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After one failed retirement attempt, I'm trying again. I just entered a new phase to decrease my coverage of inpatient telemedicine services at regional hospitals and, if demand isn't increasing terribly, I'll phase out completely. In the meantime, I'm revving up for watching the Winter Respiratory Infection Season (WRIS).


Nothing strikingly new or concerning on the covid, influenza, and RSV fronts, according to CDC. Respiratory illnesses, wastewater levels, and ED visits are pretty flat or decreasing most places. Florida is starting to show an increase in RSV; typically that region starts sooner than the rest of the country. Of course all viral activity varies geographically, and you can look at your own region with CDC's interactive program at that link.

I admit to having some personal interest in following this closely now. I'm trying to figure out timing of my flu vaccine; as a septuagenerian I may have more rapid waning of immunity after vaccination than do younger generations, plus preliminary data from the Southern Hemisphere suggests a slightly lower flu vaccine effectiveness this year. The key term here is preliminary. These estimates are based on very low sample sizes, and estimates always change once the full season can be evaluated.

Speaking of vaccines, the UK provided a more straightforward guidance for covid vaccination this year. The eligibility groups are pretty limited:

During the 2024 autumn campaign the following groups should be offered a COVID-19 vaccine:

  • all adults aged 65 years and over including individuals aged 64 who will have their 65th birthday before the campaign ends (31st March 2025)
  • residents in a care home for older adults
  • individuals aged 6 months and over who are in a clinical risk group, as defined in tables 3 and 4 of the Green Book chapter 14a

As I've mentioned before, the UK with its National Health Service relies heavily on cost effectiveness analyses, leading to a more restricted target population than in the US.

Two Viruses on the International Scene ...

Marburg Virus in Rwanda

Marburg activity in Rwanda is increasing, and the CDC sent out an advisory last week. Marburg virus is another of the hemorrhagic fever flaviviruses, like Ebola; it has a high fatality rate. As in other hemorrhagic fever virus outbreaks, healthcare workers are at high risk if they are not careful with exposure to blood and body fluids. Most of us remember the spread of Ebola to the US, and already there's been a scare in Hamburg, Germany, but the ill traveler returning from Rwanda tested negative. The name comes from the German city of Marburg which was one of the sites (the others were Frankfurt, Germany, and Belgrade in what is now Serbia) of laboratory outbreaks of the illness in 1967, linked to African green monkeys imported from Uganda. Let's hope efforts to contain the infection are successful, but it's a tough task in low-resource regions.

Perinatal Chikungunya

A new study from Brazil suggests a relatively high rate of transmission of this virus from pregnant people to their newborn infants. The study period covered the years 2016 - 2020. Here's the summary numbers:

Symptoms in infected infants included, in addition to rash and fever, some more severe conditions like DIC, vesiculobullous eruption, seizure and encephalitis, and respiratory failure. It was both a retrospective and prospective case series, and I learned a new term: ambispective!

... But Also Some International Success

The WHO recently declared Brazil has successfully eliminated lymphatic filariasis as a public health problem, a major milestone. The only countries successful previously with filariasis were Malawi and Togo in the WHO African region; Egypt and Yemen in the Eastern Mediterranean region; Bangladesh, Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Thailand in the South-East Asian region; and Cambodia, Cook Islands, Kiribati, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Marshall Islands, Niue, Pilau, Tonga, Vanuatu, Viet Nam, and Wallis and Futuna in the Western Pacific region. Time to dig out that world map!

Filariasis is one of 20 Neglected Tropical Diseases targeted by WHO for improved control by 2030.

Lower Vaccination Rates in US Kindergartners

CDC updated vaccine coverage rates for the 2023-2024 year and, no surprise, it's dropping. The decrease may be driven at least in part by an increase in non-medical exemptions. This news doesn't bode well for future outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, but the clinical impact is largely determined by geographic distributions at the community level. The site has a lot of data, worth some browsing, but here's a quick look at MMR coverage by state for 2023-2024:

Any state that isn't the darkest blue has high risk for outbreaks. Even within the dark blue states any pockets of poor vaccine coverage, such as communities or schools that have high rates of vaccine-averse parents, could see outbreaks.

How's Your Outpatient Antibiotic Prescribing Score?

A cross-sectional database study of about half a million antibiotic subscriptions in 2022 from Tennessee showed some interesting results. The investigators looked at both appropriateness of antibiotic choice and duration of treatment; only 31% of prescriptions were appropriate for both. Here's the quick look at optimal antibiotic choice by disease:

Here's what it looked like for duration of therapy. Standard durations reflect current guidelines, whereas contemporary durations are taken from more recent studies suggesting shorter courses are effective. The number of days in parentheses are the contemporary durations.

Again, another study worthy of browsing if you commonly prescribe antibiotics for these conditions.

November 5 is Fast Approaching

Although I'm trying to wind down my practice, it seems like my to-do list is twice as long now. We're all busy, but please don't forget to vote!


It's been an eventful week for me but relatively quiet in the world of infectious diseases. I've just returned from a week's trek in the semi-wilds of Colorado. You may recall that last week's post included a mention of mosquitoes and high altitudes, noting that climate warming has been accompanied by trends of more mosquitoes at those upper elevation. I'm happy to report that after spending the week in the great outdoors at 5000 - 10,000 feet I only had a few bites and didn't even touch my insect repellent.

Turning skyward, I was able to view the September 17 partial lunar eclipse from Mesa Verde National Park; sadly my antique cell phone camera was unable to capture it. This morning I consulted my trusted 2024 print edition of The Old Farmer's Almanac to remind myself of the difference between an equinox and a solstice. The earth's axis is tilted at 23.5 degrees from the perpendicular as it revolves around the sun, and the equinoxes occur when both northern and southern hemispheres equally face the sun. Northern hemisphere solstices occur when the North Pole is most tilted towards (winter) or away (summer) from the sun. I learned so much this week!


Whooping cough was in the news recently, though really this is just a return to "normal" after the pandemic years. Here's the long view from CDC data.

On a more recent view, you can see the age breakdown.

I was involved in pertussis immunology and vaccine research very briefly in my career. I always like to mention an oldie-but-goodie article from 1992 showing that about one-quarter of UCLA college students with cough lasting longer than 5 days showed evidence of recent pertussis infection. It's a good reminder that pertussis in adults usually looks very different, and milder, than the classical whooping cough in infants. Diagnosis is difficult unless you think about pertussis as a possbility.

Maybe not so coincidentally with these news reports, the FDA VRBPAC meeting last Friday focused on using Controlled Human Infection Models (CHIMs) to try to develop a better pertussis vaccine. Yes, that's right, intentional infection of human volunteers to study various aspects of the disease. We need more information to improve pertussis control, given that our current acellular vaccines are less effective (but also with less side effects) than the predecessor whole cell vaccines. Large scale trials are difficult, expensive, and largely impractical in the present era, so it's time for new approaches. A group at the University of Southhampton in the UK presented some preliminary data from a CHIMs trial and also had a nice graph to put into perspective relative mortalities and contagiousness of pertussis compared to other pathogens:

The study itself was just a challenge study of human volunteers to determine the dose of organisms and the immunologic responses surrounding infection and colonization. It seems likely that these types of studies will be utilized more frequently in the future to improve our understanding of pertussis prevention.

Needless to say, I didn't join this meeting live, I was off the grid in Colorado, but I did skim through the recording and slides today. This wasn't a typical VRBPAC meeting where voting occurred, it was more of a discussion to guide future research.

More Wastewater

Speaking of returning to pre-pandemic levels of infection, I've been watching wastewater trends for enterovirus D68. You may recall that this was an enterovirus strain that figured prominently, but not exclusively, in outbreaks of acute flaccid myelitis that tended to occur in even-numbered years - pretty strange.

As you can see, the pandemic really ended this pattern, and nothing new is going on so far this year. However, wastewater numbers, at least for EV D68, have looked very different.

Will we see a blip upwards in AFM cases this year? I hope not.

More Colorado Learning

My landscape designer wife clued me in to the details of the quaking aspens, so named due to the fluttering of the leaves that have their own distinct sound. They are beautiful, both my wife and I wished we had better pictures to show you.

On another note, although I love to learn, one new factoid I happened upon was perhaps less exciting. Hiking at these altitudes, I learned that I'm not as young as I used to be!

Last week I outsmarted myself. The closing photo in the September 8 blog I was sure would result in at least 1 person calling me out; I was then going to follow up in this week's post to explain about invasive species. I guess I forgot to factor in the politeness of my audience in not wanting to berate me for mistakes. (This is a more preferable explanation than the alternative that no one even read that post!)

Still not much going on with our summer respiratory season. The percentage of ED visits due to covid continues to fall nationally.

However, covid wastewater levels in the western US plateaued or even increased a little.

Measles Still Here

It looks like we have settled into a persistent trickle of cases in the US. I'm still holding my breath hoping we can avoid another major outbreak this year. The official tally for 2024 now is 251 cases from 30 states and DC.

Not included in the totals above is a new case occurring in an unvaccinated student at Western Kentucky University, probably acquired during international travel. It looks like that person attended several public events over a few days in late August; with an incubation period of around 2 weeks, we should be hearing soon if secondary cases resulted from this person.

Meanwhile, the UK has reported a measles death in a "young person who was known to have other medical conditions." With 2465 confirmed measles cases so far this year, the UK is much worse off than we are in the US. Still, it's unsettling to hear about measles deaths in high income countries. The UK has had 1-5 deaths per year since 2019 but hasn't had double-digit death figures since 1988. Best estimates are that, even with the best medical care, 1-3/1000 children with measles will die.

A Couple Vaccine Updates

Nothing really new here, but it's easy to overlook important guidance with the flood of emails and other reminders we receive. First is the official statement from ACIP about Hib vaccination for American Indian and Alaskan Native infants. It is the follow up from an ACIP meeting last June. For both socioeconomic and biologic reasons, it's been clear for decades that this population has a very high rate of Hib disease and also a less robust response to most Hib vaccines compared to the general US population. The best Hib vaccine for this group is a conjugate using the Hib polysaccharide PRP joined to an outer membrane protein from Neisseria meningitidis. The OMP is a carrier protein that helps infants form antibody to PRP, the real protective antibody here. This is the basis for all conjugate vaccines; it fools the infant immune system into thinking it is seeing a protein antigen rather than a polysaccharide antigen; PRP and other polysaccharide antigens are not well recognized by infant immune systems - normal infants even fail to form antibody to PRP with natural Hib disease. Conjugate vaccines fool infant immune systems.

At any rate, for a long while we've only had 1 Hib vaccine with the PRP-OMP combo: PedvaxHIB. This summer we saw FDA approval of Vaxelis, a hexavalent vaccine with DTaP, IPV, HepB, and Hib, the latter using the PRP-OMP product. Vaxelis is now officially recommended as an option for the AI/AN infant population, as well as for other infants. The recommendation for the AI/AN group was made on the basis of a phase IV randomized study of Vaxelis versus PedvaxHIB showing good antibody formation in both groups. No effectiveness study was performed because this population didn't have enough Hib disease present at a background rate to determine any significant differences with a new vaccine - PedvaxHIB has worked very well for these children in the past, another vaccine success and cause for celebration.

A second vaccine update is just the recommendation, again from CDC, for the next round of covid vaccines recommended for everyone 6 months of age and older. Again, nothing new, but it's a good resource to have all that information in one document. The tables serve as a quick reference for many different situations.

Mosquito Invasion

Any ID physician worth their salt will obtain an extensive travel history when seeing patients. We are mostly looking for clues to diseases seen mostly in international travelers, such as typhoid fever and the vector-borne infections that include dengue, chikungunya, malaria, and others. However, sometimes the travel history is negative but the patient ends up having one of those exotic diseases, acquired locally in the US (aka autochthonous infection). Such is the case recently with autochthonous dengue fever cases in Los Angeles County, CA. These cases appear when there is an existing reservoir of infected people plus a reservoir of the vector. For dengue virus, the vector is the Aedes mosquito, specifically A. albopictus and A. aegypti, plentiful in much of California.

The range of these mosquitoes have been increasing the past few decades at least, mostly due to warming of our climate. The last extensive study of Aedes presence in the US was in 2017, summarized by CDC.

As one of those people who seem to be particularly tasty for mosquitoes, I find it interesting (and depressing) that we have about 200 different species of mosquitoes in the US. I'm not terribly comforted by the fact that only about a dozen of these can transmit those infections we worry about. Besides the Aedes genus, we also need to worry about Anopheles and Culex mosquitoes.

Of these, it is Aedes that is the most versatile in transmitting disease to humans, implicated in Cache Valley virus disease, chikungunya, dengue, eastern equine encephalitis, La Crosse encephalitis, and zika infections. Anopholes can spread Cache Valley virus, and Culex are implicated in eastern equine encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis, and Oropouche virus, though midges more commonly spread the Oropouche. Other viruses such as Jamestown Canyon virus can be spread by many different species of mosquitoes and vary with time of year and location.

As our global temperatures have warmed, the mosquito season has lengthened; in many locations mosquitoes are out and about throughout the year. Also, the idea that high altitudes are safer from mosquito-borne infections is becoming invalid in many parts of the world, including the US. It wasn't the altitude per se that mosquitoes didn't like, it was the cool weather which now is warming.

I realize that for many of you this is already too much mosquito information, but if you want more visit Arbonet.

More Invasion

Getting back to last week's post, I had mentioned that my wife was outside working hard to clear our back yard of poison ivy while I was indoors typing leisurely. It turned out she didn't find any poison ivy. The photo I placed at the end of the post wasn't poison ivy but rather a portion of the massive porcelain-berry plant she removed instead. While poison ivy is a native plant, not invasive but still hated, porcelain-berry is a horribly invasive vine deliberately introduced into the US for its attractiveness but quickly discovered to spread indiscriminately, eliminating native vegetation in its path. It is the plant world equivalent of pod people.

This month always bring me back to The Happenings version of "See You in September;" I remember it fondly from my junior high school era. The Harvest Month often is a transition period from summer to fall/winter infections.

The Respiratory Infection Front

Right on schedule, the ACIP published its official flu vaccine recommendations. Nothing new in there, but it's a good one-stop shopping place for seasonal flu information. Things remain calm on the overall respiratory illness view, and covid may have reached its peak.

However, I'm still waiting for covid wastewater trends to start heading down in most areas of the country (same link as above). We may not be out of the woods yet.

Also note that the covid vaccine from Novavax was authorized by FDA this week. I'll be interested to see how effectiveness compares to that of the mRNA vaccines; Novavax targets a slightly earlier variant (JN.1) than the Pfizer and Moderna products which used KP.2. KP.2 is decreasing in prevalence in the US but still is more closely related to the current variants KP.3.1.1, KP.2.3, KP.3, and LB.1.

We have more longterm follow-up information about myocarditis and covid, looking at both vaccine- and natural infection-associated complications compared to other ("conventional") etiologies. It looked specifically at individuals 12-49 years of age hospitalized with myocarditis. Without going into great detail, it was clear that vaccine-associated complications were less common than with myocarditis associated with conventional or SARS-CoV-2 infection; however, confidence intervals were wide for several of the outcomes due to low numbers of events.

I was excited to see a new update from the HIVE (Household Influenza Vaccine Evaluation) program that has been monitoring households in Michigan since 2010 and was expanded to cover other respiratory infections in later years. The new update covers the years 2015-2022. (The watermark in the figures below signifies this is an accepted manuscript that hasn't yet appeared in the print journal.) Even though it's limited to southeast Michigan, it is valuable data because it is an ongoing active surveillance program in these volunteer households and gives us a glimpse of how the pandemic affected other virus epidemiology.

Far Away Challenges

Mpox continues to rage in the DRC and other areas of Africa, with exported cases appearing in far-flung countries. In addition to vaccine, these countries need better front line diagnostic tests. WHO has requested test manufacturers to apply for emergency approval.

On the polio front in Gaza, we've all heard the good news that there will be a pause in fighting to allow for vaccine administration, but it remains to be seen if this will really happen. Regardless, this will be an extremely difficult undertaking, targeting over 600,000 unprotected children in the region.

Bugs Transmitting Bugs

Healthcare providers and the general public are understandably reeling from all the information about various outbreaks of vector-borne infections. It's important to keep in mind 2 main points: 1) Nothing is happening this year that hasn't happened before in the US. This is the season for vector-borne viral infections. 2) Global warming has increased both the range of these vectors, introducing these infections to areas that haven't seen them in past years, and also increased the season length that these infections circulate. We could see increases in all these infections in coming years.

Here's a breakdown of some of the viruses being hyped in the news.

West Nile Virus

Approximately 70-80% of infections are asymptomatic. The most feared complication, neuroinvasive disease, occurs in <1% of all infections but has a 10% mortality and higher rates of permanent neurologic sequelae such as paralysis. So far in 2024, we have had 289 cases from 33 states in the US, with 195 being neuroinvasive (reflecting the fact that only the worst cases get tested for WNV, not any change in asymptomatic rates). Here are some maps for prior years in the US:

As of now, nothing out of the ordinary for West Nile disease in the US. But, it's pretty common if you recognize that we're only identifying maybe 1% of infections.


Here the risk is very high in Puerto Rico, but otherwise mostly restricted to travelers from the current epidemic/endemic areas. Some border states, especially Florida, are more likely to see autochthonous (locally acquired) cases. The asymptomatic infection rate is about 75%; 5% of the symptomatic infections progress to severe dengue with capillary leak syndrome and/or hemorrhagic complications. IMPORTANT CLINICAL PEARL: severe dengue usually appears when things otherwise look good - start of afebrile phase after 2-7 days of the febrile phase. This is the time to be very vigilant if dengue is suspected. The slide below (#42 in the pdf) is taken from a wonderful IDSA/CDC Clinician Call webinar this past week, available at and

Here are some numbers from the main CDC website above.

For 2024, the only locally acquired cases in the US have been in Puerto Rico (2676 cases), US Virgin Islands (85), and Florida (21), though those numbers are certain to rise since the season isn't over and reporting in general is delayed. If you add in the travel-associated cases, we've seen a little over 4000 in the US.

Oropouche Virus

This is a relatively mild illness for the most part. The asymptomatic infection rate is around 40%, but 4% of those with symptoms will develop neuroinvasive disease. Now there is concern for vertical transmission in pregnant people, still not completely clear. Management guidelines for infants with possible intrauterine infection are updated and available.

Although I was aware of Oropouche virus previously, this is the first year I've ever heard of the term "sloth fever" which only applies if you acquire the infection in the jungle. This is a slide from that same IDSA/CDC webinar, slide 69 in the pdf.

Oropouche may be over with in South America now, and the main risk area remaining is Cuba. CDC reported 21 US cases in travelers returning from Cuba.

Eastern Equine Encephalitis

Saving the worst for last. It's very uncommon, but you definitely don't want EEE. The encephalitis picture occurs in <5% of those infected with EEE virus, but of those with encephalitis the mortality rate is 30%, and 50% of survivors have permanent sequelae.

We've had 4 cases in 2024 so far. Here's data from prior years:

This is a horrible disease. Certainly precautions such as mosquito spraying and personal protection from bites should be implemented in areas where the virus has been identified.


Not wanting to end on a depressing note from the rare but severe EEE disease, I thought of earworms. I'm not referring to the real earworm infecting corn ears, nor RFK Jr.'s brain worm, but rather the more contemporary use of the term. Last week I went down the rabbit hole for the Maurice Williams song "Stay," and this entire past week I've been unable to get it out of my head. Maybe I'll replace it with "See You in September."

Summer is supposed to be the slowest season in my line of work, but it doesn't seem like it. I've had trouble keeping up with everything, including some old news that I just found out about today. Maurice Williams died on August 5. If that name doesn't ring a bell, stay tuned. Here's what's up for this last post of the summer.


It looks like we can add Gabon to the list of countries with exported mpox, this in a 30-year-old man who had stayed in Uganda for 2 weeks. The notice doesn't state whether or not this is clade I, but given that it appears to have been acquired in Uganda there is a good chance that it is. The latest WHO news was posted on August 22, the same day we heard from the CDC about the US response.

By no means is this the next pandemic, but we are seeing global spread of the clade I strain via travelers. Most important is ensuring affected African countries receive adequate vaccine supplies soon. In the US, persons in high risk groups also should be vaccinated.

Measles Check-In

Oregon is the latest state in the measles outbreak spotlight. Nationally the cases are percolating along at a steady rate.

West Nile Virus

In my post last July 28, I was halfway kidding about waiting for symptoms of West Nile virus after all my mosquito bites. West Nile is in "full swing" in Europe currently. Now I see in today's Washington Post that Tony Fauci is back home after a 6-day hospitalization for West Nile infection. Although he is 83 years of age, that's a long hospitalization and I hope he didn't have serious neurologic or other complications. I wish him a speedy recovery.

A little trivia piece I discovered years ago, did you know West Nile virus was tried as a cancer treatment in the early 1950's? Research on using flaviviruses as oncolytic agents continues. Unfortunately the lead investigator of that 50's study is mostly remembered for a serious ethical breach, injecting tumor cells into prisoners to study tumor immunology.

Timing is Everything

I have a complicated plan for how I'm going to time when I get my flu and covid vaccines in the coming weeks, based on travel plans and guessing about peak flu season. At my age, waning immunity following vaccination could be clinically significant.

This brings me to an interesting study in the BMJ trying to define optimal timing for influenza vaccination in young children. It utilized data from an administrative database in the US for timing of vaccination of over 800,000 children ages 2-5 years during several flu seasons. Bottom line, it looked like October was optimal. I wouldn't necessarily alter plans based on this study; every flu season has slightly different timing. It's probably a better plan to just vaccinate when you can, whether it be at regular checkups or flu vaccine events on evenings and weekends.

Holding My Breath on Polio

I'm still hoping polio doesn't break loose in Gaza, but I'd be more hopeful if vaccine could be distributed there. WHO has full plans in place to distribute the relatively new novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2) to about 640,000 children under 10 years of age in 2 campaigns separated by a month. Wastewater monitoring suggests this is the strain that caused the case recently detected in a child in Gaza; we're still waiting for confirmation from a regional lab in Lebanon. Now we just need an effective ceasefire to allow this and other humanitarian aid to be implemented.


The big news was the not surprising FDA approval and emergency use authorization of the KP.2-based mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. Novavax approval is still pending due to a longer manufacturing process. As I've said many times, if one looks at the level of individuals, it's pretty clear that vaccination benefits outweigh risks for every age group. New interim recommendations are available from the CDC.

Here's a quick look at a few disease activity indicators over the past year:

Wastewater hasn't changed much nationally.

Regionally, only the Northeast seems to be rising, though still lower than most other regions.

We'll see what happens with covid (and measles) now that schools are starting back again.

In the midst of all this, we have a new study on long covid in children. It was a multicenter prospective cohort study of about 900 younger children and 4500 adolescents, most with covid infection but some not infected who served as controls. The report is loaded with data and complexities; I'm sure everyone in the field is looking it over closely.

It's tough to summarize the findings succinctly, but perhaps you can enlarge the figure below to see details. The darker color shades are the more prominent symptoms in each cluster. Clustering of types of symptoms varied between adolescents (12-17 years) and school-age children (6-11 years). I'm very happy to see this type of analysis; it is possible that different clusters have different pathogenetic mechanisms suggesting different treatment approaches. Clusters in the younger children were in the neurocognitive, pain, and GI domains, whereas loss of smell or taste, pain, and fatigue/malaise were highlighted for the adolescents.

This study won't change clinical practice immediately, but it is a major step forward in providing a framework to base treatment studies.

"No Good Songs Ever Came Out of the 1950s"

That probably inaccurate quote, heard when I switched my car's Sirius/XM to the 50's station, came from a musically-inclined and knowledgeable friend of mine. I'm pretty sure he uttered it just to get a rise out of me, which it did. IMHO, the 50's produced a lot of good songs and shouldn't be remembered just for some wacky West Nile virus studies.

The title of this week's post is a nod to Maurice Williams who wrote the song "Stay" in my birth year, 1953, but then put it on the shelf until he recorded it with the Zodiacs in 1959. It came out in 1960 and was a big hit at just 90 seconds in length. You may be more familiar with it from the 1977 cover with slightly altered lyrics by Jackson Browne, Rosemary Butler, and David Lindley (and the 9-minute mini-medley with "The Load Out") or from the 1987 movie "Dirty Dancing" that used the Williams original. Regardless of which of the couple dozen versions I listen to, this is one of those songs that always brings a smile to my face.