H5N1 Human Victim #4
Now we can add a fourth case this year of avian flu in a human residing in the US, again a mild case with conjunctivitis in an individual in close contact with infected dairy cows. No surprise there, but I'm waiting to see what happens with all the summer state fairs that provide more opportunities for human exposure to infected poultry and mammals.
Summer Covid Watching
The bottom line in the US is that covid infections are likely still pretty low, and we don't really know if we'll see a significant surge in the next few months. Any prediction is harder these days because our monitoring systems are probably the worst they've been in the past 4 years. On a national public health level, post-pandemic reporting and tracking have been relaxed and made voluntary, which for many healthcare institutions and jurisdictions can mean no reporting at all. On an individual level, people are less likely to seek testing or treatment, probably due to a combination of numbness from years of being on the edge plus relatively lower disease severity.
I'm focusing on a few data sites.
First is the CDC's Respiratory Virus Weekly Snapshot. The percentage of positive tests sheds some light in disease activity, still cloaked in individual behaviors in seeking testing in the first place and lack of reporting from most home testing. The recent covid percentage is trending up, though not at the level of fall 2022.
Covid wastewater trending is helpful and perhaps the least altered by changes in practice over time. Unfortunately, vast areas of the country have no reporting. Activity levels are rising particularly in the western US, but still well below prior surges. I noted that wastewater updating took a holiday last week, so we're missing the most recent numbers.
Second, I'm keeping a watch on relative predominance of different variants, with an eye to how effective our next vaccines will be. The top 4 variants currently are KP.3, KP.2, LB.1, and KP.1.1. Any late summer or fall surge likely would include one or more of these. I'm waiting for more data on how well serum from recipients of the new vaccines will neutralize these variants in vitro.
Should I Change My Annual NJ Beach Trip?
A flurry of beach closings due to poor water quality last week. I couldn't find any national consortium on this, so you'll need to look at specific states to find out what's going on at your beach rental house this summer. In my browsing I particularly liked the Massachusetts interactive water quality dashboard; Massachusetts seems to be one of the harder-hit states.
Meanwhile, a bit farther south:
Only 1 site in NJ is closed currently, I'm OK!
The song I Ain't Worried was written for the beach football scene in the movie Top Gun: Maverick. It was conceived early in the pandemic (when we were worried!) and was an upbeat breather contrasting with the intensity in the rest of the movie. Not a bad antidote for your summer worries, whatever they may be.