Contact Information
Phone: (202) 994-8195
Fax: (202) 994-5477
Elliott School of International Affairs
1957 E St., NW
Suite 502
Washington, DC 20052
Econ 8352-Development Economics
Major analytic concepts, measures, theoretical models, and empirical methods of development economics.
Econ 2151-Economic Development
Theories and empirical studies of the economic problems of developing countries.
IAFF 2040-Introduction to Game Theory and Strategic Thinking
A basic introduction developed with a Washington audience in mind. Co-taught with Kaushik Basu, Chief Economist at the World Bank.
I also contribute one lecture to the course World on a Plate, let by Chef Jose Andrés, and organize (with Aaditya Dar) a weekly Development Tea, which discusses recent work by faculty, friends and grad students.
Development economics,
Inequality and poverty,
Economic theory and policy
Elliott School of International Affairs Faculty Website
Institute for International Economic Policy
Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative