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Inbox Highlights: New Vacation Policy and Recognition Training

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We encourage you to read all emails sent to university employees, but we realize it’s easy to miss the details in the barrage of content sometimes. Below we’ve compiled a few highlights from an Infomail on the new vacation time policy and the latest issue of Focus on Yourself Fridays.

Infomail Highlights

New and Enhanced Vacation Time Policy for Staff

Below you will find a summary of the new vacation policy for GW staff effective July 1, 2024. Additional details are outlined in the new Vacation Policy Overview.

  • Increased flexibility on the utilization of vacation time with the removal of “use or lose.” Vacation time accrued (but unused) will not be forfeited. All vacation time will continue to accrue up to a maximum accrual limit based on years of service tiers.
  • Introduction of a maximum accrual limit, i.e., 1.5 times the current annual maximum accrual.
  • Vacation time cannot be taken in advance of being accrued.
  • Recognize staff by providing a higher accrual of vacation time sooner for those with more than 10 years of service.
  • Transition time will be provided to those hired before July 1, 2024 and available to use through December 31, 2024 to support the change to the new policy.

Focus on Yourself Fridays Highlights

Leaders at All Levels: Recognition

Friday, November 10, 2023

Join HR for the November Leaders at all Levels session where they will be discussing recognition, its importance and how to recognize colleagues in a meaningful way. Recognition is a key component of engagement and a way to celebrate everyday wins, big or small. Everyone, regardless of their level, can provide recognition that will have a positive impact on others. Register for Leaders at All Levels: Recognition.

4 ways to make your recognition meaningful

In order to be successful, recognition has to be done properly, and there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Here are a few ways to make sure that the way you recognize employees in the workplace truly resonates with them as individuals.

Published inInbox Highlights

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