Poster presentations are being highlighted and displayed both Saturday and Sunday of the conference. There will be dedicated times to view and discuss posters. Please consult the conference schedule for the most up-to-date poster sessions.
Please familiarize yourself with the follow poster requirements and recommendations! Posters are due July 31st at 11:59 PM EST. Please see the registration page to submit.
Poster presenters are NOT required to be at their poster for the full day, but you may choose to do so if you wish. As a reminder, the maximum size your poster can be is 48" (H) x 36" (W). Push-pins will be provided.
Print Centers
A reminder that you should come to the conference with your printed poster! First, you should check with your university or Institution to see if they have a dedicated printer for posters! Here are a list of print locations that do a quick and cheap print job.
!!!Please check your University/Institution Printing Center!!! |
American University ($19) |
Amazon ($36.95) |
Office Depot ($45.99) |
FedEx ($69) |
ABC Imaging ($135.24????) |
GWU Printing (NA) |
Staples ($63) |
eDiscovery (Quote required) |
As posters do not need to follow strict layouts or styles, please feel free to use this as an opportunity to best express you and your research!
We recommend checking with your academic institution for guidelines, templates and styles. For instance, The George Washington University has a specific color scheme, and can be implemented fairly easily.
An example template is linked below. Feel free to download, alter and use it for this or any other conference!