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Common Problems Single Mothers Face and How to Overcome Them

Being a single mother is not easy and many single moms face financial struggles, legal issues, a lack of support, emotional distress and more. Here are some of the common problems they have to face and suggestions on how to deal with them.

Legal issues

Women become single mothers for various reasons. They may be widowed, divorced or have just made a choice to be single moms. Those who go through a divorce often have to face legal issues, such as child support and custody battles and may find themselves in a courtroom. 

The ability to emotionally cope with court decisions regarding custody can be extremely stressful. Having one of the best child custody lawyers from in their corner can be invaluable in a custody battle. 

Work/life balance

Most single working mothers are hard-pressed to find enough time to cope with all their responsibilities. They not only have work obligations, but they have to take care of their kids and this can be particularly stressful when they’re the sole provider. 

Single moms can try to arrange flexible working hours, arrange for extra help or even work from home if this is possible. This gives them a chance to create a better work/life balance. Learning how to set boundaries and goals is very important, especially if they work from home.

Emotional challenges

The emotional burden of being a single mother can be heavy. There is no partner for them to confide in when the kids are being difficult. A sense of loneliness and depression can easily set in when they don’t have a close partner with whom they can share the bad and the good times.

Single mothers have to develop resilience to handle the difficult times and create a loving and supportive environment for their kids. They have to keep reminding themselves that they are capable of raising happy, healthy kids and that no parent is perfect. Being thankful for what they do have rather than focusing on what they don’t have can help them to thrive. 

Financial difficulties

Financial difficulties are often at the top of the list for single moms. A lack of money can cause a great deal of stress and limit their choices. They may feel guilty that they’re not providing enough for their kids and take on extra work, which means they have even less time with them. Waiting for child support that never arrives or paying lawyers to pursue payment adds to the stress.

To reduce the anxiety, it is helpful for them to create a monthly budget, so they’re aware of their income and expenses. Having an overall view of their finances can help them to make better decisions and find ways to save. 

Paying down any debt is important to avoid high interest fees. If they can save any money, this can be very helpful as it will assist them when dealing with unexpected expenses. 

Feeling guilty

Single moms often feel guilty and that they are always coming up short in caring and providing for their kids. Societal pressures can add to the guilt. They can begin to feel as though parenting is a competition and they are coming last. The good news is that they don’t have to feel guilty. 

It requires an attitude adjustment to deal with the guilt. Firstly, they need to accept that there is no right or wrong way to be a parent. Living in the moment, spending time with the kids, limiting social media usage and connecting with other single moms can all help to deal with their guilt. 

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