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All of Taylor Swift's minions, along with much of the world, know that today is another Super Bowl event. This time the site is New Orleans, which brings to mind the recent FDA warning about norovirus contamination of oysters from Louisiana harvest area 3. If you're like me, you had to know exactly where this is.

The Superdome is sort of like a cruise ship. I wonder what a Super Bowl norovirus outbreak would look like, but hoping I don't find out.

More Measles to Start the Year

It looks like we have 2 measles clusters already this year, 1 in Gaines County, Texas, and the other in Fulton Country, Georgia. According to news reports, both are associated with unvaccinated children who were old enough to have been vaccinated. The CDC has incomplete information as of February 6, and I note that they have decreased the frequency of measles updates to monthly as of this year. The national tally is 14 cases so far, from Alaska, Georgia, New York City, Rhode Island, and Texas.
Six of the 14 cases were hospitalized.

And, speaking of the CDC ....

MMWR is Back ... Sort Of

After an unprecedented (isn't everything unprecedented these days?) 2 week hiatus, the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Volume 73 number 3 appeared on February 6. Besides the delay, it was unusual in that it contained only 2 topics, both related to wildfires: PFAS levels in first responders to the 2023 Maui wildfire and emergency department use during the LA County wildfires. Not a thing about any infectious diseases, despite the fact we are in the midst of a heavy winter respiratory virus season. Presumably this is not the new normal, and I'm hoping we soon see a return to something resembling the old weekly MMWR.


We do have some continuation of CDC data current enough for looking at our winter respiratory infection season. FluView is cooking along, and we can see that outpatient influenza-like illness is going strong.

Influenza hospitalizations are very high, similar to the 2017-18 flu season.

Mortality data lag actual cases, but we have already tallied 57 pediatric deaths this year, and I fear we'll top last year's number of 207. This past week we saw almost exclusively influenza A viruses, about evenly divided between H3N2 and H1N1pdm09 (the pandemic 2009 strain). Both are covered by the current vaccine.

Meanwhile, RSV season is mostly over, and we're still waiting to see if covid will spike this winter. Covid wastewater levels have been and remain high.

Avian Flu

Influenza A H5N1 continues to be widespread in the animal population. Probably the biggest news the past week is that the D.1.1 genotype, so far only present in birds, has now appeared in a dairy cattle herd in Nevada. Given how long H5N1 has been present in various animal populations in the US, this doesn't seem all that surprising to me. The main import is that the longer these strains hang around, the higher the chance for mutation or reassortment into a strain with the ability to infect and spread among humans.

Here's the February 6 USDA update on recent cattle cases; if you visit the site you can change the timeline and also look at alpaca or swine cases. I'm particularly watching the swine cases because that animal has the highest risk of developing a strain with greater ability to infect humans. (Only 1 pig has been known to be infected so far, in Oregon last October.) You can go to their main avian flu website to look at other animal populations.

Just to further confuse you, the official terminology for the predominantly bird strain is "highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 clade, genotype D1.1," as opposed to the more common cattle strain of HPAI H5N1 clade, genotype B3.13. Now you can bore your friends with this tidbit at tonight's Super Bowl party!

Infectious Disease Troubles in Africa

Two situations in Africa are looking increasingly concerning. The Democratic Republic of Congo is trying to deal with an mpox outbreak in the midst of widespread violence and war in the country. As we know from the song, war is good for absolutely nothing, and the DRC's ability to manage the mpox outbreak, already strained, is suffering.

The other African hotspot is in Uganda, experiencing an outbreak of Suban Ebola virus disease. Fortunately WHO is facilitating a candidate vaccine trial there which could be a breakthrough in controlling this particular virus. Mortality rates in prior outbreaks were 41-100% and are improved by availability of supportive care.

In the meantime, CDC's Health Alert Network issued an advisory for the Uganda outbreak, raising the travel precautions to a level 2 (practice enhanced precautions).

Does Probability Exist?

As I was trying to interpret the various weather predictions for icy roads in my area, I came across this great piece in Nature by David Spiegelhalter, an emeritus professor of statistics at the University of Cambridge, UK. It definitely appealed to the statistics nerd in me, but I think everyone, including people without a background in science, would learn from it. I especially enjoyed the "How ignorant am I?" quiz. You don't need any special background to take it, so try it out. Next week I'll reveal my score. [Note added: apparently I used my institutional access to see this article, it's not free content for everyone. My apologies to those who can't access it, I'll give more details about the quiz next week.]

What is the probability the Super Bowl will end in a tie? The rules don't allow that, so I guess it's as close to zero as you can get with any probability in this world.

BTW, Spiegelhalter's answer to whether probability exists was, "probably not - but it is useful to act as if it does." My kind of guy.

Regular readers may recall my new infatuation with bird watching triggered by the gift of a video bird feeder from a daughter-in-law. In this era of avian influenza evolution, one might legitimately ask whether a septuagenarian should gown, glove, and mask when performing weekly seed replacement and monthly cleanings. The short answer is no; the birds at most bird feeders in the US are not displaying high rates of infection. I just won't be touching any dead fowl or starting a backyard chicken coop anytime soon.

Here's what I ran across this past week.

Managing the Febrile Infant

This is one of those conundrums that has plagued me since medical school in the late 1970s. It's not that we haven't made progress (GBS prophylaxis, for example), but we still lack reliable methods to distinguish which febrile newborns need empiric antibiotic therapy and which can be safely observed without antibiotics. The latest iteration in the discussion looked at prospectively-collected data from 2018-2023 on well-appearing febrile infants 8 - 60 days of age at a single center in Canada. The investigators were particularly interested in predictive data without using serum procalcitonin measurement. AAP Practice Guidelines recommend using PCT but also provide guidance for assessment if PCT measurements are not available in a timely manner.

From the sample of slightly less than 2000 infants the Canadian investigators developed a new decision rule, with some internal validation, to manage low-risk infants. The new rule maintained high sensitivity (and therefore high negative predictive value) while improving specificity from 51% to 84%, resulting in fewer infants receiving unnecessary therapy. The rule incorporated CRP, maximum temperature, and ANC. (IBI denotes Invasive Bacterial Infection.)

It's important to note, as the authors do, that this was a single center study. In general, it's wise to wait for validation from other sites (this was an urban tertiary care center) more similar to your own practice setting before implementing a new practice. Also, only 38 infants had IBI, not surprising since most fevers in infants are due to viral infections, but the low numbers of IBI cases might result in lower validity. This study, and any resultant guidelines, apply to a relatively healthy group; to qualify for the study, subjects had to be well-appearing, previously healthy infants of at least 37 weeks gestation. A number of standard exclusion criteria such as no prior antibiotics and no focal infections, underlying medical disorders, or other high risk factors for infection also were employed. This approach certainly could be an improvement to current guidelines, but 84% specificity is far from what I would want for ideal management of a frequent clinical problem.

Which IGRA Test is Better?

Testing for tuberculosis infection is at the top of diagnostic dilemmas that have plagued me for my entire career in medicine. Interferon gamma release assays are a big improvement over tuberculin skin testing primarily because they remove the error problems of application and interpretation of the skin test and are not affected by prior BCG vaccine administration. Aside from those circumstances, IGRAs have about the same sensitivity and specificity as skin testing.

A new study looked at discrepancies between the 2 main IGRA tests, Quantiferon and T-spot, in a multi-center US pediatric population. Subjects for this study were less than 15 years of age and had risk factors for TB infection, but were not thought to have active TB disease; in short, these were children being screened for latent tuberculosis infection. The rate of indeterminate test results was similar between the 2 tests, about 0.3%. However, the rate of positive tests was higher for Quantiferon than for T-spot.

Particularly interesting was that the reasons for the higher positivity of Quantiferon wasn't evident. It did not vary with the child's age (note too few positives in the children younger than 2 years of age to be confident of those results), whether the tests were borderline positive, i.e. close to the cutoff for positivity, or reason for performing the TB screening test.

This report doesn't tell us which test is better in this setting. We can't determine false positive or false negative rates from the data, a problem with every study of latent TB infection because the subjects would need to be followed for years without receiving preventive treatment, clearly unethical. We still have a lot to learn about TB.

Norovirus in the News

I've seen a lot lately, and not just the usual cruise ship headlines. Due to how norovirus outbreaks are reported, it's hard to know if what we are seeing now is something highly different from pre-pandemic years, but let me remind everyone that norovirus is a winter disease.

Also, remember that alcohol-based hand sanitizer won't work for norovirus; use real soap and water for an extended scrub. Norovirus vaccines of various types are under development, including a recently-launched phase 3 trial in adults in the UK.

Are My Red M&Ms on the Way Out?

I'm really not branching out from infectious diseases commentary and won't pretend to be an expert on cancer-causing chemicals, but we've all seen the concerns about red dye #3 in foods in recent news reports. Maybe this is a bow to the new political administration and possible public health leadership. Regardless, from afar I'm confused about why a compound that is associated with cancer in laboratory animals, and is essentially a food cosmetic is still on the market.

Believe it or not, there is a pediatric infection connection with red food colorings. I first heard about this 1965-66 pediatric Salmonella outbreak at the Massachusetts General Hospital from a pediatric resident present at the time who later became one of my mentors. Summarizing a lot of data and leaving out my mentor's colorful anecdotes which may be embellished, the source of the outbreak was a red dye used for measuring intestinal transit time - give the dye capsule and watch for red-colored stools. The key component was carmine, derived from a cochineal insect Dactylopius coccus that produces the red pigment carminic acid. These insects are found primarily in Mexico and Central America, and processing at the time was found to be ineffective at killing Salmonella.

The food industry seems dependent on food colorings, but I'd prefer less additives that serve only to colorize my food.


Some of my CDC tracking sites are still a bit behind due to the holidays, but we are certainly in full-blown Winter Respiratory Virus Season. The Influenza-Like Illness map is leaning towards the red end of the visible light spectrum (note CDC seems to have moved blue outside of its normal position in the spectrum!).

The drivers are primarily influneza A and RSV. Covid is low but rising, and covid wastewater monitoring suggests we'll see a significant uptick in the coming weeks.

Avian Influenza

This is still a low probability for concern but should be closely watched. This past week saw a more complete report of the case of severe avian flu in a Canadian teenager that reminded me how poorly news reports and press releases characterize specific cases. I had initially thought, based on news reports, that the severe disease might be due to secondary bacterial complications, but in fact this was just bad, high viral load, avian influenza. We now know that the child was an obese (BMI was "greater than 35") 13-year-old-girl, previously healthy except for mild asthma, who required intubation and ventilation, then ultimately ECMO, for survival. She first became ill on November 2, was seen in an emergency department with conjunctivitis and fever on November 4 and sent home, then admitted in respiratory distress on November 7 and transferred to an intensive care unit on November 8. She had multiple complications including renal failure requiring hemodialysis. She was off all oxygen therapy by December 18.

One additional concern in the report was the presence of a mutation in the hemagglutinin gene that might facilitate better adaptation to the human respiratory tract, similar to the Louisiana adult with severe avian flu infection. We need to keep a close watch in general on avian flu mutations in wildlife but also in humans, particularly those who have severe disease with high viral loads that facilitate mutations that increase human adaptation. Still, there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission which is the most reassuring finding at present.

I've been trying to monitor how the federal government is prioritizing avian flu. Last summer the USDA introduced a program to compensate poultry farmers for monetary loss due to avian flu infecting their flocks, and a proposed update was announced recently. I know that researchers at CDC, NIH and elsewhere are working hard on variant assessments and development of stockpiles of effective vaccines and alternative antiviral agents.

Our 39th President

I'd be very remiss if I didn't stop to comment on President Carter's passing. He certainly had an up-and-down stint during his 1 term as president, but his subsequent work in public health was phenomenal. Take a moment to review the public health accomplishments via the Carter Center. I hope our current and future leaders will take a page from his playbook as we deal with upcoming public health challenges.

Guinea worm disease is a major impediment to a farmer's ability to work. Dressed in his farming clothes, Nuru Ziblim, a Guinea worm health volunteer in Ghana, educates children on how to use pipe filters when they go to the fields with their families. Pipe filters, individual filtration devices worn around the neck, work similarly to a straw, allowing people to filter their water to avoid contracting Guinea worm disease while away from home. In May 2010, with Carter Center support, Ghana reported its last case of Guinea worm disease and announced it had stopped disease transmission a year later.

Location: Ghana | Date: February 2008 | Photo: The Carter Center/L. Gubb

U.S. Representative Tip O'Neill popularized this phrase in the early 1980s, but perhaps it lost its meaning in later years. Has that changed? Infectious diseases, on the other hand, are most certainly not local.

Infectious Diseases Abroad

Any ripple in communicable infectious diseases in one locale inevitably affects others in far-away locations. Last week saw a number of ripples.

(Not) Measles in American Samoa

Yes, I'm aware that American is a US territory, but it certainly qualifies as far-away.

In 2023, health authorities in American Samoa went on a wild goose chase based on non-recommended testing practices of a suspected case, resulting in a large expenditure of time and money with no benefit. I'm not faulting Samoan practitioners, they had to deal with a lack of available testing resources in the setting of an island rocked by a deadly measles outbreak a few years ago; that outbreak had been fueled in part by prominent anti-vaccination proponents. This recent episode should serve to remind us of proper use of measles diagnostic testing which relies most prominently on use only for individuals who fulfill proper case definitions.

The above report was in last week's MMWR which also contained a WHO measles update. Here's a comparison of 2000 and 2023 measles cases and deaths (note North America is not included in these numbers.)

Severe Avian Influenza in Canada?

Last week Canadian officials confirmed that a critically ill teenager is infected with influenza A H5N1. The source is still unknown, and no close contacts are known to be infected. It's been very tough to get details about the patient's illness, but after going through a transcript of a British Columbia health official's briefing on November 12, it seems that the previously healthy child presented with typical H5N1 symptoms of conjunctivitis, cough, and fever, but then several days later had deterioration. That sequence of events, a sort of biphasic illness, is classic for secondary bacterial complications of influenza. Influenza virus infection of any type can be complicated by secondary bacterial processes, including sepsis and toxic shock syndrome, usually several days after initial flu symptoms begin. Canadian authorities haven't provided any more details, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is what's going on. I'm hoping it was recognized quickly and his healthcare team can return this person to normal health.

Along these lines, NASEM just issued a new publication detailing research priorities for avian influenza A H5N1 readiness. Some of this is already happening, and I hope funding priorities will continue to support planning.

Mpox Update

Last week WHO updated the status of the mpox outbreaks across Africa, a mixture of good news and bad news. Priorities are delivering vaccine to those at risk and implementing newer PCR testing for mpox just approved by the AfricaCDC. Also this past week we learned of the first mpox clade 1 case in the US, occurring in a traveler returning from Africa.

Number Needed to Vaccinate for Covid in the UK

I've mentioned in previous posts that the UK recommends many fewer groups for covid vaccination than we do in the US, primarily because of cost considerations. Last week the UK's Joint Commission on Vaccination and Immunization gave us a bit of a closer look at how those decisions are made with some NNV calculations. NNV (along with its cousin Number Needed to Treat for medication) are a good way to explain "bang for the buck." NNV simply refers to the number of individuals needed to vaccinate to prevent one additional case of the infection, compared to no vaccination. It depends on many variables including the rate of the disease and the number of susceptible individuals in the community and the vaccine effectiveness. Also, NNVs vary with the outcome of interest, such as infection versus hospitalization versus death. It's increasingly harder to calculate NNVs for covid vaccine because of asymptomatic infections and less widespread testing being performed.

The JCVI didn't give us NNVs for all age groups, but they did provide a close look at pregnant people and infants under 3 months of age, the latter group of course not eligible for vaccination and dependent on maternal immunity passed to them transplacentally. I had to dig into attachments to the reports, but here's the bottom line: NNV to prevent hospitalization of a pregnant person is "just under 2000" and "around 300,000" to prevent severe hospitalization. I couldn't find a definition of severe hospitalization but from the context it appears to be something more than overnight observation but less than ICU admission.

For infants < 3 months of age, NNVs (for maternal vaccination) were "under 500" for any hospitalization, "just over 13,000" for severe hospitalization, "almost 190,000" for ICU admission, and ranged from 380,000 to 1.5 million for mortality, the latter extremely hard to calculate due to rarity of the outcome. (But we're all thankful that it is rare.)

Just for comparison, NNV for flu vaccine to prevent 1 additional outpatient visit or 1additional hospitalization in children 6 - 59 months of age ranged from 12 - 42 and about 1000 - 7000, respectively, in one study.

Novavax Combination Covid-Flu Vaccine Study Allowed to Resume

I mention this item mostly to show how well our vaccine safety oversight is working. This study was paused when 1 phase 2 study participant developed what was initially diagnosed as motor neuropathy (with concern for Guillain-Barre syndrome) but then turned out to be amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, not an inflammatory disorder plausibly related to vaccination. This is one of many mechanisms for detecting evaluating rare events after vaccination. Novavax now can proceed with phase 3 studies.

E. coli O157:H7 Outbreak Numbers Grow ...

... but not related to ongoing infection, simply reflecting a delay in case reporting/verification. CDC and FDA report we are now up to 104 cases spread over 14 states. Of the 98 persons with more detailed information available, 34 were hospitalized and 4 developed hemolytic-uremic syndrome. "Of the 81 people interviewed, 80 (99%) report eating at McDonald's. Seventy-five people were able to remember specific menu items they ate at McDonald's. 63 of 75 people (84%) reported a menu item containing fresh slivered onions."

The case map strongly resembles the distribution map for the suspected onions which are now out of the food chain.

In the meantime, we have another E. coli O157:H7 outbreak, this time associated with carrots. [Correction added 11/18/24: this outbreak is due to E. coli O121, not O157:H7 as originally stated.]

I have a feeling I'm going to be washing my salad items more carefully for a while!


The winter season still hasn't started, so I'm reduced to browsing the wastewater maps, all updated through November 14 and current through November 9. Here is maybe a look at things to come. First, here's covid:

Now flu (wastewater only tracks influenza A):

Last but not least, RSV:

I'm a Throwback

When I started practicing medicine, implicit in my professional obligations was the duty to do my best to treat anyone who presented to me, without regard to their backgrounds including race, gender, sex, legal status, and, I guess must be said in today's world, political affiliation. Having practiced in Washington, DC for over 40 years, that last category came up frequently as I encountered parents who were elected officials and/or involved in jobs in the political realm. In keeping with that sentiment, I'll still be keeping politics out of this blog and restrict my pontification to infectious diseases. I'll also avoid commenting on various conspiracy theories and other wild ideas emanating from individuals with no scientific basis for their claims. I will, however, comment on any proposed policies related to pediatric infectious diseases where scientific analysis can enlighten the discussion. Nuff said for now.

Quite an eventful week! In general, I try to keep politics out of my commentary, though I fell short of this goal in my February 25, 2024, post where I blasted the Surgeon General of Florida; that may be the only time I've singled out an individual in a negative manner in this blog. Now, I find that his name is being mentioned as the next Secretary of Health and Human Services. All of this reminded me of an almost 300-year-old pamphlet.

But first a bit of the other health news from last week.

Mayaro Virus

In spite of my voracious appetite for medical knowledge, the list of viruses I've never heard of is lengthy. Now my list is one item shorter due to a new report. Mayaro virus is another of the arthropod-transmitted alphaviruses prevalent in parts of South America, causing a febrile illness with severe arthralgias very similar to its cousin Chikungunya virus. Primates serve as a reservoir with the primary vector the mosquito Haemagogus janthinomys. If like me you are a bit shaky on some elements of South American geography and history, Suriname is a former Dutch colony located just north of Brazil and has territorial disputes (in light green) with neighboring countries.

Measles in Vietnam

Vietnam is introducing earlier measles vaccines to try to stem an epidemic. In this WHO Western Pacific region report, you can see Vietnam is going the wrong way in measles incidence. Like the rest of the world, we all "enjoyed" a pandemic period where many traditional infectious diseases transmitted by respiratory routes showed significant declines due to non-pharmaceutical interventions, only to now reappear in greater numbers. For measles, Vietnam showed an incidence of 7.4/million population in 2020, dropping to 0.3 in 2022 but now back up to 7.1/million in 2024.

Normally Vietnam recommends measles immunization at 9 months of age, but now this is being dropped to 6 months due to an increase in cases in younger age groups. (You'll need Google translate for this link.)

Computerized Radiograph Interpretation for TB?

Although this study was performed only in adults, I thought it was worth mentioning as a possible glimpse of the future. Investigators in Africa and southeast Asia looked at the performance of a computer program to interpret chest radiographs in about 1400 adults with cough > 2 weeks in duration and found the program to have significantly higher sensitivity than a relatively new blood test for host response gene activation in TB as well as superior to CRP. When trying to diagnose TB in resource-poor settings that may not have access to good molecular and other microbiologic methods for TB diagnosis, we need every tool available. I'll be interested to see how newer methods for TB diagnosis evolve.

More on Bird Flu

CDC reported that 7% of 115 dairy workers at farms known to have infected cows showed serologic evidence of influenza A H5N1 infection. Four of the 8 seropositive workers did not recall having any respiratory signs or symptoms since the cows were first noted to be sick. This rate wasn't terribly different from the 60% of those with no illness history in the seronegative group. Given that H5N1 so far seems to be a mild illness in humans, the finding of asymptomatic infection isn't surprising. Clearly we need a lot more data on human illness in these and other settings.

Benefits of Quadrivalent Meningococcal Vaccine

Of our recommended vaccines, meningococcal vaccine probably has the lowest "return on investment." Meningococcal disease is relatively rare but comes with very high morbidity and mortality when it does occur. This modeling study estimated the number of cases of invasive meningococcal disease in 11-23 year-olds prevented by vaccination during the period 2005-2021. One always needs to take modeling studies with a grain of salt because they by necessity make a lot of assumptions. The authors did a good job of trying to look at all possibilities. They concluded that "vaccination averted an estimated 16 (95% CrI, 8-31) deaths among adolescents aged 11 to 15 years and 38 (95% CrI, 19-75) deaths among those aged 16 to 23 years." I guess those are small numbers when compared to the entire US population, but this is still a meaningful benefit.


Things are still relatively quiet, though with regional variations.

I did happen to note that wastewater levels of RSV are very high in Maryland, so maybe that will be the first pathogen to increase in my region.

Make America Healthy Again

I feel like the MAHA acronym was one of the nicer-sounding political slogans to appear recently. However, the fact that it was popularized by a notorious pseudo-science fringer concerns me for what might lie behind MAHA. That made me recall a short treatise by Jonathan Swift (of Gulliver's Travels fame) that I came across a long time ago. I read it again a few times this week, and this highly satirical essay entitled "A Modest Proposal" is worth 10 or 15 minutes of your time. I think it is best read without knowing where the narrator is going, so I'll give you a SPOILER ALERT. You can read the original document in the link now, before reading what I write below, or you can just forego the surprise and keep on with my take below.

The narrator beings with an "objective" view of the problem, in 18th century Ireland, of the economic woes of a large section of the populace. He particularly hones in on the difficulties that parents in lower economic strata have in providing for their children. After going through some numbers assumptions that we can only guess at the accuracy, he decides that Ireland has about 120,000 children born to impoverished parents annually. How can the country solve this problem? He offers his modest proposal, or "humble solution:" It's a sudden turn in tone, to say the least.

"I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious nourishing and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricasee, or a ragoust."

Yes, Mr. Swift in his satirical essay is proposing cannibalism as a solution to poor families trying to raise their children. He goes on to describe various details of preparation and serving.

MAHA sounds OK now, but I fear of this becoming another modest proposal. I'll withhold my judgment until we see more details of the plan.

One of the many reasons I love to read is to discover new words to add to my vocabulary. Reading Colin Dexter reminds me of the need to keep a dictionary close by.


The US Winter Respiratory Infection Season hasn't started yet; activity is low to minimal everywhere.

Note that the map above is a new twist from CDC: rather than "Influenza-Like Illness" activity, this reflects all acute respiratory illness by not requiring fever in the definition. So, it probably picks up more of all those other respiratory viruses out there. For the 2 graphs below, just use the same link above and scroll down.

Percentage of ED visits due to the "big 3" viruses is minimal, with covid dropping dramatically.

Since I'm trying to figure out the best timing for my own flu shot, I looked at influenza A wastewater tracking:

Only Rhode Island makes it to moderate activity, all the others with data are minimal or low. Probably the key part of the map above is the number of hatched/limited coverage states. For example, New York flu A wastewater activity only includes Albany and Rochester, not much help to the New York City folks.

Given the WRIS lull, clinicians might be interested in a recent CDC overview of covid and flu management. I couldn't log on to the live presentation but reviewed the slides and took the test for (free) CME credit. The presentation was well done, I recommend it as a good review.

Forbear the Bear (Meat)

Not that long ago (5/24/24 post) I relayed a CDC report about a 2022 trichinellosis outbreak linked to frozen Canadian bear meat. Less than 5 months later, CDC is telling us about another one, this time from 2023 at a single "feast" in North Carolina. It doesn't have as much detail as the earlier report, we don't know much about the food preparation methods and none of the ill persons returned for confirmatory lab testing. It certainly sounds like trichinellosis, however; in addition to a nonspecific febrile illness, 9 of the 10 probable cases reported facial swelling which for me is a T. spiralis infection clue.

I visited a number of wild game/hunting sites to see what advice consumers of bear meat might see. Most sites correctly cautioned hunters to cook bear meat to at least 165 F internal temperature, but a few did not. Also, many mentioned other wild game meats that taste better than bear meat. I won't be ordering bear meat anytime soon, but if you are drawn to the experience check out the CDC web site or this advice from Massachusetts that also includes recipes!

Travel to Rwanda?

Last week I mentioned the Marburg virus outbreak in Rwanda, and this past week CDC upgraded a travel alert for the area which has caused quite a kerfuffle. Rwanda now has a CDC level 3 travel alert status, meaning that nonessential travel to the area should be reconsidered. Three days after the CDC advisory, WHO pushed back. WHO believes that travel restrictions will be ineffective in controlling the outbreak plus may prove harmful to local economies and serve as a disincentive for sharing of public health data from those countries, harming control efforts. These are valid concerns; choosing the proper course of action probably requires something approaching the wisdom of Solomon.

Also, an experimental Marburg vaccine has made its way to Rwanda, now primarily being used and studied in health care providers who form the bulk of new cases, plus other high risk individuals. This study is of extreme importance, and I'm hopeful that we'll see good data eventually.


For a brief moment in my past, I longed to have a complete print version of the Oxford English Dictionary at my elbow. It was short-lived: the standard version comes in 20 volumes and now lists for $1000+. A bargain is the "compact" version at about half that price; it is a "photo reduction" of the original, with 9 pages of the original on each single page. It comes with its own magnifying glass.

It's a lot easier to just look at the online OED to find out that hebdomadal means "weekly." I also learned that it's not commonly used, fewer than 0.01 occurrences per million words in modern written English. Maybe I've now bumped that up to 0.02.

Dexter's Inspector Morse character, in his second installment entitled Last Seen Wearing, mentions his "regular hebdomadal debate" when faced with his weekly dilemma of whether to purchase the more cultured Sunday Times versus the coarse News of the World at the newsstand. I can see parallels to my own cultural preferences in literature, music, and art. However, the hebdomadal part of my habits clearly is this blog. Any further resemblance to Inspector Morse ends here though; he is a true, albeit fictional, polymath who happens to be a detective. I am a real-life physician who happens to have diverse interests, like most of us.