Call for Papers – GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing

The George Washington University Master of Professional Studies in Publishing program is soliciting papers for the Journal of Ethics in Publishing (GWJEP), a new, open access journal. The GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing welcomes articles, case studies, and conference presentations from scholars, students, and publishing professionals on topics including, but not limited to, diversity and inclusion, accessibility, peer review, open access, sustainability, publishing metrics, equity, and other aspects and issues of ethics in publishing. This online journal will be managed by students in the GW Publishing program. We envision publication of GWJEP  commencing in Fall 2020.

We are soliciting papers from publishing and library professionals, scholars, faculty, and publishing students, on topic areas such as:

  • Ways to ensure publishing is inclusive: in all its dimensions
  • Making sure diverse voices are part of the conversation about inclusion, equity, and accessibility
  • Work to ensure peer review, authorship, editing, publications metrics, etc., are equitable and free of bias
  • Can equitable, inclusive, and accessible publishing become a reality instead of a goal?
  • Institutional efforts to increase diversity, for example, within the Association of University Press (AUPresses), Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP), and other publishing institutions.
  • Financial equity and sustainability, including institutional support, and access to research and publications, as ethical issues.
  • Accessibility as an ethical issue
  • How publishers can ensure publications are more accessible

Please share the Call for Papers, which is ongoing:

Alumni of and current students in the GW Master of Professional Studies in Publishing program are invited to present on their Ethics in Publishing Capstone projects, including both “Making the World Better” projects and Case Studies.

Scholarly articles, case studies, and “Making the World Better” projects will generally be subject to peer review, unless invited. Peer review will generally comprise “Anonymous Reviewer/Anonymous Author” peer review (wherein neither the author nor the reviewer know each other’s identity), but the journal may also experiment, with authors’ permission, in open peer review and alternative forms of peer review. Papers from underrepresented voices are especially encouraged.

GWJEP is being launched in conjunction with the GW Ethics in Publishing Conference (postponed to Fall 2020). Conference presentations as well as papers based on previously-presented material are also encouraged.

The GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing will accept four main categories of articles:

  • Scholarly articles and case studies presenting research about ethical issues in publishing
  • “Making the World Better” articles and projects that explore ways of contributing to communities, including local, regional, or global publishing communities or other communities on aspects of publishing, literacy, and so on.
  • Reviews of books, websites, digital projects, and other web resources with a focus or considerable aspect of ethics in publishing.
  • Conference presentations

Each submission should include:

  • The e-mail address of the primary author as well as names and e-mail addresses of other contributing authors.
  • A narrative biography of each author, of no more than 125 words.
  • A short abstract of your article of no more than 300 words.
  • The URL of the author’s personal home page, project or university department.
  • Article or presentation (as an attachment). Articles of 6,000 – 7,000 words are recommended, but shorter articles will also be considered.

GWJEP uses The Chicago Manual of Style for footnotes and references. All links to reference sources, examples, etc., should be checked twice. Hyperlinks to articles or other references should also include date of last reference (i.e. Accessed December 21, 2019).

Innovative forms of scholarship, such as video or audio recordings, podcasts, or narratives, are also encouraged.

The GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing also requires that all published articles meet basic digital accessibility standards for visual resources. Papers accepted for publication that include images, charts, videos, or other visual assets must include alt-text (or long descriptions) for each visual asset, as well as appropriate captions. For more information on the basic principles of describing visual resources for accessibility in arts and humanities publications, please visit Describing Visual

Postponed GW Ethics in Publishing conference

Co-organizer, Puja Telikicherla, and I have decided that in light of these difficult and unprecedented circumstances concerning COVID-19, the safest course of action is to postpone the GW Ethics in Publishing Conference, originally scheduled for April 23.

We plan to find a date in Fall 2020 and we hope to have the same outstanding and inclusive line up at that time. Puja and I have consulted together and with others and we feel that moving the conference to a completely virtual format would not have the same impact; at any rate, April 23 may not be a good date even for a virtual conference. That said, the feedback that we have received on the Ethics in Publishing Conference lineup has been very positive–we thank you all for your support and we look forward to seeing you in Washington when we reschedule.

We had an incredibly exciting lineup, as you can see below; we hope all of our presenters are able to join us in the Fall.

Conference Schedule

9:30-9:45 | Welcome

John W. Warren, Director and Associate Professor, Masters of Professional Studies in Publishing, George Washington University

9:45-10:30 | Opening Plenaries

  • The Ethical Imperative of the University Press: Peter Berkery, Executive Director, Association of University Presses
  • Developing a Culture of Dignity at Johns Hopkins University Press: Barbara Kline Pope, Director, Johns Hopkins University Press

10:35-11:25 | Diversity and Equity Toolkit

  • Niccole Leilanionapae‘aina Coggins, Editorial, Design, and Production Coordinator and Assistant Project Editor, University of Virginia Press;
  • Jocelyn Dawson, Journals Marketing Manager, Duke University Press;
  • Damita Snow, Senior Manager, Publishing Technologies, American Society of Civil Engineers;
  • Randy Townsend; and Hanni Nabahe (facilitators)

11:30-12:00 | Publishing and Inclusive Language

  • Beth Bouloukos, Director at the Amherst College Press and Lever Press
  • Elizabeth Crowley Webber, Senior Production Editor, Georgetown University Press

12:00-12:45 | Lunch Plenary

Developing the App: Indigenous Guide to DC
Dr. Elizabeth Rule, Assistant Director, AT&T Center for Indigenous Politics and Policy, George Washington University

1:00-1:30 | Millenials and Manipulation

  • Josephine E. Sciortino, Managing Editor, Canadian Science Publishing
  • Yael Fitzpatrick, Consulting Art Director and Brand Manager, Gazelle Design Consultancy

1:40-2:10 | Talking and Tweeting

  • Hanni Nabahe, Resident Librarian, Scholarly Resources and Content Strategy, University of Virginia
  • Aliza Becker, Managing Editor, MediaSphere Medical

2:20-3:00 | Peers and Authors

  • Cheryl Johnson, Publishing Editor, American Psychological Association (APA)
  • Lois Jones, Peer Review Manager, American Psychological Association (APA)
  • Jenna Miley, Peer Review Coordinator, Journals Department, American Psychological Association (APA)
  • Randy Townsend, Director, Publications Operations, American Geophysical Union

3:10-3:35 | Born Accessible: The Past, Present and Future of Accessibility in Publishing

Bill Kasdorf, Principal, Kasdorf and Associates

3:35-3:45 | Coffee Break

3:45-4:15 | Ethics and Unethical Behavior

Danielle Galian, Editor, American Massage Therapy Association

Erin Price, Senior Writer and Editor, Curie Learning

4:15-5:00 | Closing Plenary

The Recommended List: Ten Notes I’ve Learned from Diversity & Inclusion Efforts So Far:

Elda Rotor, VP and Publisher, Penguin Classics, Penguin Random House

5:00 | Conference concludes

Panels marked by italics are PechaKucha-style talks, which feature faster presentations and a conversational tone shared across multiple speakers.

GW Ethics in Publishing Conference & new Journal of Ethics in Publishing: Call for Presentations – Papers

The GW Ethics in Publishing Conference has been postponed. A date will be set in Fall 2020.

The Master of Professional Studies in Publishing program at the George Washington University will be holding the GW Ethics in Publishing Conference, on Thursday, April 23, 2020, at the National Churchill Library and Center, Gelman Library, The George Washington University.

Co-sponsored by the Association of University Presses (AUPresses) and the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP)

The theme of this year’s conference is Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility.

We invite publishers, librarians, students. and researchers, from all stages of their career, to present on topics such as equity, inclusivity, diversity, accessibility, sustainability, peer review, metrics, and other issues of ethics in publishing. This is the 10th GW Ethics in Publishing Conference (the last was in 2016).

Presentations will include panels as well as “PechaKucha” style, short talks.

A call for presentations and more information is available here:

Registration for the conference will be free and will be available soon. (For those not in the DC metro area and who may not be able to travel here for the conference, we will plan to stream and/or record the conference.)

In conjunction, the Master of Professional Studies in Publishing is launching a new Journal of Ethics in Publishing, The new journal will be managed by students in the Publishing program and will be published on the Manifold publishing platform developed by University of Minnesota Press.

The Journal of Ethics in Publishing welcomes articles, case studies, and conference presentations from scholars, students, and publishing professionals on topics including, but not limited to, diversity and inclusion, accessibility, peer review, open access, sustainability, publishing metrics, equity, and other aspects and issues of ethics in publishing.

There is a call for Call for Papers and more information about the Journal of Ethics in Publishing here:

GW Publishing starts a blog!

The Master of Professional Studies in Publishing Program, College of Professional Studies, at the George Washington University, launches a blog.

We will be posting articles about the publishing program, our students, our faculty, and our initiatives, as well as other information about publishing.

For more about the GW Publishing program, visit the Master of Professional Studies in Publishing Program website, which has information about our program goals, faculty, and curriculum.