The research and scholarship of the faculty and students of CCAS is important, fascinating and can be world-changing. In order for that impact to take full effect, the results need to be widely disseminated to enable a broader audience: doctors, policy-makers, educators or the general public, to employ the new knowledge or techniques in their daily lives, thinking or decision-making. The CCAS Research Showcase is intended to provide a forum, not only to celebrate and display this valuable and interesting scholarship and research, but to help hone the communication skills necessary to translate our academic endeavors into real world impact.
Peer review and feedback from experienced practitioners should encourage and help our poster presenters improve their presentation skills. At the CCAS Research Showcase, we will be offering feedback forms in electronic and paper format that allow the visitors to the Showcase to provide feedback to the poster presenters. To show our appreciation for visitors taking time to provide feedback, those providing feedback for three or more presenters will receive a small gift.
Paper feedback forms can be collected from the registration desk opposite the third-floor elevator and should be returned to the desk after completion.
The electronic feedback form is available here.
Feedback Criteria
Visitors will be asked to provide comments on the strengths and areas for improvement in the following three themes.
Content: Did the presentation justify the need for or motivate the research appropriately? Did the presentation convey the role the presenter had played in the research project? Were the results of the research project, their impact on the field, and any next steps for the project clearly defined?
Design: How did the poster’s layout, organization, graphics and text contribute to your interest in and understanding of the presented topic? Was the balance of text and graphics appropriate to the subject under discussion? Were the text and graphics employed of an appropriate size to facilitate reading and understanding?
Presentation: Did the presenter explain their research and its motivation or justification clearly using appropriate vocabulary? Was the research motivated / justified and explained at the level of an educated layperson? Did the presenter convey enthusiasm for the research?