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Time Reporting Training and Annual Leave

The month of July is bringing several changes for the GW community. The new Vacation Time Policy for staff which became effective July 1, 2024 and the new Time Reporting System, launching on July 7, 2024. Below, you will find a summary of the changes which are further detailed in the new Vacation Policy Overview and posted in the updated Time Off and Leave (TOL) Guide. 

Time Reporting System Overview

  • We encourage you to review the highlights of the upgraded system which are provided in the What’s New and Changing Section of the TRS upgrade overview websiteIncluded in the overview are tools to learn more about the new features and functionality available.

  • The Payroll and Benefits Teams will also be hosting regular Office Hours to assist with the TRS upgrade after it launches on July 7, 2024.

  • Please visit the Tools and Training Section of the TRS upgrade overview website for more information.

REMINDER: Time Off Requests
To ensure correct starting balances in the upgraded TRS, all outstanding time off requests for a date on or before July 6, 2024 that have been submitted but have not been approved/denied need to be addressed prior to the transition on July 7, 2024. 

More information can be found by visiting the How to Prepare Section of the TRS upgrade overview website.  

 New Vacation Policy Reminders

  • Staff will accrue vacation time up to their applicable maximum accrual limit based on years of service tiers. Once this limit is reached, staff will need to use accrued time before they can accrue more.

  • All accrued but unused annual time as of June 30, 2024 will show as your starting vacation balance in the upgraded Time Reporting System (TRS) on July 7, 2024. See the section below, “Upgraded Time Reporting System (TRS) launching July 7, 2024” for more details.  

  • Staff hired before July 1, 2024 will receive a transition time balance to be used during the transition period. 40 hours of transition time (20 hours for Part Time staff) will be accessible starting on July 1, 2024 and available to use through December 31, 2024 to support vacation time off requests during the first six months of the transition period. (Please note: Transition time is not paid out upon termination.)
Published inTrainings

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