Group members present at APS April Meeting

Group members Phoebe, Olga, and Axel travelled to Sacramento, CA this April to present their research at the APS April Meeting. Phoebe presented on the Hall D Short-Range Correlations / Color Transparency Experiment, and how the use of photoproduction reactions to probe short-range correlations in nuclei can help us verify that what we’ve learned about correlations does not depend on the reaction mechanism. Olga gave an update on her work on the Dalitz Analysis of the eta’ meson (GlueX), showcasing the agreement between the background-subtracted data, and a parameterized model of the decay. Axel gave an update on the BAND analysis (CLAS), as well as presenting results from a recently accepted paper on the phenomenology of short-range correlations in helium-3 (two protons and one neutron) and tritium (two neutrons and one proton).

In addition to these research talks, Phoebe and Olga helped organize the Jefferson Lab Users Organization’s (JLUO’s) satelite workshop, both speaking about their great work leading the Jefferson Lab’s Graduate Student and Postdoc Association. Olga also delivered an overview of the recent highlights from Hall D.

A short-range correlation of hummingbirds seen outside the convention center

Happy end of the semester!

We’ve reached the end of a busy semester for our group, and as we transition into summer, it feels like a good time to recognize some of the achievements of our group members. First, our group was well represented among this year’s departmental awards.

  • Erin was awarded the Chair’s Prize for best physics poster by a graduate student at the GW Research Showcase.
  • Gabe was awarded the Berman Prize for “Excellence in Experimental Physics.”
  • Logan was awarded the Gus Weiss Prize for an “Outstanding Student in Physics.”
  • Gabe was also named a Columbian College Distinguished Scholar at this year’s graduation.

Earlier this spring, Erin travelled to Paris, France, to present her work at the “International Workshop on CLAS12 Physics and Future Perspectives at JLab.

The workshop was held in the Curie Auditorium of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (National Center for Scientific Research), quite an impressive venue.

This semester also saw the graduation of two of our undergraduate students, Gabe and Logan. This felt monumental because they were Axel’s first undergraduate mentees at GW. Both Gabe and Logan wrote very impressive undergraduate theses, presented super research posters at the showcase, and were awarded departmental honors at graduation by unanimous acclamation of the faculty.

Both Gabe and Logan will be missed, but they have exciting careers in physics ahead of them. Logan will be starting in the PhD program at Notre Dame this fall, and Gabe will be pursuing a PhD at Michigan State. We look forward to seeing all they discover.

Gabe is also a very talented percussionist. Here he is, playing four-mallet marimba with the GW percussion ensemble. So he has options, just in case physics doesn’t work out. 😉

DNP in the Big Easy

The APS Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP) annual meeting was finally in-person again, and the JLab group travelled en masse to New Orleans to present our work. In total, group members gave seven presentations. Gabe and Logan participated in the Conference Experience for Undergraduates (CEU) program. Here are some photos taken during the meeting.

Group has strong showing at APS Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting

Tyler Kutz presenting his invited talk showing preliminary results from the BAND Experiment.

Our group was well-represented at this year’s APS Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting. Our headliner was Tyler, who was gave an invited talk titled “First results from neutron-tagged DIS measurements at JLab with CLAS12 and BAND.” Other talks by group members were:

  • Erin Seroka: “Comparing Simulated and Measured 3He Neutron-to-Proton Knockout Ratios”
  • Sara Ratliff: “Upcoming High-Statistics Exclusive Measurements of SRCs at CLAS-12”
  • Phoebe Sharp: “Using Generalized Contact Formalism and Real Photon Beams to Explore Short Range Nuclear Structure”
  • Bill Briscoe: “A Nuclear Education Hub (NEH) for Training the Next Generation Nuclear Workforce”
  • Igor Strakovsky: “Threshold Upsilon-meson Photoproduction at EIC and EicC”
  • Axel Schmidt: “The LAD Experiment: measuring medium-modification using spectator-tagged deep inelastic scattering”

PANIC! It’s the Particles and Nuclei International Conference.

Our group was well represented at the 2021 edition of the Particles and Nuclei International Conference, which was held remotely after being originally planned to be held in Lisbon, Portugal. We had three contributions:

The talks have been archived on YouTube, and you can watch below.