Collaboration Policy
You are required to do all homeworks and laboratory activities by yourself. Collaborating with other students or copying their work or others' will not be tolerated. Anyone found copying or using another person's work will be dealt with under the university's procedures for cheating. If in doubt about what kinds of consultations are allowed, please check with the instructor immediately. Please read the policy on GWU academic dishomesty. It is very easy for the GTA's to find evidence of copying or cheating, and the punishments are definitely not worth the risk.
Homework Submission Policy
There will be 11 laboratory reports during the semester plus additional lecture homeworks. Lecture homeworks are assigned by the professor and are due at the announced time. Laboratory reports are due at the begining ot the subsequent laboratory.
Policy for Late Submissions
- Laboratory and lecture homeworks submitted later than the aforementioned times are considered late. Late homeworks will not be accepted unless there is a valid medical or family condition with appropriate documentation submitted to the course instructor and your GTA.
- Lecture homeworks will not be graded after the corresponding problem solutions are posted.
- There is a one time "No-penalty Late Submission" for laboratory homeworks during this semester. How you use your "Non-penalty Late Submission" is up to you; however, we strongly suggest that you save this chance during your midterm period, your religious holidays or any other unexpected circumstances. A maximum of one week is provided for your benefit, i.e, your late Laboratory homework will be graded together with the new one. But this is the ONLY time in your ECE 2110 journey your GTA will accept any other late homeworks from you.
Attendance policy
You are expected to be present at every lecture and laboratory session. If you finish your Laboratory in less than 3 hours, you have to submit all your results before leaving. No make up sessions will be held.
Course Contents
Lecture Homeworks
Occasionally your instructor will assign homeworks during the lecture. It is important that you complete this homework on time. Problems in the homeworks and problems solved in class tend to appear in tests.
Total of two examinations, a midterm examination and a final examination. Questions will be based on lecture material, and homework assignments. No make up examination will be administered.
Laboratory Homework
Laboratory homeworks constitute of two parts: pre-lab homework and laboratory report. All pre-lab homeworks are due at the beginning of the corresponding laboratory and are meant to prepare you for that week's experiment. All laboratory reports are due the subsequent week.
In these reports, answer all questions pertaining to each experiment as required. Your data should include all calculations, circuit diagrams, circuit simulations, graphs, and data tables. Your interpretation and comprehension of the experimental results should be described in a concluding statement and also placed in your report.
In your laboratory homeworks, you will be required to model several different circuits using SPICE. As mentioned above, all laboratory assignments are due at the beginning of the laboratory class on the date indicated. Completed assignments that are submitted after the class begins will receive no grade but are still due.
Final Project
There will be one Final Project (to be specified later) for the course. The Final Project grade consists of a working demonstration of your design, a professional presentation of 10-15 minutes and a formal written report.
Final Examination
There will be a final examination at the end of the semester. It will test all your knowledge from the lecture, laboratory and homeworks. It will be closed book and closed notes. Calculators are allowed as usual.