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GW's Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) shared two RFPs from RWJF. Both could be relevant to many areas due to their interdisciplinary natures. Those interested in applying should reach out to the CFR office at

Full RFPs:

Building Evidence on Income Supports for Low-Income Families with Young Children
Income supports may reduce poverty in households with young children; provide critical resources to help families support children’s development; diminish families’ stress levels; and thereby advance health equity. (RWJF plans to support research on the two other policy areas addressed in the research agenda—access to ECE and nutrition supports—through separate calls for proposals.)

Understanding and Supporting Anchor Businesses to Build a Culture of HealthThis call for proposals will focus on supporting empirical research to understand the ways that for-profit anchors advance health and well-being in the communities where they are located.

*This is a GW Priority Foundation. Please visit the Priority Foundations and Corporations page to view more information on the process for applying to GW priority corporations and foundations.

About: Upcoming opportunity for GW researchers with current or recent funding from the Department of Defense to present their work. This is a great showcase of innovative DOD-funded research for Members of Congress and their staff.

Questions: Please contact Shane Seger in OVPR if you are interested in presenting a poster at the briefing’s poster session, and to be connected with the event's organizer.



SaTC Frontiers

Letter of Intent Deadline: 5:00pm, Friday, July 5, 2019

Award: $5,000,000 - $10,000,000 in total budget, with durations of up to five years.

About: The Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program welcomes proposals that address cybersecurity and privacy, and draw on expertise in one or more of these areas: computing, communication and information sciences; engineering; economics; education; mathematics; statistics; and social and behavioral sciences. Proposals that advance the field of cybersecurity and privacy within a single discipline or interdisciplinary efforts that span multiple disciplines are both encouraged.

More Info:

Models for Uncovering Rules and Unexpected Phenomena in Biological Systems (MODULUS)

The National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS), in collaboration with the Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (MCB), seeks to promote interdisciplinary research that enables novel mathematical and computational approaches that capture and explore the full range of mechanisms and biological variability needed to better understand biological systems behavior across multiple scales. Proposals in response to this DCL should be submitted to either DMS via the Mathematical Biology Program Description or the MCB solicitation, NSF 18-585, directed to the Systems and Synthetic Biology program (8011). The proposal title should be prefaced with "MODULUS:". The MCB solicitation accepts proposals to core programs or to a Rules of Life (RoL) track. Submission to either track is permissible given that the guidance as detailed in the solicitation (NSF 18-585) for each is followed. For proposals submitted to MCB and targeted for the RoL track, a second program in another BIO Division must also be identified. Neither Division puts limits on proposal budgets and expects budgets to be appropriate for the scope of the project proposed.

For more information, check the Dear Colleague Letter at:

The CCAS Dean’s Research Excellence Award for Mentoring (DREAM)

The CCAS Dean's Office is pleased to continue our CCAS Dean’s Research Excellence Award for Mentoring (DREAM) program. This award is to recognize the contributions of our faculty who  provide research mentoring for their colleague(s).  CCAS full time faculty (including tenured, tenure track, contract, or research faculty) are eligible for the competition. An honorarium of $1,000 will be awarded to the top recipient of award.

Call for nominations for the 2018-2019 CCAS Dean’s Research Excellence Award for Mentoring (DREAM). DUE: Monday, April 22, 2019.


Brief information on nominations should be entered on our Nomination Form for DREAM as soon as possible, but no later than April 22, 2019.  Full packages should be emailed to in one PDF file by April 22, 2019 with the following materials:

  1. Cover letter from the nominator, who should be a regular faculty (tenured, tenure track, or contract faculty member) in CCAS.
  2. Letter of support from a faculty mentee.
  3. Statement of nominee's mentoring activities and its impact in recent years.
  4. Biosketch for the nominee, up to three pages.

Review Process:

The applications will be reviewed by the CCAS Research Advisory Committee, which consists of three faculty members from each division: Arts and Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Natural and Mathematical Sciences. If a current CCAS Research Advisory Committee member is a nominee, a faculty member from that division will be selected as a replacement by the Associate Dean for Research in consultation with the Dean. The committee will review all application packages and make recommendations to the Dean who will make the final decision.

Notification of Decisions:

The Dean will notify nominees of his decision in May 2019. An award ceremony will be held during the CCAS Faculty Celebration event towards the end of semester.

Paul Wahlbeck, Interim Dean, CCAS
Yongwu Rong, Associate Dean for Research & Strategic Initiatives

Date/Time: Wednesday, March 6, 2019 - 4:00pm-5:00pm

Location: Science & Engineering Hall, B1220


  • Gina Adam, Electrical & Computer Engineering
    • Memristor devices as artificial synapses for neuro-inspired computing
  • Luyao Lu, Biomedical Engineering
    • Soft Optoelectronics for Assessment of Biological Systems
  • R. Alexander Pyron, Biological Sciences
    • Undiscovered Biodiversity: describing new species of reptile and amphibian from around the world


The WOWTALK (What’s Our Work) Series brings together colleagues and students from disciplines associated with GW's Science and Engineering Hall—and related fields—to present new research and share ideas. These short talks (15-20 minutes each) are designed to introduce members of the GW community to current and exciting research projects undertaken in labs in the SEH, to initiate discussion, collaborate, share expertise, and to promote research performed in the SEH and at GW.

Printable Flyer (11x17 or 8.5x14)

National Science Foundation Presentation
for faculty and researchers from GW and Howard University

Date/Time: Friday, March 29, 2019 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm, refreshments to follow

Location: GWSB, Duques Hall, 652

Speaker: Dr. Şenay Ağca, Program Director, Division of Social and Economic Sciences, National Science Foundation / Associate Professor of Finance, GWSB, will present an overview of NSF, its recent solicitations and competitions, including those in the Social and Economic Sciences.


A joint CCAS-GWSB event.

About CCAS Grantsmanship Workshop
A new event series focusing on the techniques and strategies for successful grant and fellowship applications, with panel discussions by experienced colleagues, presentations from funding agencies, as well as other types of events that could boost the competitiveness of grant and fellowship applications from CCAS faculty.