The COVID-19 pandemic is an international event, an international crisis, and demands a response from all areas of expertise, including our own. The crisis impacts everything, and is related to each of our areas of study and initiatives. Our experts are actively engaged in providing high-quality, non-partisan, and rigorous analysis and commentary on the COVID-19 crisis from a variety of perspectives, including economic, financial, legal, historical, geographic, and social, among others. Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, IIEP experts have authored or been cited in more than 195 articles. Below you will find a selection of featured content and experts, as well as links to a comprehensive archive. Our affiliates actively seek to develop effective policy options and inform the public discussion, backed by rigorous academic analysis. Please revisit this page for regular updates, and you can also follow our work on Twitter and Facebook.
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Featured Articles

6/1/20: Reckoning with Systemic Hazards by Sunil Sharma
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11/20/20: Mnuchin, GOP Leaders to Discuss Stimulus Amid Fed Funding Decision
features Steven Skancke
6/4/20: Professor Jay Shambaugh Discusses the Economic Impacts of COVID-19
features Jay Shambaugh and James E. Foster (IIEP)
5/28/20: Professor Maggie Chen Discusses the Economic Impacts of COVID-19 features Maggie Chen and James E. Foster (IIEP)
5/11/20: Professor Steven Hamilton Discusses the Economic Impacts of COVID-19 features Steven Hamilton and James E. Foster (IIEP)
Watch More Videos
5/26/20: Will Covid-19 Raise Inequality? Pannel Discussion features James Foster, Lucia Rafanelli, Remi Jedwab, and Trevor Jackson
5/5/20: Global Income Inequality: Current Developments and Their Political Implications features James Foster
4/29/20: Elliot Experts Weigh In: The Impact of Covid 19 on Global Financial Markets features James E. Foster
4/21/20: The Fiscal Response to COVID19 Panel Discussion features Steven Hamilton (Economic Society of Australia)
4/1/20: Unemployment Insurance During the COVID-19 Pandemic features Jay Shambaugh (The Hamilton Project)
3/12/20: Neoliberal Project’s Quarantine Stream Day 1 features Steven Hamilton
Weekly Breakdown of COVID-19 Articles
Week 52 (1 Article)
4/28/21 in New York Times: Automatic Aid for the People? How Jobless Benefits Can Fit the Economy. mentions Jay Shambaugh
Week 51 (3 Articles)
4/22/21 in Reuters: Analysis: The housing boom, central banks and the inflation conundrum mentions Danny Leipziger
4/22/21 in Bloomberg: Rising Incomes Render Republican Strategy Obsolete mentions Jay Shambaugh
4/21/21 in The Age: Politicising action on climate has to stop mentions Steven Hamilton
Week 50 (3 Articles)
4/16/21 in The Sydney Morning Herald: Did Austrailia get its vaccine strategy right? mentions Steven Hamilton
4/16/21 in The Sydney Morning Herald: Delayed vaccination rollout will cost Australia ‘tens of billions’, say economists mentions Steven Hamilton
4/14/21 in The New Daily: Did Australia make the wrong choice with AstraZeneca? mentions Steven Hamilton
Week 49 (4 Articles)
4/9/21 in The Sydney Morning Herald: Let’s not panic about Australia’s vaccine rollout … yet mentions Steven Hamilton
4/7/21 in The Sydney Morning Herald: ‘Crucial but not beyond reproach’: Labor joins calls for review of RBA mentions Steven Hamilton
4/5/21 in Pedestrian: The PM’s COVID Vaccine Rollout Is Now Being Labelled An ‘Unmitigated Disaster’ & Honestly, Yep mentions Steven Hamilton
4/5/21 in The Age: Our vaccine rollout is a disaster – here’s how to fix it by Steven Hamilton
Week 48 (3 Articles)
4/4/21 in The Sydney Morning Herald: ‘World will move on without us’: Business, economists want to speed up vaccine rollout mentions Steven Hamilton
4/2/21 in Croakey: Australia’s vaccine rollout has so far been overhyped and under-delivered mentions Steven Hamilton
3/30/21 in Marketplace: Inflation is about more than a number mentions Tara Sinclair
Week 47 (2 Articles)
3/24/21 in Australian Financial Review: To win the vaccine rollout race we must start sprinting by Steven Hamilton
3/22/21 in Indiana Gazette: 7 Ways to Help Recession-proof your Finances after the Pandemic mentions Tara Sinclair
Week 46 (1 Articles)
3/18/21 in Australian Financial Review: Will Frydenberg’s Legacy end with the Pandemic? by Steven Hamilton
Week 45 (2 Articles)
3/12/21 in Sydney Morning Herald: Vaccine complacency threatens to undo Australia’s hard work by Steven Hamilton
3/8/21 in Sydney Morning Herald: Australia is within its rights to stand up to Europe on vaccines by Steven Hamilton
Week 44 (5 Articles)
3/4/21 in The Australian: Accusations of ‘stingy’ dole rise miss the point mentions Steven Hamilton
2/24/21 in ABC News: The JobKeeper program ends soon. Here’s what could replace it mentions Steven Hamilton
2/21/21 in Mirage: JobSeeker overhaul could see introduction of unemployment insurance mentions Steven Hamilton
2/24/21 in Deccan Herald: US looking at ‘supercharged’ post Covid-19 Boom mentions Tara Sinclair
2/22/21 in New York Times: On the Post-Pandemic Horizon, Could That Be … a Boom? mentions Tara Sinclair
Week 44 (5 Articles)
3/4/21 in The Australian: Accusations of ‘stingy’ dole rise miss the point mentions Steven Hamilton
2/24/21 in ABC News: The JobKeeper program ends soon. Here’s what could replace it mentions Steven Hamilton
2/21/21 in Mirage: JobSeeker overhaul could see introduction of unemployment insurance mentions Steven Hamilton
2/24/21 in Deccan Herald: US looking at ‘supercharged’ post Covid-19 Boom mentions Tara Sinclair
2/22/21 in New York Times: On the Post-Pandemic Horizon, Could That Be … a Boom? mentions Tara Sinclair
Week 43 (5 Articles)
2/19/21 in National Review: Biden’s Stimulus Risks Shortening the Recovery mentions Jay Shambaugh
2/18/21 in Financial Review: To find the third way on welfare, follow the Germans mentions Steven Hamilton
2/17/21 in The Guardian: Offering newly jobless five times as much as long-term unemployed would fail ‘most in need’ mentions Steven Hamilton
2/16/21 in The New Daily: Two-tiered ‘JobMatcher’ benefit should replace JobSeeker: Think tank mentions Steven Hamilton
2/16/21 in The Sydney Morning Herald: Unemployment insurance scheme floated as part of JobSeeker overhaul mentions Steven Hamilton
Week 42 (2 Articles)
2/14/21 in The New Daily: Economists call for more stimulus to replace JobKeeper mentions Steven Hamilton
2/12/21 in PolitiFact: COVID-19 aid for states and localities: How dire is the need? mentions Jay Shambaugh
Week 41 (8 Articles)
2/1/21 in Sydney Morning Herald: ‘Whatever it takes’: Vaccine strategy needs urgent rethink by Steven Hamilton
1/29/21 in The New Daily: Why higher household savings won’t guarantee our economic recovery mentions Steven Hamilton
1/29/21 in Tampa Bay Times: How healthy is the economy Joe Biden is inheriting? mentions Tara Sinclair
1/28/21 in Mother Jones: Biden’s Top Economist Has Studied Inequality for 3 Decades. That Could Come in Handy. mentions Jay Shambaugh
1/28/21 in PolitiFact: How healthy is the economy Joe Biden is inheriting? mentions Tara Sinclair
1/28/21 in The New Daily: ‘Multibillion-dollar risk’ for economy if vaccines are delayed by Steven Hamilton
1/27/21 in Marketplace: Letting the economy run hot mentions Tara Sinclair
1/21/21 in Economics Observatory: Past plagues: why did some create conflict while others promoted cohesion? by Remi Jedwab
Week 40 (7 Articles)
1/17/21 in TIME: The Challenges Posed By COVID-19 Pushed Many Workers to Strike. Will the Labor Movement See Sustained Interest? mentions Adam Dean
1/16/21 in Haberler: Son dakika haberi… Pandemiyi fırsata çeviren korona işler mentions Steven Hamilton
1/15/21 in The Economic Times: View: Emphasizing common interests and understanding differences are key to cementing US-India ties by Ajay Chhibber
1/14/21 in The New Daily: JobKeeper will end in March. But do economists believe that’s a good idea? mentions Steven Hamilton
1/13/21 in The Mandarin: How Australia can phase out coal power while maintaining energy security by Steven Hamilton
1/12/21 in Forbes: American Women Lost More Than 5 Million Jobs In 2020 mentions Tara Sinclair
1/11/21 in The Economic Times: Budget 2021: Lessons for Nirmala Sitharaman from India’s favourite game by Ajay Chhibber
Week 36 (3 Articles)
11/18/20 in Wall Street Journal: In the Covid Economy, Laid-Off Employees Become New Entrepreneurs mentions Steven Hamilton
11/01/20 in Global Village Space: Pandemic jolts governments away from Neoliberalism mentions Danny Leipziger
10/30/20 in Baltimore Business Journal: Economy’s big rebound leaves a shortfall as progress slows mentions Tara Sinclair
Week 39 (3 Articles)
1/08/21 in New York Times: Jobs Recovery Goes Into Reverse as Pandemic Takes a New Toll mentions Tara Sinclair
1/05/21 in Voice of America: Rising Debt Triggers Growing Alarm, Especially for Poorer Nations mentions Danny Leipziger
12/31/20 in Sozcu: Pandemi ekonomisi yeni girişimciler yaratıyor mentions Steven Hamilton
Week 38 (4 Articles)
12/21/20 in The New York Times (США): как поживает экономика США? mentions Steven Hamilton
12/21/20 in SeekingAlpha: Portfolio Capital Flows To Emerging Markets Amid The Pandemic mentions Danny Leipziger
12/18/20 in Finance & Commerce: How is the U.S. economy actually doing? mentions Steven Hamilton
12/17/20 in New York Times: How the Economy Is Actually Doing, in 9 Charts mentions Steven Hamilton
Week 37 (3 Articles)
12/14/20 in 苹果新闻: 疫情轉型潮●專題|被裁人士用一技之長創業 自由身工作賺更多 抗拒再打工 mentions Steven Hamilton
12/08/20 in The Fiscal Times: Pelosi Rejects McConnell Offer on Covid Relief mentions Danny Leipziger
12/08/20 in Project Syndicate: The Pandemic Public-Debt Dilemma mentions Danny Leipziger
Week 36 (4 Articles)
11/19/20 in VNE Express: Bị sa thải và tự trở thành doanh nhân mùa dịch mentions Steven Hamilton
11/18/20 in Wall Street Journal: In the Covid Economy, Laid-Off Employees Become New Entrepreneurs mentions Steven Hamilton
11/01/20 in Global Village Space: Pandemic jolts governments away from Neoliberalism mentions Danny Leipziger
10/30/20 in Baltimore Business Journal: Economy’s big rebound leaves a shortfall as progress slows mentions Tara Sinclair
Week 35 (4 Articles)
10/29/20 in New York Times: U.S. Economy Makes Record Gains, but Problems Remain: Live Updates mentions Tara Sinclair
10/29/20 in Forbes: That Blockbuster GDP Number Doesn’t Mean We’re Out Of The Woods mentions Jay Shambaugh
10/28/20 in Axios: Economists throw cold water on Q3 GDP expectations mentions Jay Shambaugh
10/26/20 in Brookings: Don’t let flashy 3rd quarter GDP growth fool you, the economy is still in a big hole by Jay Shambaugh
Week 34 (2 Articles)
10/22/20: Central public sector with the pandemic by Alessandra Fenizia
10/19/20 in Econofact: Understanding Economic Recovery Policies in the COVID-19 Era features Jay Shambaugh
Week 33 (2 Articles)
10/15/20 in The Tampa Bay Times: The push for a $15 minimum wage in Florida was winning. Can it survive COVID-19? mentions Jay Shambaugh
10/13/20 in Econofact: The Role of Automatic Stabilizers in Fighting Recessions mentions author Jay Shambaugh
Week 32 (2 Articles)
10/7/20 in New York Times: New Stimulus Hopes Fade While Economic Risks Grow mentions Jay Shambaugh
10/7/20 in Marketplace: Without more relief spending, the recovery’s likely to stall mentions Jay Shambaugh
Week 31 (2 Articles)
10/3/20 in New York Times: Workers Face Permanent Job Losses as the Virus Persists mentions Jay Shambaugh
9/27/20 in PYMNTS: New US Businesses Up 12 Pct, Highest Since 2007 mentions Steven Hamilton
Week 30 (4 Articles)
9/26/20 in Wall Street Journal: Is It Insane to Start a Business During Coronavirus? Millions of Americans Don’t Think So mentions Steven Hamilton
9/24/20 in New York Times: Why the U.S. Risks Repeating 2009’s Economic Stimulus Mistakes mentions Tara Sinclair
9/20/20 in Business Insider: Trump threw stimulus checks back into play and called for a large economic aid package — but Republicans still aren’t backing more spending mentions Jay Shambaugh
9/20/20 in Sioux City Journal: Iowa Trump, Biden voters agree on need for small business pandemic aid mentions Steven Hamilton
Week 29 (6 Articles)
9/18/20 in Yahoo Finance: White House backs $1.5T virus package as GOP falls silent on deal features Jay Shambuagh
9/17/20 in New York Times: Playing Politics With a Vaccine mentions Jay Shambaugh
9/17/20 in Washington Post: Brookings Says $17,000 Tax Credits Would Aid Firms More Than PPP mentions Steven Hamilton
9/17/20 in New York Times: People Need Money Now. A $1.5 Trillion Deal Can Make It Happen by Jay Shambaugh
9/17/20 in Washington Post: Small businesses can drive the economic recovery — with our help by Steven Hamilton
9/15/20: An Open Letter by Australian Economists on Tradeoffs During the COVID-19 Crisis by Steven Hamilton
Week 28 (1 Article)
9/6/20 in Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Businesses pay dividends and bonuses from the profits generated by JobKeeper mentions Steven Hamilton
Week 27 (1 Article)
9/1/20 in Axios: Jobs are coming back — but many industries are still struggling mentions Tara Sinclair
Week 26 (3 Articles)
8/28/20 in Gage: People won’t die due to the disease; they will die due to hunger’: exploring the impacts of covid-19 on Rohingya and Bangladeshi adolescents in Cox’s Bazar by Sarah Baird and Jennifer Seager
8/27/20 in Indeed Hiring Lab: Indeed Survey: Urgent Job Search in the Time of COVID-19 by Tara Sinclair
8/25/20 in FiveThirtyEight: Even With A Vaccine, The Economy Could Take Many Months To Return To Normal mentions Tara Sinclair
Week 25 (4 Articles)
8/22/20 in Financial Times: Trump’s executive orders provide little money for jobless mentions Jay Shambaugh
8/21/20 in Baron’s: The Next Big Test for the Economy: Getting America Back to School mentions Tara Sinclair
8/21/20 in Financial Times: ‘Difficult decisions’ ahead as UK public debt tops record £2tn mentions Jay Shambaugh
8/21/20 in Financial Times: Governments puzzle over how to unwind job protection schemes mentions Jay Shambaugh
Week 24 (1 Article)
8/11/20 in Economic Times: The virus has seriously exposed the limits of populism. But will the pandemic push it against the wall? by Ajay Chhibber
Week 23 (1 Article)
8/6/20 in Marketplace: Using coronavirus relief to pay down credit cards mentions Jay Shambaugh
Week 22 (6 Articles)
7/3120 in Slate: The Extremely Boring Idea That Could Save the Economy mentions Jay Shambaugh
7/30/20 in BBC: US economy suffers sharpest contraction in decades features Tara Sinclair
7/30/20 in New York Times: A Collapse That Wiped Out 5 Years of Growth, With No Bounce in Sight mentions Tara Sinclair
7/30/20 in Marketplace: Let’s (sigh) do the numbers features Tara Sinclair
7/30/20 in Axios: The coronavirus pandemic has already caused lasting economic damage mentions Jay Shambuagh
7/27/20 in Phoenix TV South Pacific & Australia: 澳经济学家:政府应不惜余力恢复经济 features Steven Hamilton
Week 21 (1 Article)
7/21/20 in BBN Times: Some Ways the Pandemic Could Alter the Shape of the US Economy mentions Jay Shambaugh
Week 20 (4 Articles)
7/17/20 in Newsweek: Trump Demands Payroll Tax Cut in Stimulus Bill. But Is It Value for Money? mentions Steven Hamilton
7/16/20 in Brookings: How the Pandemic is Changing the Economy by Jay Shambaugh
7/16/20 at Australian National University: Data, data science and COVID-19 features Tara Sinclair
7/12/20 in Pymnts: Economists Say 68 Pct Of Unemployed Workers Collected More Than Their Regular Wages mentions Jay Shambaugh
Week 19 (2 Articles)
7/11/20 in Financial Times: US heads for fiscal cliff as stimulus fades mentions Jay Shambaugh
7/6/20 in National Tax Journal: A tale of two wage subsidies: The American and Australian fiscal responses to COVID-19 by Steven Hamilton
Week 18 (3 Articles)
7/1/20 in The Nation: Diaspora Organizations Are Stepping Into the Void on Covid-19 mentions Jennifer Brinkerhoff
6/30/20 in The Hamilton Project: Who are the potentially misclassified in the Employment Report? by Jay Shambaugh
6/30/30 in The Brookings Institution: Who are the potentially misclassified in the Employment Report? by Jay Shambaugh
Week 17 (3 Articles)
6/26/20 in Jared Bernstein Blog: Hey, Senators! The case for extending Unemployment Insurance benefits is air tight mentions Jay Shambaugh
6/24/20 in Politifact: Fact-checking Biden’s comments on COVID-19 small business closures mentions Tara Sinclair
6/24/20 in Politifact: Fact-checking Biden’s comments on COVID-19 small business closures mentions Bryan Stewart
6/24/20 in New York Times: Why Do We Pay So Many People So Little Money? mentions Jay Shambaugh
6/22/20 in USA Today: Bye $600 jobless benefit, eviction reprieve, cash for small firms. COVID-19 relief ending mentions Jay Shambaugh
Week 16 (8 Articles)
6/19/20 in The Sydney Morning Herald: From bulbs to free parking: How the states have dealt with COVID-19 mentions Steven Hamilton
6/19/20 in FiveThirtyEight: The Economy Is A Mess. So Why Isn’t The Stock Market? mentions Tara Sinclair
6/19/20 in CNBC: A tale of two recessions: Some Americans thrive as others suffer mentions Jay Shambaugh
6/19/20 in MarketPlace: Why is Unemployment Still so High? mentions Jay Shambaugh
6/17/20 in Brookings: The slowdown in productivity growth and policies that can restore it by Jay Shambaugh
6/17/20 in The Elliott School: Coronavirus and International Trade: How Policies Affected Medical Supplies features Susan Aaronson
6/17/20 in The Brookings Institution: The slowdown in productivity growth and policies that can restore it by Jay Shambaugh
6/16/20 in World Politics Review: U.S.-China Tensions and Pandemic Fallout Collide in the Race to Lead the WTO mentions Kimberly Ann Elliot
6/16/20 in CNBC: There are more people getting unemployment benefits than there are unemployed workers mentions Jay Shambaugh
Week 15 (5 Articles)
6/13/20 in WMFE: Your Saturday Update: CDC Recommendations for Protests, Some Churches Offer Coronavirus Testing, When Kids Have Questions About COVID-19 mentions Danny Leipziger
6/12/20 in NPR: World Bank: Recession Is The Deepest In Decades mentions Danny Leipziger
6/9/20 in NBC: The US is officially in a recession. But will it actually become a depression? mentions Jay Shambaugh
6/9/20 in Australian Broadcast Corporation News: JobKeeper changes are on the way, and businesses other than child care could stop getting payments for workers mentions Steven Hamilton
6/9/20 in 6PR882 Radio: Six Months of JobKeeper was wrong features Steven Hamilton
Week 14 (10 Articles)
6/6/20 in Salon: Haven’t gotten your unemployment check? That’s intentional mentions Jay Shambaugh
6/5/20 in FiveThirtyEight: A Good Jobs report Does Not Mean a Rigged Jobs Report mentions Tara Sinclair
6/5/20 in Commercial Observer: Unemployment Rate Falls in May with an Increase of 2.5M Jobs mentions Jay Shambaugh
6/4/20 in Stamford Advocate: The U.S. economic slide is likely bottoming out, but a recovery could take years mentions Jay Shambaugh
6/4/20 in The Hamilton Project: Examining Options to Boost Essential Worker Wages during the Pandemic by Jay Shambaugh
6/3/20 in The Conversation: Economic snap back? Not so fast by Steven Hamilton
6/3/20 in KYW News: Nearly one-third of unemployment benefits have not been paid out yet by Jay Shambaugh
6/2/20 in Bloomberg: Unemployment Due to Coronavirus: A Third of Payments Not Paid Out mentions Jay Shambaugh
6/1/20 in IMF Blog: A Turning Point for Political Economy mentions Sunil Sharma
6/1/20 in IMF, Finance and Development: Reckoning with Systemic Hazards by Sunil Sharma
Week 13 (6 Articles)
5/30/20 in The Union Journal: Salt on the wound of inequality: coronavirus widens the economic gap mentions James Foster
5/28/20 in GW CCAS: Researchers Follow Social Distancing’s Path mentions Michael Mann
5/28/20 in New York Times: Millions Relying on Pandemic Aid Can See Its End, and They’re Scared mentions Jay Shambaugh
5/26/20 in Australian Financial Review: How to make JobKeeper work through a long recovery by Steven Hamilton
5/25/20 in Business Insider India: The workers that make your food put their lives on the line during pandemic. Whether they’re protected now is up to you. mentions Jay Shambaugh
5/24/20 in The Sydney Morning Herald: PM, economists look beyond JobKeeper – and its $60b bungle mentions Steven Hamilton
Week 12 (8 Articles)
5/22/20 in Washington Post: Nearly every state had historic levels of unemployment last month, new data shows mentions Tara Sinclair
5/21/20 in The Skimm/Skimm This: More To Come: What Experts Say Congress Should Focus On features (podcast) Jay Shambaugh
5/21/20 in MarketPlace: This crisis is hard on us. It’s even harder on countries that aren’t rich. features (podcast) Stephen Kaplan
5/20/20 in Economic Times: View: India has been forced a reset by Covid-19, especially its political economy of reform by Ajay Chhibber
5/19/20 in WBFO News: We Can’t Take Your Call: Uber Drivers, Other Gig Workers Struggle For Unemployment mentions Jay Shambaugh
5/19/20 in World Police Review: No, Trump’s Trade Policies Still Won’t Save American Manufacturing by Kimberly Ann Elliott
5/19/20 in CNBC: Unemployment is nearing Great Depression levels. Here’s how the eras are similar — and different mentions Jay Shambaugh
5/19/20 in Marketplace: Half of Americans who lost work or wages are getting $0 jobless benefits mentions Jay Shambaugh
5/17/20 in The Sydney Morning Herald: Scheme is flawed but JobKeeper promises need to be honoured by Steven Hamilton
Week 11 (8 Articles)
5/16/20 in Voice of Action: ‘Horrific’ underemployment but the worst is yet to come mentions Steven Hamilton
5/15/20 in WRAL: Fact check: Has 50% of U.S. workforce been ‘idled’ by coronavirus? mentions Tara Sinclair
5/15/20 in CNBC: Study finds 44% of U.S. unemployment applicants have been denied or are still waiting mentions Jay Shambaugh
5/14/20 in The Atlantic Council: Can India make an opportunity out of crisis? by Ajay Chhibber
5/14/20 in CNBC: Americans got $48 billion in unemployment benefits last month. It could have been double mentions Jay Shambaugh
5/14/20 in Seeking Alpha: Coronavirus Slams Global Economy: Interview with Prof. Tara Sinclair mentions Tara Sinclair
5/13/20 in The Hamilton Project: Incomes Have Crashed. How Much Has Unemployment Insurance Helped? by Jay Shambaugh
5/13/20 in The Conversation: How to Tweak JobKeeper if we Must by Steven Hamilton
Week 10 (2 Articles)
5/7/20 in Newsweek: Trump Thinks Tax Cuts in Second Stimulus Package Will Provide a Path to Economic Recovery – Experts Disagree features Steven Hamilton
5/3/20 in The Financial Express: Coordinating Covid-Response: Global coordination needed to tackle Covid-19 crisis by Ajay Chhibber
Week 9 (4 Articles)
4/30/20 in The Washington Post: 3.8 million Americans sought jobless benefits last week, extending pandemic’s grip on the national workforce mentions Tara Sinclair
4/29/20 in The New York Times: Worst Economy in a Decade. What’s Next? ‘Worst in Our Lifetime.’ mentions Tara Sinclair
4/29/20 in Foreign Policy: Terminal Deflation is coming by Trevor Jackson
4/28/20 in The Brookings Institution: The next COVID-19 relief bill must include massive aid to states, especially the hardest-hit areas mentions Bryan Stuart
Week 8 (11 Articles)
4/24/20 in Time: The Government’s Small Business Loan Program Is Lending Money Again. Here’s How to Apply mentions Steven Hamilton
4/22/20 in The Brookings Institution: Global solutions to global ‘bads’: 2 practical proposals to help developing countries deal with the COVID-19 pandemic by Ajay Chhibber
4/21/20 in FiveThirtyEight: Even Without A Pandemic, It’s Hard To Forecast A Recession mentions Tara Sinclair
4/21/20 in Crawford School of Public Policy, Tax and Transfer Policy Institute: Taxes and transfers in the time of COVID-19: A brownbag with Robert Breunig and Steven Hamilton features Steven Hamilton
4/20/20 in Coronavirus: Economists warn Morrison Government against relaxing restrictions, as Grattan report estimates virus will smash Australian jobs mentions Steven Hamilton
4/20/20 in The Sydney Morning Herald: Economists warn PM against ending social distancing as job losses grow mentions Steven Hamilton
4/20/20 in The Hamilton Project: We Need to Let Economic Data Guide Further Economic Policy Responses to COVID-19 by Jay Shambaugh
4/20/20 in The Hill: Your personal data is being used to fight COVID-19, but the data market needs transparency by Susan Aaronson
4/19/20 in The Conversation: Open letter from 265 Australian economists: don’t sacrifice health for ‘the economy by Steven Hamilton
4/19/20 in The Age: Even at $130 billion, JobKeeper package is a steal by Steven Hamilton
4/19/20: COVID-19 Open Letter by Steven Hamilton
Week 7 (10 Articles)
4/18/20 in New York Times: The Economic Data is About to Get Weird mentions Tara Sinclair
4/18/20 in The Day: Seven Ways to Recession-Proof Your Finances mentions Tara Sinclair
4/17/20 in The Sociable: COVID-19 data collection poses post 9/11 privacy abuse risks: CNAS, DataGovHub panel mentions Susan Aaronson
4/17/20 in The Associated Press: UN report: Pandemic turning into a ‘child-rights crisis’ mentions Sarah Baird
4/16/20 in The Canberra Times: JobKeeper: What bosses need to know and how it affects your workplace mentions Steven Hamilton
4/16/20 in Dissent: The Sovereign Fed by Trevor Jackson
4/14/20 in Roll Call: These Democrats want automatic triggers to keep coronavirus relief flowing mentions Jay Shambaugh
4/14/20 in Union Bulletin News: Cities, counties fear losing out on US virus rescue funding mentions Jay Shambaugh
4/14/20 in Florida Politics: New Donald Trump administration panel to explore path to reopening U.S. economy mentions Jay Shambaugh
4/13/20 in The Atlantic Council: War in peacetime: The state comes roaring back by Ajay Chhibber
Week 6 (9 Articles)
4/9/20 in The Financial Express: India needs an economic package for revival by Ajay Chhibber
4/9/20 in The Hill: We Are Already in a Deep Recession– Can We Make It a Short One? by Jay Shambaugh
4/9/20 in Impact 2020: Those just-released Florida jobless numbers? Assume they are probably baloney mentions Tara Sinclair
4/9/20 in The Conversation: JobKeeper is quick, dirty and effective: there was no time to make it perfect by Steven Hamilton
4/8/20 in USA Today: Should Congress follow Europe’s lead on stimulus to help U.S. workers and businesses? mentions Jay Shambaugh
4/7/20 in Crooked Media: The Economy After COVID-19 features Tara Sinclair
4/7/20 in PYMNTS: How People Living Paycheck To Paycheck Are Surviving The Economic Meltdown mentions Jay Shambaugh
4/6/20 in The Brookings Institution: Who stands to lose if the final SNAP work requirement rule takes effect? co-authors Jay Shambaugh
4/6/20 in City Journal: The Impact of COVID-19 on America’s Labor Market mentions Bryan Stuart
Week 5 (12 Articles)
4/4/20 in The Atlantic Council: A new “Asian drama”: Will COVID-19 destroy the progress against poverty eradication and human development in South and East Asia? by Ajay Chhibber
4/3/20 in South Florida Reporter: 7 Ways to Help Recession-Proof Your Finances mentions Tara Sinclair
4/3/20 in KERA News: From Hospitals To Parks To Jails, How The Coronavirus Is Affecting Texas mentions Jay Shambaugh
4/3/20 in The Hamilton Project: We Are Already in a Recession: Can We Make It a Short One? by Jay Shambaugh
4/3/20 in MarketWatch: ‘Already this is a nightmare’ — economists react to March jobs report mentions Tara Sinclair
4/1/20 in Marker: This Looks Like a Depression, Not a Recession mentions Jay Shambaugh
4/1/20 in The Jolly Swagman Podcast: #85 – How to put the economy into a coma features Steven Hamilton
3/31/20 in CNBC: 4 ways the coronavirus law pays small businesses to keep workers mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/31/20 in KERA News: To Improve Healthcare, Cut Costs features Jay Shambaugh
3/30/20 in USA Today: ‘This is weird’: Kristen Bell hosts star-studded Nickelodeon coronavirus special for kids mentions Tara Sinclair
3/30/20 in GW Today: Q & A: What Does the Stimulus Bill Mean for the Economy? mentions Danny Leipziger
3/29/20 in The Wall Street Journal: After Three Coronavirus Stimulus Packages, Congress Is Already Prepping Phase Four mentions Jay Shambaugh
Week 4 (13 Articles)
3/28/20 in The Brookings Institution Podcast: Brookings experts on the $2 trillion coronavirus response package features Jay Shambaugh
3/27/20 in NBC: Trump’s trade war exacerbated shortage of medical equipment mentions Micheal Moore
3/25/20 in The New York Times: After Being Courted by Trump, African Americans, Latinos Face Economic Blow From Coronavirus mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/25/20 in Business World: Needed: Bold Economic Life Support To Ride Out The Pandemic by Ajay Chhibber
3/25/20 in Neosho News: Trump wants to ease COVID-19 restrictions, is it all up to him? mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/25/20 in USA Today: The $2 trillion stimulus is the biggest in history. How does it compare to 9/11, financial crisis bills? mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/25/20 in The Brookings Institution Podcast: What’s in the Senate’s $2 trillion economic package? features Jay Shambaugh
3/24/20 in USA Today: Trump wants to scale back coronavirus restrictions by Easter to help economy. Is it all up to him? mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/24/20 in World Politics Review: Trump’s trade policies are making the coronavirus pandemic even worse by Kimberly Ann Elliot
3/24/20 in Marketplace: What to watch for in Thursday’s weekly unemployment claims numbers mentions Tara Sinclair
3/23/20 in The Hill: Coronavirus response must include bold fiscal policy by Jay Shambaugh
3/23/20 in The Hamilton Project: COVID-19 and the U.S. Economy: FAQ on the Economic Impact & Policy Response by Jay Shambaugh
3/22/20 in Bloomberg: Top Economists See Echoes of Depression in U.S. Sudden Stop mentions Tara Sinclair
Week 3 (10 Articles)
3/21/20 in Fredericksburg: COMMENTARY: $1,000 checks will help, but it’s not enough mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/21/20 in VoxEU: A recession is a public health necessity – let’s keep it short by Steven Hamilton
3/20/20 in The Brookings Institution: Stimulus steps the US should take to reduce regional economic damages from the COVID-19 recession co-authored by Bryan Stuart
3/20/20 in Tampa Bay Times: PolitiFact: How the 2008 and 2020 recessions will be different, and why that matters mentions Tara Sinclair
3/20/20 in FiveThirtyEight Podcast: How COVID-19 Is Changing The Economy features Tara Sinclair
3/19/20 in The Hill: Washington scrambles to prevent massive unemployment spike mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/18/20 in LA Times: Opinion: Giving everyone a $1,000 check will help the coronavirus downturn. But it’s not enough mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/17/20 in Reuters: Explainer: How the White House can get $1,000 into the hands of every American mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/17/20 in USA Today: What kind of stimulus package should congress pass to rescue the economy? mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/17/20 in The Economic Times: Corona Pandemic 2020: How to Minimize the Damage in a Dangerous Year? by Ajay Chhibber
Week 2 (20 Articles)
3/14/20 in USA Today: Economists applaud coronavirus relief package passed by House but say more is needed mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/12/20 in The Neoliberal Project: Neoliberal Project’s Quarantine Stream Day 1 w/ Prof. Steven Hamilton features Steven Hamilton
3/12/20 in The Union Journal: Trump Twiddles His Thumbs With Economy In A Tailspin mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/12/20 in WaPo: Many experts fault Trump’s latest solutions for coping with coronavirus mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/12/20 in WBUR-FM: Living Paycheck to Paycheck During the Coronavirus mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/12/20 in ctpost: Experts question e∞cacy of Trump’s latest prescriptions to address outbreak mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/12/20 in Reuters: U.S. coronavirus stimulus package stuck in Congress over paid sick leave mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/12/20 in Herald News: Paid sick days? Payroll tax cut? Pros and cons of economic ideas to calm coronavirus fears mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/12/20 in Insider: Health experts: Consider canceling your haircuts, facials, and pedicures as the coronavirus spreads mentions Tara Sinclair
3/11/20 in DTN: Washington Insider — Wednesday Fighting the Coronavirus Shocks mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/10/20 in Marketplace: What Trump’s payroll tax cut proposes to do for workers, businesses mentions Tara Sinclair
3/10/20 in WaPo: The Finance 202: Trump will pitch ways to head off a coronavirus recession. They might not work mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/10/20 in Vox: The high-stakes fight over a coronavirus economic stimulus package, explained mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/10/20 in New York Times: Economic Prescription for Coronavirus: ‘You’ve Got to Go Fast’ mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/10/20 in The Brookings Institution: What can U.S. fiscal and monetary policy do to limit the economic harm from COVID-19? mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/10/20 in CBS: As coronavirus recession threatens, economists recommend cash for people mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/10/20 in Marketplace: CDC set to testify on Capitol Hill on its budget, as it responds to COVID-19 mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/9/20 in CoStar: Even a Strong Jobs Report Doesn’t Seem to Matter Much Now mentions Tara Sinclair
3/9/20 in The New York Times: Why the outlook for the economy just got worse mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/9/20 in The New York Times: Will the Coronavirus Cause.a Recession? Keep an Eye on Barbershops mentions Tara Sinclair
Week 1 (15 Articles)
3/6/20 in Stamford Advocate: US hiring was likely solid in February before virus spread mentions Tara Sinclair
3/6/20 in The Philadelphia Inquirer: U.S. added robust 273,000 jobs in February before virus escalated mentions Tara Sinclair
3/6/20 in Dayton Daily News: To gauge economic damage from virus, watch for US jobs data mentions Tara Sinclair
3/6/20 in LA Times: February U.S. job market robust with coronavirus impact uncertain mentions Tara Sinclair
3/6/20 in az central: Trump considering economic stimulus to offset coronavirus impacts, White House adviser says mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/6/20 in CNN: The Fed did its part to soothe coronavirus fears. Now the president and Congress must act mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/6/20 in Union Journal: Want To Fend Off A Coronavirus Recession? Send People Money mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/5/20 in The Wall Street Journal: Focus May Shift to Government Spending to Blunt Coronavirus Impact mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/5/20 in Fortune: Coronavirus fears spur more volatility as 10-year Treasury yield hits an all-time low mentions Tara Sinclair
3/5/20 in Market Watch: Five things fiscal policy could do to fight a COVID-19 outbreak by Jay Shambaugh
3/5/20 in Market Screener: Shielding Economy From Coronavirus Impact Could Require More Spending mentions Jay Shambaugh
3/3/20 in The Hamilton Project: What Should a Fiscal Response to a COVID-19 Outbreak Look Like? by Jay Shambaugh
3/3/20 in The New York Times: Stocks Tumble After the FED Cuts Rates mentions Tara Sinclair
3/3/20 in The New York Times: Could the Coronavirus Cause a Recession (and How?) mentions Tara Sinclair
3/2/20 in New York Times: Why a Coronavirus Recession Would Be So Hard to Contain mentions Tara Sinclair
Featured Affiliates
Susan A. Aaronson, Research Professor of International Affairs
Expertise: economic growth and human rights; digital trade and internet governance; global trade; free trade agreements, World Trade Organization (WTO); data trade; work to make trade policy more trusted, transparent and accountable
Sarah Baird, Associate Professor of Global Health and Economics
Expertise: development economics; program design, and evaluation; health of infants and youth; HIV/AIDS
Jennifer Brinkerhoff, Professor of Public Administration and International Affairs
Expertise: interorganizational/cross-sector relations, international development management, diasporas and development, nongovernmental organizations, governance/state-society relations
Maggie Chen, Professor of Economics and International Affairs
Expertise: international trade, foreign direct investment, and regionalism
Ajay Chhibber, IIEP Distinguished Visiting Scholar
Expertise: fiscal federalism, public sector borrowing requirement, public sector undertakings
Kimberly Ann Elliott, IIEP Visiting Scholar; Fellow at the Center for Global Development
Expertise: trade policy and globalization, economic sanctions, and food security
James E. Foster, Institute for International Economic Policy (IIEP) Director; Professor of Economics and International Affairs
Expertise: development economics, inequality and poverty, economic theory and policy
Steven Hamilton, Assistant Professor of Economics
Expertise: tax economics, tax policy
Cheng Huang, Associate Professor of Public Health
Expertise: global health, nutrition, program evaluation
Trevor Jackson, Assistant Professor of History
Expertise: economic history of early modern Europe, as well as the history of inequality, financial crisis, and central banks
Remi Jedwab, Associate Professor of Economics and International Affairs
Expertise: development economics, urban economics and political economy themes, urbanization and structural transformation, the economic effects of transportation infrastructure, and agricultural and economic development in Africa
Stephen Kaplan, Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs
Expertise: political economy of global markets and development, politics of macroeconomic policymaking, Latin American politics, China’s foreign economic policy
Danny Leipziger, Professor of International Business
Expertise: development economics, international economic policy, macro and economic growth
Michael Mann, Assistant Professor of Geography
Expertise: economic geography, computing in social science, arts and humanities, remote sensing
Michael O. Moore, MIEP Director, Professor of Economics and International Affairs
Expertise: U.S. trade policy, economics of antidumping, foreign direct investment
Jay C. Shambaugh, Professor of Economics and International Affairs
Expertise: macroeconomics, international economics, competition policy, energy and environment policy, housing, finance, technology
Tara Sinclair, Associate Professor of Economics and International Affairs
Expertise: macroeconomics, forecasting, time series econometrics
Bryan Stuart, Assistant Professor of Economics
Expertise: labor, public, and urban economics, and economic history
Sunil Sharma, IIEP Distinguished Visiting Scholar; Former Assistant Director for the Research Department at the International Monetary Fund
Expertise: financial market development, macroeconomics, foreign financial policy