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Kudos Roundup for 11/21/23

This week’s kudos are throwbacks from earlier in the year that we need to catch up on! Have more you’d like to share? Send them to us!

From Emily Dieker to Monet Ballard, Greg Brooks, Adam Poplin, Sonny Saadi, Natalie Addison, Jason Neves, Hilda Merche, Joseph Chavis, and Rosa (whew!):

I wanted to send a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you and your teams for your assistance in the GWorld relocation and renovation efforts this summer. I know none of this was in our summer plans, but you all responded quickly and efficiently to our emergency needs and requests and we couldn’t have gotten through this summer without you. Your efforts ensured that the GWorld Office was able to stay open and fully functioning all summer, and we were able to move back into a renovated office just in time for students returning. It’s truly remarkable to realize that the GWorld renovation was fully planned and executed in only 3 weeks, and despite all the work and disruption to our space we never had to close or turn away customers.

Specific Thanks to:

  • Monet, Greg & Moving Masters for your help moving the GWorld Office in June and August
  • Adam & Sonny for your oversight of the GWorld renovation and making sure the renovation stayed on schedule
  • Natalie for your design efforts and making sure the renovation stayed on schedule
  • Jason, Hilda, Rosa, & Joe for your repeated cleaning and help with bulk trash and recycling
  • Baxter for your high level support and appreciation of the urgency of our needs, and for assigning the right people to get the job done.
  • My apologies if I’ve missed anyone. 

Your efforts are a reflection of the outstanding work and leadership of FPCM and I’m truly grateful!

From Emily Dieker to Diamond Newman:

I wanted to pass on Kudos to Diamond from Facilities Central. She noticed all MVC GWorld readers were offline (very soon after the network went down) and did the exact right thing of calling the GWorld emergency line. Her quick response altered me to the issue, and I was in turn able to alert Housing, Facilities, and GWIT leadership to the issue in the very early stages. 

From Zoe Saunders with Chartwells to Erika Argueta, Cecilia Melendez, and Corrina:

I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the ladies who are maintaining the restrooms and the dining area floors and tables each day.  They shocked me when they cleaned the bases of the high-top tables.  I had been looking at them and made up my mind to have one of my utility workers do a deep cleaning project and detail the table bases.  When I walked him over to show him what I wanted done I had to take a step back.  They were already spotless.  I told him never mind and had him clean something else.

These ladies are fantastic!  Please thank Erika, Cecilia and Corrina for me.  They’re amazing!

From CLRE’s Lacy Myrman to Eric Hamilton and Roland Brown:

I just wanted to share my appreciation for how Eric and Roland have been super helpful for events recently. They have taken initiative, been eager to assist, made themselves available, and quick to respond. On two occasions, they’ve really shown up and helped with last minute asks, which has really taken the pressure off of me and allowed me to focus on managing other aspects of the events I was managing. They’ve made sure the experience of our attendees was positive and seamless and all of the minor details were attended to, and guests and attendees have shared that feedback with me as well. Please extend my gratitude to them for all they do. 🙏 

From Hellen Olumilua with SMHS to Kathya Rodriguez:

I am joining other teams on the 4th floor to give a shout-out to Kathya, the housekeeper on the 4th floor. She goes above and beyond to keep the 4th floor clean. Jackie(copied on this email) stopped by and expressed how detailed Kathya’s cleaning is, and I echoed that. Her attention to detail is a breath of fresh air coupled with her sunny disposition… She is definitely a great addition.

Published inKudos

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