![Quinn Stefan standing in front of her poster](https://blogs.gwu.edu/ccas-jlabgroup/files/2023/12/quinn_dnp-1024x871.jpg)
This past November, the American Physical Society’s Division of Nuclear Physics held its fall meeting in conjunction with the Physical Society of Japan on the Big Island of Hawaii. Prof. Strakovsky organized a workshop as part of the conference, titled “Spectroscopy of Hyperons and Heavy Baryons at JLab and J-PARC,” and spoke about the future K-Long Facility at Jefferson Lab. He also presented our work looking for the Pc(4312)+ pentaquark in data from GlueX. Undergraduate student, Quinn Stefan, participated in the “Conference Experience for Undergraduates” (CEU) program, and presented a poster (shown above) about her work on Radiative Corrections.