Thanksgiving week has arrived, which for me means making checklists and time schedules and then revising them several times up until Thursday, at which point nothing happens according to schedule and I just go with the flow. It's also a time I remember the infamous Wiedermann Thanksgiving Massacree of 199? (I can't remember the exact year), with apologies to Arlo Guthrie.
Understandably in the past few years, this blog has drifted to the latest public health and epidemiologic trends, but I'm comforted by the fact that respiratory infections remain relatively calm and that this past week's publications allow me to focus more on recent original studies of interest to pediatric healthcare providers and the general public.
Macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae
I'm getting pretty tired of hearing about our resurgence of "walking pneumonia," but this article caught my eye. It's a report from North Dakota, and my interest wasn't in the fact that the investigators found evidence of macrolide resistance; that's nothing new. The bigger question is whether the resistance has major clinical significance. I've stated previously that, because Mycoplasma lower respiratory infection is largely a self-limited disease, it's difficult to know whether antibiotic treatment helps, and if it does, whether the amount of benefit is worth treating with antibiotics. The vast majority of "walking pneumonia" cases in children don't need any nasal swab or radiographic testing, nor any treatment.
The study was small, just based on 10 children of which 8 had macrolide resistance genes detected in their nasal swab assays. Six of them were said to have failed azithromycin treatment, though the authors didn't define treatment failure. Six of the patients who had fever and received doxycycline or levofloxacin became afebrile within 24-48 hours. Needless to say, this doesn't translate to great evidence that macrolide resistance is clinically important; it does point to the fact that we need randomized controlled trials to answer this question. Unfortunately, studies need funding, and this condition isn't likely to be profitable enough for funding from a pharmaceutical company. My only takeaway from the study is that further evaluation and treatment should be considered in children with possible pneumonia in whom symptoms worsen or fever persists more than a few days. Unfortunately, M. pneumoniae susceptibility testing isn't routinely available. For mild community-acquired pneumonia in children, amoxicillin is the treatment of choice, with azithromycin as a second-line agent. Switching to doxycycline or levofloxacin should be reserved for macrolide treatment failure, however that is defined.
Certainly we are having a banner year for mycooplasma respiratory infections, likely a combination of the normal mycoplasma surges we see every few years and lack of exposure during pandemic years. Which brings us to ...
Immune Debt
I really liked this new article that looked at the concept of a dose response effect in immune debt, i.e. that the magnitude of illness we see in rebounds of respiratory infections post-pandemic should be proportional to how much less frequent these infections were during the pandemic. The statistical methods in the study are somewhat beyond my expertise, but I mostly think the authors proved their point that lifting of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI) around the world seemed to be a point of increase for various respiratory infections. Here's a sample of the findings.

If this is all true, presumably we'll be back to the "old normal" of seasonal respiratory infections soon (barring another serious pandemic).
UTI Diagnosis
I must confesse my eyes rolled when I saw the title of this new study. Early in my career I was involved in UTI research. I've been very disappointed in analyses of UTI diagnosis in recent years because most of them seemed to ignore how variable accuracy of different UTI diagnostic laboratory methods are, even for something as basic as urinalysis. For example, it makes a big difference whether the number of white blood cells in urine is determined by machine (usually flow cytometry), manual counting by a lab technician with or without use of a hemocytometer, or just a urine leukocyte esterase dipstick. So, I was very pleasantly surprised that this group of investigators highlighted precisely those concerns. This was a study of around 4000 febrile children evaluated for UTI with urinalysis and culture, and the results showed that virtually all urinalysis components were poor at predicting a positive urine culture, defined as > 50,000 cfu/mL of a single pathogen in a catheterized urine specimen. The authors concluded that around 20% of children with febrile UTI could have normal urinalyses but also acknowledged how difficult it is to factor in asymptomatic bacteriuria (estimated rate 2%, but tough to assign an exact number) and specimen contamination. I don't think this study solves any of these issues, but it is an important contribution to our understanding of UTI diagnosis.
WRIS and Nowcasting
Last week CDC published a more detailed explanation of how the time-varying estimated reproductive number (Rt) can be used as an early warning for changes in respiratory pathogen transmission activity. This report is of interest mostly to true epidemiologic nerds, so of course I found it very enlightening. The authors did provide convincing evidence that this methodology has been working well recently.
We're not due for another respiratory illness outlook update from the CDC until mid-December, they only provide these every 2 months, but we remain mostly quiet. I suspect we'll see RSV and influenza hit pretty soon around the country. Again, you can check your own local illness and wastewater activity at the CDC' site.

Beware Studies Based on Administrative Data
This is one of my pet peeves: not the studies themselves, but how too much importance seems to be given to them in the lay press (bolstered by academic organizations seeking to get their names in the news). A new study shows how variable results can be from these databases, using the example of invasive bacterial infections in febrile infants. It's easy to imagine how any system based on diagnosis codes entered into various databases could lead to classification errors, but this report provides an excellent example to keep in mind. Any study using an administrative database should evaluate accuracy of diagnoses on a subset of patients to give some evaluation of the accuracy of their results (IMHO).
New 2025 Vaccination Schedules Published
The information isn't new, just based on prior FDA and ACIP deliberations mostly happening over the summer, but now we have the colorful schedules to use. The AAP has a quick summary of changes.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I have so much to be thankful for this year, and I hope not to repeat the Wiedermann Thanksgiving Massacree of maybe 30 years ago. I won't explain in full; it's too painful to spend anything like the 18 minutes, 34 seconds that Arlo Guthrie took to explain his Alice's Restaurant Thanksgiving Massacree of 1965. (Restaurant namesake Alice Brock died a few days ago.) The short version is that my attempt to create the perfect turkey gravy ended badly in an oil slick of glass shards in the kitchen. Why I'm still allowed to have any Thanksgiving responsibilities at all is a prime example of my wife's incredible powers of forgiveness.
We'll be hosting a relatively small gathering at our place this year. My duties are limited to turkey, gravy, and drinks. Starting today I'll have my checklists made out, separated into daily tasks. Thursday itself will have a well-choreographed timeline to include oven and stove use times in our smallish kitchen. As I said at the start, these scraps of paper will bear little resemblance to how the meal actually unfolds.
I won't go into detail about all the food-borne illnesses linked to turkey dinners, but please make good use of your food thermometer and follow guidelines.

And, speaking of Arlo, some of you might be interested in his live recording of "Amazing Grace" with Pete Seeger in 1993 (around the time of the Wiedermann Massacree!). It's 13 minutes of music and meanderings still meaningful in today's world.