Monday, March 30, 2020
11:00 am EST
We were pleased to invite you to the first webinar hosted by The Digital Trade and Data Governance Hub in a series of free webinars on current and emerging data governance issues. As we “social distance,” we can simultaneously build a broader understanding of domestic and international data governance issues. The Digital Trade and Data Governance Hub is partnering with business associations such as the Computer and Communications Industry Association, civil society groups such as the Internet Society Washington DC and the World Wide Web Foundation, and other research organizations such as the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) to host these events. The webinars were conducted on Zoom and attendees were encouraged to ask questions of the speakers.
The inaugural seminar, which took place at 11am (EST) on March 30, 2020, was “E-Commerce at the WTO: What’s Going On?” The speaker was be Victor do Prado, Director, Council and Trade Negotiations Committee Division, WTO. The event was be co-organized with the Computer and Communications Industry Association and co-sponsored with the Institute for International Economic Policy. Mr. do Prado’s remarks covered the history, status and future of the talks, including the e-commerce moratorium. He spoke for 15 minutes and then the floor was opened to questions using Zoom’s raise-your-hand application. As a WTO official, Mr. do Prado spoke off the record. His remarks cannot be attributed but can be used on background. The press was welcome to attend and observe Chatham House rules.
Please contact James Nelson, Director of Communications and Strategy at the Digital Trade and Data Governance Hub, with any questions or suggestions for webinars
This event is co-sponsored by Digital Trade & Data Governance Hub; Internet Society: Greater Washington DC Chapter; Centre for International Governance Innovation; World Wide Web Foundation; and Institute for International Science and Technology Policy.