New paper updating the SAID Partial-Wave Analysis Global Fits

In a recent paper in Physical Review C, our group, in collaboration with GW professor Ron Workman and with Prof. Alfred Svarc from the Rudjer Boškovic Institute in Zagreb, Croatia, describe the latest release version of SAID partial wave analysis global fits. SAID consists of a data base of over 10,000 scattering measurements in a variety of observables and channels, as well as a simultaneous multi-channel partial wave analysis global fit, which allows predictions of the complete set of observables. In this paper, we have used the updated fits to produce revised estimates of the helicity amplitudes of light baryonic resonances. An example of data and the resulting fit for one observable (differential cross section) for one channel (gamma p –> π0 p) for one beam energy (E=1625 MeV) are shown below. One motivation for this update was the publication of the E double spin asymmetry results in the “gamma p –> π0 p” reaction that made up Chan Kim’s PhD thesis.

An example figure from the paper showing the differential cross section for the gamma p –> π0 p channel at a photon beam energy of 1625 MeV. World data are shown in blue points. The new SAID fit results are shown with the red solid curve, while other less recent global fits (SAID 2012 in blue, MAID 2007 in green, Bonn-Gatchina 2019 in magenta) are shown for comparison.