Santiago Levy
Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge, Inter-American Development Bank
Misallocation, Informality, and Firm Dynamics in Mexico
Monday, April 23, 2018
5:30 to 7:00pm – Reception to Follow
Elliott School of International Affairs
Lindner Commons, 6th floor
1957 E Street NW
Washington, DC 20052
Santiago Levy is the Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge for the Inter-American Development Bank. Previously, he was General Manager and Chief Economist for the IDB Research Department.
Prior to joining the IDB he was General Director at the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) from December 2000 to October 2005. Under his tenure, he promoted changes to the Social Security Act to increase transparency and accountability in IMSS finances and create long-term reserves.
From 1994 to 2000, Levy served as the Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit of Mexico, becoming the main architect of the renowned social program Progresa-Oportunidades that benefits the poor. He managed budgetary adjustments during the 1994-95 economic crisis and the 1998 fall in oil prices. Previous positions include President of the Federal Competition Commission and Director of the Economic Deregulation Program at the Ministry of Trade and Industrial Promotion.
Levy holds a Ph.D. in economics from Boston University and a Masters in political economy from the same university. He was a post-doctoral fellow at Cambridge University.