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Volunteer for Midnight Breakfast!

Midnight Breakfast 2023 Banner

Final exams are coming up quickly for our stressed out students and that means Midnight Breakfast is also right around the corner on Monday, December 11. Midnight Breakfast is an annual GW tradition where students are encouraged to take a break from studying for final exams with food and fun activities. This event is a great collaboration between faculty and staff as we all work together to show support to the student community during final exam season. A significant number of DSF staff members have typically volunteered in the past to help make this event a huge success.

During the event, volunteers are expected to be available from 8pm until 12:30am. This time includes on-site arrival check-in and training at your stations, as well as clean-up after the event has ended. If you’re interested in volunteering (and supporting our DSA partners!), please fill out the form!

Katie Fox and Baxter Goodly volunteering at Midnight Breakfast 2022.
Katie Fox and Baxter Goodly volunteering at Midnight Breakfast 2022.
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