Contact Information
Phone: +1 (202) 994-3799
Department of Global Health
Milken Institute School of Public Health
George Washington University
950 New Hampshire Ave, NW, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20052
Spring 2015
PubH 6440 – Global Health Economics and Finance (2 credits)
This course examines economics and finance principles as they apply to global health. Students will study issues in the organization, delivery and financing of health care in developing countries. The course first provides students with a ‘toolkit’ for analyzing issues related to global health economics and finance and then asks the students to apply this ‘toolkit’ to a variety of a global health issues including demand for health, policy tools to increase demand for health, healthcare financing, social insurance, pharmaceuticals and HIV/AIDS. Prerequisite: PubH6400. Spring.
Visit the GW Public Health website to view all other graduate courses descriptions here.
Primary Research Fields:Development Economics, Program Design and Evaluation, Applied Microeconomics, Health Economics
Institute for International Economic Policy