (202) 994-5477

Elliott School of International Affairs
1957 E St., NW
Suite 502
Washington, DC 20052

“Unidimensional Underpinnings of Multidimensional Counting Measures,” (with S. Alkire)

“Rank Robustness of Composite Indices: Dominance and Ambiguity,” (with M. McGillivray and S. Seth)

“Service Delivery Underperformance Index” (with M. Allwine)

“Analyzing Intergenerational Mobility: Measures, Curves, and Welfare” (with J. Rothbaum)

“A Framework for Measuring Inclusive Growth”

“Measuring Ultrapoverty: A New Class of Indices and an Application to Rural Ethiopia Panel Data” (with S. Smith)

“Reflections on the Human Development Index”

“On Provenance and Value” (with E. F. Fischer)

“Income Standards, Inequality and Poverty”

“Inclusive Growth in Five Asian Countries” (with M. Szekely)

“Designing the Inequality-Adjusted Human Development Index” (with S. Alkire)

“Reflections on the Human Opportunity Index” (with S. Singh)

“Poverty Lines over Time and Space” (with M. Székely)

“Evaluating Dimensional and Distributional Contributions to Multidimensional Poverty” (with S. Alkire)

“Person-Equivalent Poverty Measures” (with T. Castleman and S. Smith)