International Trade

IIEP and its faculty specialize in the study of international trade, examining the flow of capital, goods, and services within and across global borders. IIEP and its faculty focus on a wide variety of issues in international trade, publishing books, articles, working papers, and op-eds on the impacts of big data and AI, governance, climate change, labor, politics, law, liberalization, and globalization on international trade. IIEP hosts a multitude of events that bring together DC-area and international researchers and policymakers including the annual Washington Area International Trade Symposium (WAITS), a Trade and Development Seminar series with the GW Economics department, annual conferences on China and India, book launches, and more. IIEP also regularly partners with international trade organizations including the Washington International Trade Association (WITA) and The Association of Women in International Trade (WIIT), and hosts many current and former World Trade Organization (WTO) officials to share their knowledge with students, academics, and professionals.

Uncertainty and Trade Elasticities

Click here to view all working papers in this category. 


Dean, Adam and Jonathan Obert, “Shocked into Service: Free Trade and the American South’s Military Burden,” International Interactions, Jan 2020.

Charnovitz, Steve“How the Topsy-Turvy Trade World Affects Climate Change Cooperation” in Cool Heads in a Warming World Part Four. Yale, 2020.

Chen, Maggie, “The Value of Reputation in Trade: Evidence from Alibaba” (with Min Wu) Review of Economics and Statistics.

Dean, Adam and Simeon Kimmel. “Beyond the Sacklers: Free-trade policies contributed to the opioid epidemic,” Boston Globe, Oct 2019.

Agur, Itai with Melissa Chan, Mangal Goswami and Sunil Sharma, On international integration of emerging sovereign bond marketsEmerging Markets Review, Vol. 38, 347-363, 2019.

Dean, Adam. “Free trade doesn’t just lead to job loss. It means more deaths from drug overdoses and increased military recruitment.”, Monkey Cage, Jul 2019.

Aaronson, Susan Ariel  with Patrick Leblond, “Another Digital Divide: The Rise of Data Realms and its Implications for the WTO,” Journal of International Economic Law, Vol 21(2), 245-272, June 2018.

Kaplan, Stephen, “Fighting Past Economic Wars: Crisis and Austerity in Latin America,Latin American Research Review, Vol. 53(1), 19-37, March 2018.

Charnovitz, Steve, “John Jackson and the GATT’s Transformation,” World Trade Review, Vol. 15(3), 401-403, July 2016.

Moore, Michael O. with Mark Wu, “Antidumping and Strategic Industrial Policy: Tit-for-Tat Trade Remedies and the China–X-Ray Equipment Dispute,” World Trade Review, Vol. 14(2), 239-286, April 2015.

Pelzman, JosephPRC Outward Investment in the USA and Europe: A Model of R&D Acquisition,” Review of Development EconomicsVol. 19(1), 1-14, February 2015.

Moore, Michael O. with Jeffery L. Dunoff, “Footloose and duty-free? Reflections on European Union – Anti-Dumping Measures on Certain Footwear from China,”  World Trade Review, Vol . 13(2), 149-178, April 2014.

Chen, Maggie Xiaoyang“The Matching of Heterogeneous Firms and Politicians,”Economic Inquiry, 2013, vol. 51(2), pp. 1502-1522.

Chen, Maggie Xiaoyang with Alfaro, Laura “Surviving the Global Financial Crisis: Foreign Ownership and Establishment Performance,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Vol. 4(3), pp. 30-55. 2012.

Chen, Maggie Xiaoyang, with Murat Iyigun, “Patent Protection And Strategic Delays In Technology Development: Implications For Economic Growth,” Southern Economic Journal Vol. 78 No. 1, pp. 211-232. 2011.

Chen, Maggie Xiaoyang “Interdependence in multinational production networks,”Canadian Journal of EconomicsVol. 44 No. 3, pp. 930-956. 2011.

Moore, Michael O.“Implementing Carbon Tariffs: A Fool’s Errand?” The World Economy Vol. 34, pp. 1679-1702. 2011.

Moore, Michael O. with Maurizio Zanardi, “Does Reduced Trade Tax Revenue Affect Government Spending Patterns?” International Tax and Public Finance Vol. 18 No. 5, pp. 555-79. 2011.

Moore, Michael O., with Maurizio Zanardi, “Trade Liberalization and Antidumping: Is There a Substitution Effect?,”Review of Development Economics Vol. 15 No. 4, pp. 601-619. 2011.

Moore, Michael O. “Argentina: There and Back Again” in The Great Recession and Import Protection, Chad P. Bown (ed.), World Bank, 2011.

Pelzman, Joseph and Amir Shoham. “What’s New in Our World? Thinking about the Great Recession,” editor Special Edition. Global Economy Journal, May 2011.

Chen, Maggie X., and Sumit Joshi, “Third-Country Effects On The Formation Of Free Trade Agreements,”Journal Of International Economics Vol. 82 No. 2, pp. 238-248. 2010.

Moore, Michael O., with Alan K. Fox, “Why Don’t Foreign Firms Cooperate In US Antidumping Investigations? An Empirical Analysis,” Review Of World Economics/Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv Vol. 145 No. 4, pp. 597-613. 2010.

Pelzman, Joseph, with Amir Shoham, “Measuring The Welfare Effects Of Country Of Origin Rules: A Suggested Methodology,” Global Economy Journal Vol. 10 No. 1. 2010.

Pelzman, Joseph, with Amir Shoham, “Comparison of PRC and Vietnam’s Responses to the Elimination of US Textile and Apparel Quotas: Economic and Cultural Perspectives,” International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, Vol. 2 No. 4, pp. 385-408. 2010.

Chen, Maggie X. and Michael O. Moore, “Location Decision of Heterogeneous Multinational Firms,” Journal of International Economics, Vol. 80, No. 2, pp. 188-199 . March 2010

Pelzman, Joseph, with Amir Shoham, “WTO DSU: Enforcement Issues,” in James Hartigan (ed.) Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Vol. 6 No. 15. Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the WTO: An Interdisciplinary Assessment. London: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. pp. 369-395. 2009.

Chen, Maggie X., “Regional Economic Integration and Geographic Concentration of Multinational Firms,” European Economic Review, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 355-375, April 2009.

Chen, Maggie X., “Standards and Export Decisions: Firm-Level Evidence from Developing Countries” with Tsunehiro Otsuki and John S. Wilson, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 501-523 (2008).

Aaronson, Susan, “On Righting Trade: Human Rights and the 2008 Elections,P D F iconWorld Policy Journal, Winter 2007/08, 19-28.

Chen, Maggie X., “Regionalism in Standards: Good or Bad for Trade?” with Aaditya Mattoo, Canadian Journal of Economics, August 2008, Issue 41(3), pp. 838-863.

Aaronson, Susan, “The World Trade Organization and Human Rights,” World Trade Review, Novermber 2007, Vol. 6, #3, 413-449.

Aaronson, Susan, “A Match Made in the Corporate and Public Interest: Marrying Voluntary CSR Initiatives and the WTO,” Journal of World Trade, June 2007, Vol. 41, No. 3.

Charnovitz, Steve, “The WTO’s Environmental Progress,” Journal of International Economic Law, September 2007.

Moore, Michael O. with Alissa Belotti, “Initiating U.S. Free Trade Partners: How Do Potential Partners Stack Up?” International Trade Journal, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 161-189, April 2007.

Moore, Michael O., “Antidumping Reform in the Doha Round: A Pessimistic Assessment” Pacific Economic Review, vol. 12, no. 357-379. August 2007.

Pelzman, Joseph with Amir Shoham, “WTO Enforcement Issues,” Global Economy Journal, vol. 7, issue 1, pp. 1-25, 2007.

Aaronson, Susan, “Fair Trade? How Oxfam Presented a Systemic Approach to Globalization, Human Rights and Development,” Human Rights Quarterly, November 2006, Vol. 28, No. 4, 998-1030.

Charnovitz, Steve, “Taiwan’s WTO Membership and Its International Implications,” Asian Journal of the WTO and International Health Law & Policy, September 2006.

Moore, Michael O., “U.S. Facts-Available Antidumping Decisions: An Empirical Analysis,” European Journal of Political Economy, vol. 22, issue 3, pp. 639-52, September 2006.

Moore, Michael O., “An Econometric Analysis of U.S. Antidumping Sunset Review Decisions,” Review of World Economics/Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, vol. 142, issue 1, pp. 122-50 2006.

Pelzman, Joseph with Amir Shoham, “De-linking the Relationship between Trade Liberalization and Reduced Domestic Fiscal Budgets: The Experience of the Israeli Economy: 1984-2005,” Global Economy Journal,, vol. 6, issue 3, pp. 1-46 2006.

Sell, Susan,”Intellectual Property and the Doha Development Agenda” Global Social Policy, vol. 6, issue 2, pp. 147-150, August 2006.

Aaronson, Susan, “Minding Our Business: What the US has Done and Can Do to Ensure that its Multinationals Act Responsibility,” Journal of Business Ethics, June 2005, Vol. 59, 175-198.

Charnovitz, Steve, “Belgian Family Allowances and the Challenge of Origin-Based Discrimination,” World Trade Review, March 2005.

Charnovitz, Steve, “An Analysis of Pascal Lamy’s Proposal on Collective Preferences,” Journal of International Economic Law, June 2005.

Moore, Michael O., “VERs and Price Undertakings under the WTO,” Review of International Economics, vol. 13, issue 2, pp. 298-310, May 2005.

Moore, Michael O. “‘Facts Available’ Dumping Allegations: When Will Foreign Firms Cooperate in Antidumping Petitions?” European Journal of Political Economy, vol. 21, issue 1, pp. 185-204, March 2005.

Charnovitz, Steve, “Transparency and Participation in the World Trade Organization,” Rutgers Law Review, Summer 2004.

Moore, Michael O. with Philippe Kohler, “Domestic Welfare Effects of Foreign Strategic Trade Policies,” Journal of Economic Integration, vol. 18, issue 3, pp. 573-86, September 2003.

Sell, Susan “Trade Issues and HIV/AIDS” Emory International Law Journal 17:2, pp. 933- 954, Summer 2003.

Moore, Michael O., “Department of Commerce Administration of Antidumping Sunset Reviews — A First Assessment,”Journal of World Trade, vol. 36, issue 4, pp. 675-98, August 2002.

Sell, Susan, “TRIPS and the Access to Medicines Campaign,” Wisconsin International Law Journal, 20: 2, pp. 481-522, Summer 2002.

Sell, Susan, “Industry Strategies for Intellectual Property and Trade: The Quest for TRIPS and Post-TRIPS Strategies”, Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law, 10, pp. 79-108, 2002.

Sell, Susan, “Post-TRIPS Developments: The Tension between Commercial and Social Agendas in the Context of Intellectual Property,” Florida Journal of International LawVol. 14, pp.193-216, Spring 2002.

Smith, Stephen C., with Edward Feasel and Yongbeom Kim, “Investment, Exports, and Output in South Korea: A VAR Approach to Growth Empirics,” Review of Development Economics, vol. 5, issue 3, pp. 421-32, October 2001.








Susan Aaronson

Research Professor of International Affairs

Personal Site

Expertise: economic growth and human rights, digital trade and internet governance, global trade, free trade agreements, WTO

Education: Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins

Categories of Work: U.S.-China Economic Relations, Global Economic Governance, International Trade 

Steve Charnovitz

Associate Professor of Law

Personal Site

Expertise: International Trade, International Labor Law, International Law, U.S. Foreign Relations Law, Environmental Sustainability

Education: J.D. from Yale University, M.P.P. from Harvard University

Categories of Work: Global Economic Governance, International Trade


Maggie Chen

Professor of Economics and International Affairs

Personal Site

Expertise: International trade, foreign direct investment, and regionalism

Education: Ph.D. from University of Colorado at Boulder

Categories of Work: U.S.-China Economic Relations, International Trade, International Finance


Reid Click

Associate Professor of International Business and International Affairs, Director of International Studies and the Center for International Business Education and Research

Personal Site

Expertise: International corporate finance

Education: Ph.D. from University of Chicago

Categories of Work: Development Economics and Poverty Alleviation

pic of Adam dean

Adam Dean

Assistant Professor of Political Science

Personal Site

Expertise: political economy of international trade, labor politics, and American Political Development

Education: Ph.D. from University of Chicago

Categories of WorkDevelopment Economics and Poverty AlleviationInternational Trade


Stephen Kaplan

Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Personal Site

Expertise: Political economy of global markets and development, politics of macroeconomic policymaking, Latin American politics

Education: Ph.D from Yale University

Categories of Work: U.S.-China Economic Relations, Global Economic Governance, International Finance, International Trade


Joseph Pelzman

Professor of Economics and International Affairs; Professorial Lecturer of Law

Personal Site

Expertise: International trade, international trade law, trade liberalization, tax reform

Education: Ph.D from Boston College

Categories of Work: U.S.-China Economic Relations, Global Economic Governance, International Trade

Jennifer W. Spencer

Associate Professor of International Business and International Affairs and Director, Center for International Business Education and Research (GW-CIBER)

Personal Site

Expertise: knowledge spillovers from multinational enterprises, knowledge diffusion and knowledge sharing, international entrepreneurship, emergence of high technology industries

Education: Ph.D. from University of Minnesota

Categories of WorkInternational TradeInternational Finance


Steve Suranovic 

Associate Professor of Economics and International Affairs, Director International Trade and Investment Policy Program (July 2012 – 2014)

Personal Site

Expertise: International trade, international trade policy analysis, fairness in international trade

Education: Ph.D. from Cornell University

Categories of Work: U.S.-China Economic Relations, Global Economic Governance, International Trade

pic of Ariel Weinberg

Ariel Weinberger

Assistant Professor of International Business

Personal Site

Expertise: trade and macro, with specialization in settings with firm heterogeneity and variable market power

Education: Ph.D. from University of California, Davis

Categories of Work: Global Economic GovernanceInternational TradeInternational Economic Policy

Yingyan Zhao

Assistant Professor

Personal Site

Expertise: international trade, development economics, and industrial organization

Education: Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University

Categories of Work: International TradeDevelopment, Poverty, and Inequality

Click here to view more recent events in this category

8th Annual Washington Area International Trade Symposium (WAITS)
Friday, April 27, 2018
9:00AM – 6:15PM

Brazilian Trade Policy: Standards and Strategy
Aluisio De-Lima Campos (ABCI Institute) and Diego Eugencio Pizetta (NIST)
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
7:00PM – 9:00PM

A Fresh Look at Digital Trade in North America
Susan Aaronson, Jessica Nicholson, Carl Schonander
Friday, December 1, 2017
12:00PM – 2:00PM

NAFTA Renegotiation: International Trade and Arbitration Going Forward
Thursday, November 16, 2017
12:00PM – 1:30PM

“How Tight are Malthusian Constraints?”
Dietrich Vollrath (University of Houston)
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
12:30PM – 2:00PM

“Ageing Poorly? Accounting for the Decline in Earnings Inequality in Brazil, 1995-2012”
Francisco Ferreira
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
12:30 PM – 2:00PM

“A Value Based Approach to the Economy: Introducing the Notion of Shared Goods”
Arjo Klamer, Erasmus Univeristy
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
12:30PM – 2:00PM

“Inequality, Redistribution and the Rise of Outsider Candidates”

Leyla D. Karakas, Syracuse University
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
12:30PM – 2:00PM