Alumni Profile: Anna Miller, MPS 2022

In our latest alumni profile, talented MPS in Publishing graduate Anna Miller shares her perspectives and insights on the GW Publishing program, its impact on her career, and her plans to launch her own publishing company. Anna is a project manager at Pubvendo.

What was the most challenging aspect of the MPS in Publishing program? What was the most rewarding?

The most challenging part of the program was also the most freeing part. In each class, we were able to choose our project topics. This enabled us to really dig into what topics were important to us. This both enabled us to grow as young professionals and challenged us to really figure out what our interests were and how we wanted to use our degree to pursue those interests.

What do you hope to do after graduating from the MPS in Publishing program?

My dream is to use my degree to create my own publishing company, and I am already in the process of doing so. The freedom that we were given in our assignments to pursue our passions has led to a great foundation for starting my own publishing house. I am very excited for where this journey will take me.

Anna Miller, MPS in Publishing,2022

What are some of the reasons you decided to pursue the MPS in Publishing degree? Why did you choose GW specifically?

I decided to pursue the MPS in publishing program because I have a love for books and a love for writing. This program seemed like the perfect opportunity to blend the two into a career that I would love and enjoy. Growing up, one of my biggest goals was to pick my career based on my passions and choosing the MPS in Publishing program was a step in that direction. I chose GW because I liked that it catered to working individuals. I really wanted to get professional experience after my undergraduate degree, but I also wanted to get my Masters. This program enabled me to do with, and to do both well. Additionally, this program is affordable, which not many programs can say!

My dream is to use my degree to create my own publishing company, and I am already in the process of doing so. The freedom that we were given in our assignments to pursue our passions has led to a great foundation for starting my own publishing house. I am very excited for where this journey will take me.

What advice would you give to new or prospective students to the MPS in Publishing program?

This program is incredible and really allows you to grow into publishing in the way you imagine it for yourself. The classes provide the foundation and the knowledge, but the instructors allow you to incorporate your passions into your work. It is a lot of work, but it is extremely manageable even if you’re working full-time.

Who (or what course) has made the biggest impact on you during your time at GW?

This is a tough question. I gained so much from all of the courses. However, I have to say the Publishing Entrepreneurship course because it made me realize that I don’t have to wait twenty years to start my publishing house. I can start it now, even if it starts out small. It was so empowering hearing from all the various publishing entrepreneurs.

What have you found to be the value of the MPS in Publishing degree, and how are you using what you learned, as a rising publishing professional? 

One of the biggest values the program afforded me was connections. I actually landed my job after I emailed a guest speaker at my Marketing class inquiring about a job. Additionally, I have a wide knowledge of the publishing industry now that I use in my job daily. It has granted me the confidence to speak up at work and share my ideas, because this is a field that I am both passionate about and knowledgeable in.

One of the biggest values the program afforded me was connections. I actually landed my job after I emailed a guest speaker at my Marketing class inquiring about a job. Additionally, I have a wide knowledge of the publishing industry now that I use in my job daily.

How are you using what you learned in your publishing courses in your day-to-day work at Pubvendo and in your career?

I work for a book marketing agency, so I use the strategies I learned in Book Marketing and Book Publicity and Promotion pretty much daily! It is so fun being able to share my knowledge to help my clients’ books be successful.

The publishing program is paramount in my decision to go ahead and start my publishing company, Personal Digest Publishing. It is still in the building stages, but it is in the works due to the inspiration and knowledge provided by the publishing program and my instructors.

Anna Miller is on Twitter at @annamiller369.