Today, our group celebrates our newest doctor! Giovanni Angelini successfully defended his PhD thesis, titled “Probing Quark Dynamics in Semi-Inclusive Charged Pion Electroproduction with CLAS12.” This was an immensely impressive piece of work that charted both beam single-spin asymmetries as well as pion multiplicities over four-dimensional phase space. These results are some of the first to come from the CLAS collaboration after the 12 GeV upgrade, and are well on their way to publication. In fact, the π+ beam spin asymmetry results are already on the arXiv (arXiv:2101.03544 [hep-ex]) and are undergoing peer review.
We are also thrilled that Dr. Angelini has accepted a lecturer position in the physics department at American University! We wish both for his continued to success and that we’ll see him around town this fall.