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Poster Feedback

Please provide poster feedback using the following options:

Research Showcase Poster Information

Poster listings can be found below. All poster titles can be found in the Abstract Booklet.

Poster Hanging and Removal Instructions

On April 16th, you will have thirty minutes before your poster session to find the appropriate poster board and mount your poster (starting at 09:30 a.m. for graduate students and 12:00 p.m. for undergraduate students). Posters should be removed promptly at the end of your poster session. The poster boards will be removed by an external vendor beginning at 2:30 p.m., and so we will not be able to rescue posters left behind at the end of the day. If you would like to keep your poster, please ensure you remove it before the external vendors take down the poster boards.

There is will be a feedback form to enable visitors to the event to be able to deliver encouragement and feedback to poster presenters. After the event, we will distribute any feedback received to the primary presenter.