Water, U.S. Foreign Policy and American Leadership
October 2013 by Marcus DuBois King, Ph.D (George Washington University) IIEP Working Paper 2013-11
Cooperatives in a Global Economy: Key Economic Issues, Recent Trends, and Potential for Development
September 2013 by Stephen C. Smith (co-author Jonathon Rothbaum) IIEP Working Paper 2013-06
Chinese Provincial Macroeconomic Data Revisions
September 2013 by Shirley Hsuan Hsieh IIEP Working Paper 2013-09
Statistical Versus Economic Output Gap Measures: Evidence from Mongolia
by Tara Sinclair (co-author Julia Bersch) IIEP Working Paper 2013-07
Microfinance and Moneylenders: Long-run Effects of MFIs on Informal Credit Market in Bangladesh
August 2013 by Claudia Berg (George Washington University), M. Shahe Emran (IDP, Columbua University) and Forhad Shilpi (World Bank) IIEP Working Paper 2013-08
Financial Innovation, Collateral and Investment
June 2013 by Ana Fostel (George Washington University) and John Geanakoplos (Yale University) IIEP Working Paper 2013-18
‘Re-righting business’: John Ruggie and the struggle to develop international human rights standards for transnational firms
July 2013 by Susan Ariel Aaronson (Department of Economics, GWU), and Ian Higham (London School of Economics) IIEP Working Paper 2013-5
Market Reallocation and Knowledge Spillover: The Gains from Multinational Production
June 2013 by Laura Alfaro (Harvard Business School) and Maggie Chen (George Washington University) IIEP Working Paper 2013-17
Market Reallocation and Knowledge Spillover: The Gains from Multinational Production
June 2013 by Laura Alfaro (Harvard Business School) and Maggie Chen (George Washington University) IIEP Working Paper 2013-13
Leverage and Default in Binomial Economies: A Complete Characterization
May 2013 by Ana Fostel (George Washington University) and John Geanakoplos (Yale University) IIEP Working Paper 2013-16
US-Tyres: Upholding a WTO Accession Contract – Imposing Pain for Little Gain
April 2013 by Steve Charnovitz (George Washington University) and Bernard Hoekman (World Bank) IIEP Working Paper 2013-12
Environmental Sustainability and Competitiveness: Policy Imperative and Corporate Opportunity
by Daniel C. Esty (Yale Law School) and Steve Charnovitz (George Washington University) IIEP Working Paper 2013-14
Driving Restrictions That Work? Quito’s Pico y Placa Program
by Paul Carrillo (co-author Arun Malik and Jiseon Yoo (IIEP and GWU) IIEP Working Paper 2013-01
Sanctuary Markets and Antidumping: An Empirical Analysis of U.S. Exporters
March 2013 by Michael O. Moore (GWU) IIEP Working Paper 2013-03
How Well Does Core Inflation Capture Permanent Price Changes?
March 2013 by Michael D. Bradley (Department of Economics, GWU), Dennis W. Jansen Department of Economics (Texas A and M University), and Tara M. Sinclair (GWU) IIEP Working Paper...
Are Sunday Babies Doomed for Life? Measuring the Sunday-Born Achievement Gap in Ecuador
March 2013 by Gabriela Aparicio (co-author Paul E. Carrillo (GWU) and M. Shahe Emran (IPD, Columbia University) IIEP Working Paper 2013-02
Internet Governance and Internet Control: How to Safeguard Internet Freedom, Cicero Great Debate Paper
by Susan Ariel Aaronson IIEP Working Paper 2013-10
Do Foreign Owners Favor Short-Term Profit? Evidence from Germany
January 2013 by Stephen C. Smith (George Washington University), Verena Dill (Universität Trier), and Uwe Jirjahn (Universität Trier) IIEP Working Paper 2013-15