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Those pandemic doldrums may be lifting, but it's difficult to determine in today's post-pandemic era of reduced reporting. First, a look at a couple other things from a slow week in the world of infections.

ProMED Still Going Strong

I mentioned last week that my most cherished web site, ProMED, had some internal turmoil that threatened its existence. I don't know if the disagreements have been solved, but their postings have continued. Here's an example from last night's email of topics:

ProMED Digest, Vol 107, Issue 221

1. PRO/AH/EDR> Anthrax - Indonesia (07): (JT) cattle
2. PRO/AH/EDR> Crimean-Congo hem. fever - Asia (22): Afghanistan
3. PRO/EDR> Pertussis update (21): USA (NY)
4. PRO/AH/EDR> Canine influenza - North America (08): USA (OK) RFI
5. PRO/AH/EDR> Listeriosis - Americas (05): (USA) kosher ice cream, recall
6. PRO/EDR> Leishmaniasis, Americas (10): Brazil (MG)
7. PRO/AH/EDR> Leptospirosis - Italy: (VN) swimming, river
8. PRO/EDR> Measles update (36): Sweden, cruise ship
9. PRO/EDR> Meningitis, meningococcal - Norway: (VF) fatal, ex Greece
10. PRO/AH/EDR> Newcastle disease - Poland (02): (PD) poultry, spread
11. PRO/AH/EDR> Anthrax - USA (07): (ND) cattle
12. PRO/AH/EDR> Lumpy skin disease - Asia (11): Indonesia ex Australia, cattle, disputed, RFI
13. PRO/EDR> Measles update (37): South Sudan (WH) fatal, children
14. PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (129): Americas (Argentina) sea lion, HPAI H5
15. PRO/AH/EDR> Echarate virus - Peru: (JU) new variant
16. PRO/AH/EDR> Eastern equine encephalitis - North America (05): USA (NC)
17. PRO/AH/EDR> Brucellosis - Paraguay (01): (AS) veterinary school, RFI
18. PRO/AH/EDR> Crimean-Congo hem. fever - Asia (23): Iraq
19. PRO/AH/EDR> West Nile virus (12): USA (NM, DE)
20. PRO/EDR> Pertussis update (22): Canada (SK)

It's a longer list than most of their posts. I couldn't remember what the Echarate virus (ECHV)was, so I looked deeper at that one. Turns out ECHV is a Phlebovirus, a genus of viruses that can cause nonspecific febrile illnesses in humans. It is transmitted primarily by sandflies, mosquitoes, and ticks. Echarate is the capital city of the Echarate District in Peru. One of the many reasons to use insect repellant.

Vaccination of Pregnant Persons

The timing worked out well for me, so I tuned in to a CDC COCA call on vaccination during pregnancy. The event recording and slides are available at their website. Virtually none of my patients have been pregnant people, but as with most pediatric healthcare providers it's been very common for parents of my patients to be pregnant at the time of their child's visit with me. So, pediatric providers have a role in encouraging vaccination for pregnant people.

No surprise, but uptake of the 3 vaccines with specific benefits during pregnancy (Tdap, influenza, covid) has been pretty poor lately:

The benefits of influenza and covid vaccines accrue to both the pregnant people, since those diseases are more severe during pregnancy, as well as to providing antibody to their newborns. Tdap vaccination is recommended for every pregnancy, regardless of prior immunization status, because pertussis protection wanes quickly over the year following vaccination and therefore is unlikely to provide newborn protection for a subsequent pregnancy. Tdap immunization specifically for pregnant people was first recommended in 2011 but excluded those who had prior Tdap vaccination; that was amended in 2012 to include all pregnant people regardless of prior vaccination.

Multiple studies have shown the effectiveness of this approach, seen above in the reduced rates in the less than 1 year-old group. Of course, the further sharp decline in recent years is related to pandemic isolation when rates dropped for multiple infectious diseases. We likely will see increases back to pre-pandemic levels or higher as we return to more normal societal interactions, so vaccination for all 3 conditions will become even more important.

At the time of this writing, we're still waiting on the FDA to make some sort of determination on RSV vaccination for pregnant people to protect their newborns, although the need for this intervention is attenuated by the recent approval and recommendations for nirsevimab, the long-acting anti-RSV monoclonal antibody for newborns.

Recommendations for how to guide pregnant people in their vaccine choices begins on slide 38 of the presentation, found at the link mentioned above.

'Demic Doldrums

At least one indicator suggests a significant change that could mean the summer calm of low covid rates is lifting. Still it's difficult to determine since almost all reporting has reduced. Even hospital reporting has changed post-pandemic, so case rates for hospitalizations and ED visits are less reliable. You can still see the upward trends, though still very low rates overall.

More significant, however, are new wastewater reports particularly in the upper Midwest. I've detailed previously that wastewater monitoring in the US is voluntary and very sketchy, but trends in this one region now approach last winter's numbers.

Again, time will tell whether this summer breeze ends our covid doldrums.

I think we've seen a bit too much hype about covid variants lately, specifically with the EG.5 (a descendent of XBB.1.9.2) that has appeared in both lay press and medical updates. Remember that overall this is based on relatively few viral samples tested and is very hard to predict for the future. Also, no hint yet that it produces more severe disease, it just has a growth advantage and effective immune escape properties compared to prior prominent variants.

Most important is that virtually everything going on now is in the XBB lineage which is included in the planned autumn covid vaccine dose. It should provide good protection against all of these.

A Tune Stuck in My Head

Speaking of summer breeze, given my age I immediately thought of the Seals and Crofts song of the same name listed as #20 in Rolling Stone's best summer songs. I hadn't realized it was also a hit for the Isley Brothers a couple years later.

Little known (and generally worthless) fact: I sold beer at Super Bowl VIII. However, it is with increasing guilt pangs that I plan to tune in to tonight's Super Bowl LVII game almost half a century later. The National Football League's highly discriminatory business practices and the medical risks to players color my appreciation of the game itself. From the medical perspective, of course it's the numerous instances of trauma more commonly involving the musculoskeletal system and brain that stand out; this year we've seen what was likely a rare instance of commotio cordis as well. Not to be overlooked, infectious diseases also have played a small role in the NFL, including an outbreak of MRSA on the then St. Louis Rams team. More on that later.

I'm happy to report nothing noteworthy in the past week's epidemiology of winter respiratory viruses, so I'll forego the usual graphs this week.

Promising New Therapy for Covid-19

Pegylated interferon lambda given as a single subcutaneous injection appears to be an effective new treatment for early covid 19 illness, according to results of a phase 3 trial published last week. About 1000 subjects received the treatment drug with an equal number receiving placebo. Subjects were at least 18 years of age, outpatients, and within 7 days of symptom onset. Most had at least 1 high risk criterion for disease progression. Eighty-three percent of the subjects were vaccinated, and the study spanned multiple variants including omicron. The active drug recipients had a 2.7% rate of hospitalization or emergency department visit compared to 5.6% of placebo recipients, which was highly statistically significant. The benefit was evident regardless of the infecting variant and the vaccination status. Treatment appeared very safe, although of course the study lacked enough participants to look for rarer side effects.

A couple of caveats as usual. This study was part of the ongoing TOGETHER trial, which has an adaptive trial design. This is a more efficient trial design method to test multiple treatments for a given condition; FDA provided guidance for this a little over a year before the pandemic began. Secondly, I was very confused by a NY Times article commenting on statements by the drug's maker referring to conversations with the FDA that could delay drug approval. What was stated in the article doesn't sound anything like what FDA regulations require, so I suspect there is more to this story than what we hear from big pharma. Still, it could signal a delay in drug availability. In general, this approach to covid treatment could be a game-changer for other infectious diseases, so I'm looking forward to more studies of interferon therapies.

New Immunization Schedules from CDC

As always at this time of year, CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices released updated immunization schedules for children and adults. It has the seal of approval from multiple organizations including the American Academy of Pediatrics. I don't see anything particularly controversial, but it does have recommendations for routine incorporation of covid-19 vaccination for all ages 6 months and above. It should be required reading not only for primary care providers but also for sub-specialists, since they need to be aware of recommendations for people with immunocompromising or other high risk conditions. Individual jurisdictions will decide how this is implemented for circumstances such as public school attendance.

More Good News on Vaccination and Pregnancy

A few new studies add more evidence for the benefits of vaccines for pregnant individuals. First, investigators from multiple countries reported that covid-19 vaccination during a time when omicron was the predominant variant significantly reduces severe symptoms, complications, and death in that population. In another study, maternal covid vaccination also was beneficial for their newborn infants, with lower rates of infection and hospitalization during the first 6 months of life.

We also have additional new data that pertussis vaccination of pregnant individuals offers significant benefit to their newborn infants. Since maternal immunization was recommended in the US in 2012, rates of pertussis particularly in the age group less than 2 months have decreased considerably. Note that this is the age group where the most severe disease and deaths have been seen in the past.

I hope those providing care to pregnant individuals will stress the benefits of these vaccines both for these individuals as well as their newborns.

Allergy Labels: Garbage In, Garbage Out

Please excuse my bias, but a study just published touched on one of my all-time pet peeves: labelling someone with a drug allergy without documenting the clinical circumstances. Often it isn't even a true allergy. This particular report looked at a sampling of children labelled as allergic to penicillin and enrolled in primary care practices affiliated with Texas Children's Hospital and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Not surprising (to me), the description of details of the reactions were dismally incomplete, and very few children had this label removed. However, of the children delabelled by either the primary care provider or an allergist, over 90% tolerated subsequent penicillin doses just fine. I issue a plea to all healthcare providers to not just label someone as allergic to a drug without providing a detailed description of the reaction. It makes it so much easier to assess risk of drug therapies in the future. Failure to do so sometimes results in children (and adults) being prescribed suboptimal treatments for future illnesses.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

I told you I would get back to today's NFL activities, just bear with me a moment.

I have long been interested in the graphical display of information. In another part of my life, I led workshops on how to use PowerPoint and other slide presentations more effectively (short synopsis - PowerPoint was designed as a tool for advertisement, presenting a biased view, rather than to encourage critical thinking by the audience). Florence Nightingale published a terrific graph in 1858 detailing causes of death in the British military during the Crimean War. Offshoots of this graphing type are used to represent excess causes of death even today in the covid pandemic. A print of Charles Joseph Minard's map of Napolean's Russian campaign hung in my office for many years and now stares at me just beside my home work desk.

How does this relate to football? Another pretty good pictorial representation appeared in the 2005 report of an MRSA outbreak among St. Louis Rams players. Although it involved just a few players, you can see in Figure 1 how things played out. Of course, MRSA is a real problem in sports as well as in the general population. We still don't have effective preventive measures, though common sense, soap, and water go a long way in keeping everyone healthy.

The picture/1000 words title of this heading is a common aphorism that I think most of us agree is true. I had trouble pinning down the origins of this adage, variously attributed to Leonardo da Vinci, Ivan Turgenev, Henrik Ibsen, and even Napoleon Bonaparte - quite the collection of suspects. However, the credit for the verbatim aphorism I think belongs to the January 10, 1918, edition of a newspaper from my hometown. And, no, it's not a coincidence that you don't see any pictures or graphs in today's post. If you find yourself wishing I had thrown in a few, you've proved my point!