
Contact Information

Phone: (202) 994-8195
Fax: (202) 994-5477

Elliott School of International Affairs
1957 E St., NW
Suite 502
Washington, DC 20052

Econ 8352-Development Economics
Major analytic concepts, measures, theoretical models, and empirical methods of development economics.

Econ 2151-Economic Development
Theories and empirical studies of the economic problems of developing countries.

IAFF 2040-Introduction to Game Theory and Strategic Thinking
A basic introduction developed with a Washington audience in mind. Co-taught with Kaushik Basu, Chief Economist at the World Bank.

I also contribute one lecture to the course World on a Plate, let by Chef Jose Andrés, and organize (with Aaditya Dar) a weekly Development Tea, which discusses recent work by faculty, friends and grad students.