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DSF Training: Manager Essentials, Facility Maintenance Show, Diversity and Inclusion

Each week we’ll be sharing the upcoming training and professional development opportunities available here at GW.

Tuesday 11/14

Manager Essentials
The manager essentials training provides participants with the knowledge and easy-to-apply tools needed to become an even more successful manager than they are today. Suzy Wilber will help participants understand what “great management” is and isn’t, increase skills in influencing positive change, and help participants become more astute on how to be a more effective manager. Ensuring that managers are equipped with the knowledge and know-how to nurture, motivate, and get the best out of their teams

  • Time: 8am-12pm
  • Location: Support Building 310


Capitol Buildings Engineering and Facility Maintenance Show
Attend the 2023 Capitol Buildings Engineering and Facility Maintenance Show to see industry professionals along with product and service providers addressing important issues including energy, operations, safety and security as well as many more!

Wednesday 11/15

Diversity and Inclusion Workshop
This workshop is an excellent opportunity for professional and personal development and growth as Dr. Jordan Shelby West offers ways to support and fully respect all members of the GW community who transition across sex and/or gender identities, as well as explaining pronouns and providing language and definitions related to gender, sex, and sexuality. Attendance is highly recommended, and lunch will be provided.

Published inTrainings

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