Gabrielle Bethancourt Appointed to GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing Editorial Board

The GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing proudly announces Gabrielle Bethancourt to the Editorial Board as the student representative to the board’s founding membership. 

Gabrielle Bethancourt - photo
Gabrielle Bethancourt

Gabrielle is a second-year student in the MPS in Publishing program at GW. She holds a Certificate in Editing from the University of Chicago, and taught high school English for five years before assuming her current role as a technical writer/editor. Gabrielle obtained her BA in English from Tulane University and served as an Editor for the Tulane Literary Review. She currently resides in New Orleans with her husband and one-year-old daughter.

“It is an honor to be selected as the student representative on the editorial board,” says Bethancourt. “My time in GW’s MPS in Publishing program has already supplied me with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the publishing world, but this is a unique opportunity to advance industry standards in ethics. It is also a great privilege to work with such accomplished professionals in the field. I look forward to serving my student community as a representative and the publishing community at large with this new journal.”

Gabrielle joins board members Josephine E. Sciortino, Lois Jones and Julie Vo, who were announced earlier this month as inaugural members of the editorial board by Editor-in-Chief Randy Townsend.

“To successfully launch this journal, strong editorial leadership is critical, and it’s imperative to have student representation on the editorial board, working alongside publishing experts,” says John W. Warren, Director and Associate Professor of the MPS in Publishing program, College of Professional Studies. “Gabrielle’s contributions were important, as well as those of her peers, to the launching of this journal, and her accomplishments in the program make her a natural fit for joining the board. My vision for the journal has always been to provide opportunities for our students to learn the ends and outs of journal management, while contributing to the research and literature of ethics in publishing. Student support and enthusiasm for the journal has been remarkable.”

In addition to Gabrielle’s editorship, the journal is also launching student-run committees to target 4 key objectives.

  • Editorial, led by Giuliana Macaluso, will steward the fair, unbiased double-masked peer review of journal submissions, identify opportunities to recognize referee contributions, and develop guidelines to maintain journal integrity.
  • ePublishing, led by Jeremy Ottley, will develop and maintain the online journal presence, ensuring discoverability, appropriate indexing, and successful implementation of industry standards.
  • Marketing & Promotion, led by Emily Hatcher, will cultivate a strategy to raise visibility of the published content, helping further ethical discussions presented by authors, and ensuring the journal brand consistently reflects values of integrity, equity, transparency, and scholarship.
  • Strategy & Sustainability, led by Ashley Warren, will be the moral compass guiding the journal through industry disruption while establishing and protecting a legacy of excellence and a tradition of quality.

“With Gabrielle joining the editorial team and the formation of these four committees, we are honoring our commitment to offer real-world experience and leadership opportunities to the publishing students, strengthening and adapting skills to the development of the journal,” says Townsend. “These committees will help establish the journal’s personality and characteristics. I am inspired by the enthusiasm surrounding the journal and looking forward to publishing great content.” 

The Journal of Ethics in Publishing, managed by students in the GW Publishing program, welcomes articles, case studies, and conference presentations from scholars, students, and publishing professionals on topics including, but not limited to, diversity and inclusion, accessibility, peer review, open access, sustainability, publishing metrics, equity, and other aspects and issues of ethics in publishing. If you are interested in submitting to the journal, please see the Call for Papers for more information.

GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing announces Randy Townsend as Editor-in-Chief and Society for Scholarly Publishing Sponsorship

The GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing is excited to announce Randy Townsend, MPS, as the journal’s inaugural Editor-in-Chief (EIC), along with sponsorship of the new journal by the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP).

Randy Townsend, MPS

The GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing is hosted by the Masters of Professional Studies in Publishing program, within the College of Professional Studies at The George Washington University. This student-managed publication, which will be an open-access resource, free for anyone to access online, welcomes articles, case studies, and conference presentations from scholars, students, and publishing professionals on topics including, but not limited to, diversity and inclusion, accessibility, peer review, open access, sustainability, publishing metrics, equity, and other aspects and issues of ethics in publishing.

As EIC, Townsend will be responsible for setting the vision for the Journal of Ethics in Publishing, developing peer review strategy and working with peer reviewers, soliciting and overseeing submissions, maintaining high editorial quality, and collaborating with faculty and students of the Master of Professional Studies in Publishing at the George Washington University.

“I am excited to serve the GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing as the inaugural Editor in Chief,” says Townsend. “I have spent much of my career focused on varying aspects of ethical considerations and the impacts of misconduct and have remained engaged as the publishing industry embraces equity, inclusion and diversity. The unusual circumstances of today have revealed new challenges to the moral compass of the publishing landscape and opportunities for both personal and organizational growth. The GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing will help navigate through grey areas of uncertainty and lead discussions of introspection and evolution.”

The Society for Scholarly Publishing will be an official sponsor of the GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing. SSP is a nonprofit organization formed to promote and advance communication among all sectors of the scholarly publication community through networking, information dissemination, and facilitation of new developments in the field.

SSP will support the work of the GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing through mentorship of SSP members with GW publishing students; guest posts authored by GW students and faculty involved with the Journal in the SSP’s acclaimed The Scholarly Kitchen (TSK) blog (; and potential programming opportunities to highlight journal content and/or the student experience at the SSP annual meeting, webinars, or regional events.

“The GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing perfectly aligns with SSP’s goal of developing scholarly communications professionals for the future,” said Melanie Dolechek, SSP Executive Director.  “We are excited to be in a position to offer mentorship to the GW students and provide access to important resources for the publishing leaders of tomorrow through this collaboration. Now more than ever, a journal of this scope is critical and we look forward to fostering rich dialogue about the ever-increasing ethical challenges facing scholarly communications.”

Randy Townsend (pronouns: he, him), is a graduate of the MPS in Publishing program, in 2011, as a member of cohort 5. Townsend has worked for the American Geophysical Union for more than 14 years, with an outstanding career focuses on the execution of the Publications Department’s strategic goals, and the performance and development of an expanding portfolio of scholarly journals, requiring oversight of peer review operations and content integrity. He has been a leader in policy implementation and manages allegations of misconduct and ethical violations. Randy served as a judge for the EXCEL Awards and is on the Advisory Board for the Association Media & Publishing. He is a member of the Council of Science Editors, the International Society of Managing and Technical Editor’s (ISMTE) Programming Committee and serves as Co-Chair on the Society of Scholarly Publishing’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee.

The GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing has a Call for Papers from publishing and library professionals, scholars, faculty, and publishing students. Topic areas include ways to ensure publishing is inclusive; making sure diverse voices are part of the conversation about inclusion, equity, and accessibility; work to ensure peer review, authorship, editing, publications metrics, etc., are equitable and free of bias; efforts to increase diversity, for example, within the Association of University Press (AUPresses), Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP), and other publishing institutions; financial equity and sustainability, including institutional support, and access to research and publications, as ethical issues; accessibility as an ethical issue and how publishers can ensure publications are more accessible.

About the GW Master of Professional Studies in Publishing program:

GW’s Master of Professional Studies in Publishing program, since 2006, is a leading graduate-degree program designed for current and aspiring professionals. Current publishing professionals can sharpen their skills and expand their knowledge through high-level coursework, while other students include post-bachelor and post-graduate students who have earned their degrees in other disciplines but desire careers in publishing. The master’s degree in Publishing integrates print and digital publishing topics, including editorial acquisitions, production and design, copyright law, marketing, distribution, technology, management and business. The program’s curriculum is taught by nationally and internationally recognized leaders; students master the skills required for traditional print publishing as well as online and electronic publishing.

 More information at

Contact: John W. Warren, Director and Associate Professor
Master of Professional Studies in Publishing Program
College of Professional Studies, George Washington University

Email: / Phone: (310) 463-4658

About the Society for Scholarly Publishing

The Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP), founded in 1978, is a nonprofit organization formed to promote and advance communication among all sectors of the scholarly publication community through networking, information dissemination, and facilitation of new developments in the field. SSP members represent all aspects of scholarly publishing—including publishers, printers, e-products developers, technical service providers, librarians, and editors. SSP members come from a wide range of large and small commercial and nonprofit organizations. They meet at SSP’s annual meetings, educational seminars, and regional events to hear the latest trends from respected colleagues and discuss common and mutual (and sometimes divergent) goals and viewpoints.

Contact Melanie Dolechek, Executive Director | | 303-422-3914

Call for Nominations: Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Ethics in Publishing

The Master of Professional Studies in Publishing Program seeks nominations for the position of Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing.

The Journal of Ethics in Publishing is a new, open-access journal that welcomes articles, case studies, and conference presentations from scholars, students, and publishing professionals on topics including, but not limited to, diversity and inclusion, accessibility, peer review, open access, sustainability, publishing metrics, equity, and other aspects and issues of ethics in publishing. This online journal will be managed by students in the GW Publishing program. We envision publication of the journal commencing in Fall 2020. Please see the inaugural call for papers.


The EIC will be responsible for setting the vision for the Journal of Ethics in Publishing, developing peer review strategy and working with peer reviewers, soliciting and overseeing submissions, maintaining high editorial quality, and collaborating with faculty and students of the Master of Professional Studies in Publishing at the George Washington University. Key aspects of this position include:

  • Set the editorial vision of the Journal of Ethics in Publishing.
  • Under the direction of MPS in Publishing Director and in collaboration with GW Publishing students, the EIC will develop an online presence for the Journal on GW Publishing’s Manifold instance.
  • Guide the formation of the inaugural Journal of Ethics in Publishing Editorial Board; oversee editorial board meetings, and work with board to set editorial direction and policies.
  • Develop pool of peer reviewers and manage overall peer-review process.
  • Oversee copyediting and proofreading processes of the Journal with GW Publishing students.
  • Publish authoritative, impactful and high quality articles within the journal’s scope.
  • Maintaining full and transparent communications and a positive working relationship with the GW Publishing Director, Advisory Board, faculty, students, and alumni.
  • Serve as an ambassador and advocate for the Journal.


  • Accomplishment and expertise in scholarly publishing, and a keen interest in expanding professional capacity in the field
  • Editorial, research, or other publishing experience
  • Strong organizational and leadership skills
  • Strong communication skills
  • A demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Time to dedicate to a demanding role (up to 4 hours/wk)
  • Master’s Degree in Publishing or a related field


GW Publishing provides for a competitive stipend for the Editor-in-Chief, which has the possibility of a part-time faculty role in the Master of Professional Studies in Publishing program, College of Professional Studies, George Washington University.

Nomination process

Nominations and self-nominations will be accepted through April 30th via this nomination form. Nominees will be invited to provide a statement of interest and CV by May 20. The Master of Professional Studies in Publishing Director, working with a search committee made up of GW Publishing faculty, will review candidates and select the EIC. The new EIC will start on July 1st.

Call for Papers – GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing

The George Washington University Master of Professional Studies in Publishing program is soliciting papers for the Journal of Ethics in Publishing (GWJEP), a new, open access journal. The GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing welcomes articles, case studies, and conference presentations from scholars, students, and publishing professionals on topics including, but not limited to, diversity and inclusion, accessibility, peer review, open access, sustainability, publishing metrics, equity, and other aspects and issues of ethics in publishing. This online journal will be managed by students in the GW Publishing program. We envision publication of GWJEP  commencing in Fall 2020.

We are soliciting papers from publishing and library professionals, scholars, faculty, and publishing students, on topic areas such as:

  • Ways to ensure publishing is inclusive: in all its dimensions
  • Making sure diverse voices are part of the conversation about inclusion, equity, and accessibility
  • Work to ensure peer review, authorship, editing, publications metrics, etc., are equitable and free of bias
  • Can equitable, inclusive, and accessible publishing become a reality instead of a goal?
  • Institutional efforts to increase diversity, for example, within the Association of University Press (AUPresses), Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP), and other publishing institutions.
  • Financial equity and sustainability, including institutional support, and access to research and publications, as ethical issues.
  • Accessibility as an ethical issue
  • How publishers can ensure publications are more accessible

Please share the Call for Papers, which is ongoing:

Alumni of and current students in the GW Master of Professional Studies in Publishing program are invited to present on their Ethics in Publishing Capstone projects, including both “Making the World Better” projects and Case Studies.

Scholarly articles, case studies, and “Making the World Better” projects will generally be subject to peer review, unless invited. Peer review will generally comprise “Anonymous Reviewer/Anonymous Author” peer review (wherein neither the author nor the reviewer know each other’s identity), but the journal may also experiment, with authors’ permission, in open peer review and alternative forms of peer review. Papers from underrepresented voices are especially encouraged.

GWJEP is being launched in conjunction with the GW Ethics in Publishing Conference (postponed to Fall 2020). Conference presentations as well as papers based on previously-presented material are also encouraged.

The GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing will accept four main categories of articles:

  • Scholarly articles and case studies presenting research about ethical issues in publishing
  • “Making the World Better” articles and projects that explore ways of contributing to communities, including local, regional, or global publishing communities or other communities on aspects of publishing, literacy, and so on.
  • Reviews of books, websites, digital projects, and other web resources with a focus or considerable aspect of ethics in publishing.
  • Conference presentations

Each submission should include:

  • The e-mail address of the primary author as well as names and e-mail addresses of other contributing authors.
  • A narrative biography of each author, of no more than 125 words.
  • A short abstract of your article of no more than 300 words.
  • The URL of the author’s personal home page, project or university department.
  • Article or presentation (as an attachment). Articles of 6,000 – 7,000 words are recommended, but shorter articles will also be considered.

GWJEP uses The Chicago Manual of Style for footnotes and references. All links to reference sources, examples, etc., should be checked twice. Hyperlinks to articles or other references should also include date of last reference (i.e. Accessed December 21, 2019).

Innovative forms of scholarship, such as video or audio recordings, podcasts, or narratives, are also encouraged.

The GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing also requires that all published articles meet basic digital accessibility standards for visual resources. Papers accepted for publication that include images, charts, videos, or other visual assets must include alt-text (or long descriptions) for each visual asset, as well as appropriate captions. For more information on the basic principles of describing visual resources for accessibility in arts and humanities publications, please visit Describing Visual

GW Ethics in Publishing Conference & new Journal of Ethics in Publishing: Call for Presentations – Papers

The GW Ethics in Publishing Conference has been postponed. A date will be set in Fall 2020.

The Master of Professional Studies in Publishing program at the George Washington University will be holding the GW Ethics in Publishing Conference, on Thursday, April 23, 2020, at the National Churchill Library and Center, Gelman Library, The George Washington University.

Co-sponsored by the Association of University Presses (AUPresses) and the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP)

The theme of this year’s conference is Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility.

We invite publishers, librarians, students. and researchers, from all stages of their career, to present on topics such as equity, inclusivity, diversity, accessibility, sustainability, peer review, metrics, and other issues of ethics in publishing. This is the 10th GW Ethics in Publishing Conference (the last was in 2016).

Presentations will include panels as well as “PechaKucha” style, short talks.

A call for presentations and more information is available here:

Registration for the conference will be free and will be available soon. (For those not in the DC metro area and who may not be able to travel here for the conference, we will plan to stream and/or record the conference.)

In conjunction, the Master of Professional Studies in Publishing is launching a new Journal of Ethics in Publishing, The new journal will be managed by students in the Publishing program and will be published on the Manifold publishing platform developed by University of Minnesota Press.

The Journal of Ethics in Publishing welcomes articles, case studies, and conference presentations from scholars, students, and publishing professionals on topics including, but not limited to, diversity and inclusion, accessibility, peer review, open access, sustainability, publishing metrics, equity, and other aspects and issues of ethics in publishing.

There is a call for Call for Papers and more information about the Journal of Ethics in Publishing here: