Uncertainty and Trade Elasticities
March 2017 by Olga A. Timoshenko (George Washington University) & Erick Sager (Bureau of Labor Statistics) IIEP Working Paper 2017-8
The EMG Distribution and Aggregate Trade Elasticities
May 2016 by Olga A. Timoshenko (George Washington University) & Erick Sager (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) IIEP Working Paper 2016-15
Learning, Prices, and Firm Dynamics
February 2016 by Olga Timoshenko (George Washington University) IIEP Working Paper 2016-11
Firm Learning and Growth
February 2015 by Costas Arkolakis (Yale University), Theodore Papageorgiou (NBER McGill University), and Olga Timoshenko (The George Washington University) IIEP Working Paper...
Product Switching in a Model of Learning
September 2012 by Olga Timoshenko IIEP Working Paper 2012-10