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Introducing the Five Star FixIt Awards!

Picture of Five Star FixIt Trophy

Introducing the Five Star FixIt Awards! We want to recognize the three people who receive the most five star reviews in 2023. They’ll all be getting a snazzy trophy to commemorate the achievement. Let’s take a look at the top ten contenders as of the end of September!

Souk Vongs – 12
Brian Johnson – 11
Terrence Branch – 11
Christopher Gammon – 10
Raymond Wallace Jr. – 10
Freddy Espinoza – 8
Jose Melgar – 8
Julio Martinez – 8
Yared Yirgu – 8
Carl Bryant – 7
Charles Johnson – 7
Jose Ventura – 7
Nestor Fuentes – 7

Thank you all for your outstanding work and good luck finishing in the top three!

Published inFive Star FixIt Reviews

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