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Author: Costanzo

AiM Reboot Roundup for July 2024

If you’re part of DSO and a regular user of AiM, FixIt, or Go (the mobile Work Management app), you’re likely already aware of the ongoing AiM Reboot effort. In this post, we’ll do a quick summary of what it’s all about and catch you up on some of our progress

What is the AiM Reboot?

“AiM Reboot” is shorthand for the changes we’re making to the AssetWorks’ products listed above in an effort to create a more user-friendly, flexible, accurate, and consistent experience across all three. The project is being completed in phases, but many of you should see changes beginning in October 2024.

What you should expect

  • An IMPROVED system
  • A series of small changes with high impact within FixIt and AiM
  • Modified ways of doing some things with greater efficiency
  • Adjustments to items that caused users
  • Training, including hands on sessions and useful guides

What you SHOULDN’T expect

  • A completely new system
  • A new look for AiM
  • A comprehensive redesign of FixIt
  • A new way of doing everything

What’s been worked on?

As mentioned, the AiM Reboot is being worked on in phases, but some of the things that the project team has worked on so far include:

  • Redesigned AiM Workdesks and universal Dashboards
  • Additional ways to add phases to existing Work Orders through FixIt rather than AiM
  • More tools for processing tickets in FixIt to avoid having to make corrections in AiM
  • Improved status descriptions
  • Removed outdated data such as demolished buildings, irrelevant assets, and employees that no longer work for GW
  • Easier to understand Work Center names (for example, “APPLIANCE” instead of “WC13”)
  • Clearly written Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to help with onboarding and to clarify processes

What’s next?

Here’s a peek at what’s next and where we are in the project.

Want Proof Zones Work? We’ve Got the Numbers.

It was just a little over two years ago that FPCM switched from shops to zones and we’re frequently asked how that’s going. Well we don’t want to lie. It’s not going well.

It’s going great.

Since making the change, the average number of days needed to complete a ticket has shrunk dramatically. We’ve gone from 10.6 days to a mere 3. The number of work orders in the backlog? That’s also dramatically dropped, going from nearly 1000 down to 276. Both are 72% improvements. Those in the weekly FBG Operations Meeting will also be familiar with how far we’ve come when it comes to the number of incomplete tickets over 30 days old.

All around, these numbers tell a dramatic story. If this isn’t proof of “exemplary delivery of facilities services,” we don’t know what is.

The AiM/FixIt Reboot is Go. Get Involved!

If you use AiM or FixIt regularly for your job, hopefully you’ve heard about (and are excited for!) the reboot initiative. DSF staff has already spent over 1500 hours on the process behind the scenes, but you can still get involved in helping to create a new and improved work management system.

Today GW, AssetWorks, and Brailsford & Dunlavey hosted a variety of group discussions to get DSF up to speed on the project and solicit feedback. Between four AiM focus groups and a FixIt Kickoff Meeting, staff got to see some of the possibilities of the reboot and elaborate on pain points they’ve identified in the current version of the system.

And we’re not done collecting your input! Not only are additional project adoption surveys (and rewards) coming to make sure we’re on track, but you can also drop a note to project leadership using the suggestion form at at any time. Missed the FixIt Kickoff Meeting? Make sure to check out the slides below.

Download the slide deck

Nancy Balph: A Pest to Pests

It’s no secret that DC has its fair share of unwanted guests. And no, we aren’t referring to the members of Congress who don’t share your party affiliation. Unfortunately, we’re talking about rats, and GW is no exception.

That said, we’ve made tremendous progress in getting this scourge under control since their explosive growth during the pandemic, and no one has done more to take these furry menaces on than Nancy Balph. The Christian Science Monitor recently caught up with her to chronical her adventures in pest control.

Nancy enlisted the help of experts to come up with advanced strategies that have helped cut down on the rodent population, including Kevlar door seals, rat-proof geomesh, and Bigbelly trash cans. As she points out, this isn’t a simple problem with a straight-forward, one-size-fits-all approach. “It’s not Joe Schmoe with his spray gun and traps,” she says.

Nancy isn’t going to win this battle on her own, but progress is a victory in and of itself. “Did we eradicate rats from the GW campus?” she asks rhetorically. “No… We are managing them very well though.”

We appreciate you, Nancy. Congress is next.

Inbox Highlights: Vacation Time Changes and Staff Council Meeting Invite

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We encourage you to read all emails sent to university employees, but we realize it’s easy to miss the details in the barrage of content sometimes. Below we’ve compiled a few highlights from recent editions of Focus on Yourself Friday, GWell, and The GW Staff Council Pillars Newsletter.

The GW Staff Council Pillars Newsletter

A newsletter highlighting Staff Council initiatives and events

Staff Council Meetings
You can find meeting minutes from past meetings on the Staff Council website, along with information on upcoming meetings. Registration is required so please be sure to register for any upcoming meetings you’d like to attend.

The GW Staff Council meets on the third Friday of each month from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EST. GW Staff Council meetings occur via Zoom and are open to the GW community. The next meeting is Friday, April 19.

Focus on Yourself Fridays

HR’s newsletter focused on self improvement and professional development.

Leaders at All Levels: Event Planning
Friday, April 12, 2024
Register for the WebEx

This month’s Leaders at All Levels session will focus on the essentials of Event Planning, with a focus on in-person events. You will learn the basics of event planning, and you will learn about resources to plan events at GW.


A newsletter from the folks at HRMD highlighting benefits available to GW employees.

Financial Literacy
With April being National Financial Literacy month, there’s no better time to learn about engaging in smart money management habits. This month will feature the introduction and foundations to financial well-being.

What is Financial Wellness & Why is it Important?
April 17, 2024 at 12pm
Register Here

Financial Well-being Overview
April 29, 2024 at 1pm
Register Here

Vacation Time Changes
GW is introducing a new vacation time policy, effective July 1, 2024. Visit, watch the Vacation Time Information Session Recording, or check out slides from the information session for more details. Remember, DSF also has sessions specially tailored for our staff coming up!

A Feather in Our Cap: Toasting to an Unbeak-lievable Employee Appreciation Day!

In an Employee Appreciation Day to remember, DSF was treated to a hot lunch from Chick-fil-A and bonus homemade chicken tamales from Jimmy Reyes.

DSF Interim Vice President Baxter Goodly and FPCM Interim Associate Vice President Adam Aaronson conveyed their heartfelt gratitude to their teams. Baxter praised the dedication and achievements across DSF’s many groups, highlighting their critical roles in ensuring campus safety, sustainability efforts, and operational excellence.

In Adam Aaronson’s message to FPCM, he lauded the team’s tireless efforts directly enhancing the GW community’s day-to-day life. He celebrated the collective hard work that keeps the campuses operational, fostering an environment where students, faculty, and staff can prosper.

Check out pictures from both the lunch held on March 1st and the late-night dinner held on March 5th!

Inbox Highlights: Merit Increase Survey and Safety Committee Applications

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We encourage you to read all emails sent to university employees, but we realize it’s easy to miss the details in the barrage of content sometimes. Below we’ve compiled a few highlights from recent editions of Focus on Yourself Friday, Digital Download, and The GW Staff Council Pillars Newsletter.

The GW Staff Council Pillars Newsletter

A newsletter highlighting Staff Council initiatives and events

Staff Merit Increase Survey
Each issue of the Staff Council Newsletter contains a brief survey regarding a current important topic for GW staff. This month, the council is interested in learning more about merit vs. cost of living increases. All feedback will be kept anonymous but will be used to guide initiatives within the council. Launch the survey

Campus Safety Advisory Committee
Safety & Facilities is developing a new Campus Safety Advisory Committee to increase the GW community’s awareness of and engagement on campus safety. GW staff will be a strong voice in this committee. Please consider applying to take part. Learn more and apply

Focus on Yourself Fridays

HR’s newsletter focused on self improvement and professional development.

Leaders at All Levels: Managing Up
Friday, March 15, 2024 from 11:00am-12:00pm on WebEx
This month’s Leaders at All Levels session will define managing up, explore why managing up is important, and provide skills needed to manage up successfully. The session will also explore examples of managing up in day to day work. Register for the the WebEx.

LinkedIn Learning: How to Manage Your Manager
Online audio course from LinkedIn Learning
In this course, adapted from the popular podcast How to Be Awesome at Your Job, you’ll explore how managing up isn’t about flattery or brown-nosing. It’s about consciously building a good relationship with your boss: understanding how you both like to work, and then taking adaptive strategies to really work well together. Launch the course.

Digital Download

Quick tips from GW Communications & Marketing Digital Support

GW Drupal Overview
March 15, 2022 | 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Communications and Marketing will present an overview of GW Drupal. This will be an online presentation and walkthrough of how to create and edit content on your GW Drupal sites. Register for the GW Drupal Training

Kudos Roundup for 3/5/24

Employee Appreciation Day was last week, but we’ve still got more high fives and backslaps to share.

From Brian Snyder and Betty Freyre (President’s Office) to Natalie Addison regarding President Granberg’s office renovation:

Betty: The President is extremely happy and everyone that has seen the office just loves it! GREAT JOB!!
Brian: Great Job Natalie! Kudos to your attention to detail and customer service skills for successfully executing this important project!

From Pam Smith to Stephanie Stinfort, Natalie Addison (again!), and the BIG Admin Team:

I wanted to thank Stephanie Stinfort and the entire admin team for being patient and putting together nice touches for the new HR self service area. Thank you also to Natalie Addison for being patient and helping us make new selections for chairs in the new HR office space. 🙂

From Don Chamberlain to Pandorra Dickerson and the Ross Hall Housekeeping Team:

Just wanted to give a shout out to the Ross Hall housekeeping team. Too many names to list in this email but they are all appreciated. Today Pandorra cleaned up B43A for me because the floor was messy. The whole team does a great job.

GW’s New Campus Store Offers Views and Plenty of Merch

Difficult to find and a tight squeeze to shop in, GW’s Campus Store has been hidden away in the basement of the University Student Center for as long as most of us can remember. That is until last month when the brand new space on H St. was unveiled to much fanfare. Decked out with all the modern amenities and an enormous stock of Stanley mugs, it’s truly a sight to behold.

Adam Aaronson thanked everyone involved for helping to make the project a reality. “Bringing GW’s Campus Store to this huge, multi-level space is an amazing improvement for our campus,” Adam wrote. “The high ceilings, large windows, and stunning video wall are key design elements that make this such a special space. This was a true team effort to deliver the project, and I want to give a big thanks to Chris Todd, Senior Project Manager, for leading the way!”

Chris for his part also gave a special shoutout to Steve Ferrara for beginning the project before leaving the university.

Below you’ll find pictures from the star-studded grand opening. All the faces you recognize from around campus were there, including George. And don’t forget to check out GW Today’s coverage.

From the Desk of Baxter Goodly: A Time to Support One Another

Interim Vice President of Safety & Facilities Baxter Goodly sent a note to the division after three team members passed away over the span of a week. Please see the email in your inbox if you need access to Employee Wellbeing Resources. The Staff Council has also established an In Memoriam page on its website.

Dear Teammates,

Over the last week, our hearts have been saddened by the loss of three extraordinary colleagues who graced our lives with their presence for decades – Jeff Dean, Donald Gibson, and Calvin Williams.  Jeff, Donald, and Calvin were true friends who loved the university and cherished the many GW friendships they cultivated during their years of service. Their values of dedication, humility, and kindness will continue to inspire us all to be better versions of ourselves, as they inspire me. As we mourn their deaths, let’s also celebrate the countless ways in which they touched our lives, and strive each day to honor them by embracing the values they held dear.

Experiencing this much sorrow in such a short span can be difficult to navigate alone. This is a time to come together to lean on and support each other. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need support.

My thoughts are with you all –