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Five Star FixIt Reviews for 2/20/2024

Welcome Back! Let’s take a moment to congratulate this weeks Kudos recipients!

  • Kevin Thomas for repairing holes in an FSK corridor: “Looks great”
  • Wallace Vauss and Cornell Prailow for fixing and cleaning up clogged toilet at Phillips Hall: “Thanks for fixing the toilets!”
  • Stephan Morant for replacing lights and lamps in a South Hall room: “FixIt request was responded to immediately. The repair was made a couple of hours after the request was made.”
  • Michael Akyea for assisting a student regarding a small fire or spark caused by a hot plate at SEH: “Michael was very helpful. He was able to explain what may have caused the fire in the hot plate and demonstrate that the electrical outlet was working properly and was not involved in the fire. I learned a lot of valuable information from his visit.”
  • Edward Oliver for unclogging a toilet in Somers Hall: “They were so prompt and nice!!!”
Published inFive Star FixIt Reviews

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