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Kudos Roundup for 8/14/24

Thank you’s all around.

  • From Jimmy to Brenda, John Cook, and the overnight HSKP team for cleaning, etc.
  • From Harold to Charles Mayfield for the new carpet on the 1st floor of Support and the refresh of Facilities Central.
  • From Jimmy to India for all of her move-in support.
  • From Almasi to the HVAC team for help with the Ross Hall outages last week.
  • From Jeffrey to Eric Hamilton for staying on top of emails.
  • From Matt Andrews to Jose Ventura and all that were in the newsletter for the 5-star reviews.

From Laura Abate to Julio and Tony: “HUGE thanks to Julio and Tony – fixing the mural is such an improvement to the library. The mural reflects the values shared across nursing, medicine, and public health and it was designed by GW students a few years ago. It’s something very special in the library and I’m so grateful that it’s looking good again – and I have to say, it’s looking more than good as it looks new!”

Sonny Saadi to Iasia Vaugh

I want to thank Iasia Vaugh, one of our Housekeeping Leads. 

I am writing to thank you for your unwavering dedication and hard work in maintaining a clean and comfortable living space for us. Your efforts do not go unnoticed and make a significant difference in our day-to-day lives. Your exceptional dedication is truly appreciated.

During my visit to Thurston Hall on January 11th, 2024, at around 9:00 am, I noticed our housekeeping staff working diligently in the lobby area. After she finished cleaning, I saw her inspecting the floor again and noticed a stain that she wasn’t satisfied with. Despite the distance between us, I was impressed by her dedication to her job. She went to her cart and got the tools to remove and clean the spot, setting a great example for others.

Once again, thank you for your exceptional dedication to your work. Your commitment to ensuring a clean and comfortable environment is truly admirable.”

Published inKudos

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