It was a busy week for infectious diseases, not in the sense of more outbreaks but rather more epidemiologic and vaccine data that point to better health for the future.
The big topic of the week was the Advisory Council on Immunization Practices regular February 2-day meeting. In retrospect, pediatric healthcare providers won't have any major new recommendations to work with; those are likely coming following the next meeting the end of June. I wasn't able to view as much of the meeting as I had hoped, patient care interfered a bit, but I did review all the presentations for those that I missed hearing live. Let's dive in.
The Council discussed 9 different topics, but only 3 involved voting: COVID-19 vaccines (vote in favor of a spring vaccine for some high-risk people), Chikungunya vaccine (vote for use in some US adult travelers and in laboratory workers), Td vaccine availability for those with contraindications to receiving pertussis vaccine (discussion followed by a vote regarding the Vaccines for Children progam), influenza vaccines, polio vaccines, RSV vaccines for adults, meningococcal vaccines, pneumococcal vaccines, and the new Vaxelis combined product for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, Hib, and hepatitis B. I'll expand on just a few of these topics. (Note all of the graphs/figures below are from the ACIP web site presentation slide link for the February meeting.)
We saw the most up-to-date representation of RSV epidemiology, showing that the epidemic curve for this year looks a lot like prepandemic years (see last presentation in RSV session).

A good part of the discussion centered on risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome following vaccine, compared to risks of GBS in the baseline population. Both are rare events, but I think at this point it is reasonable to conclude that GBS is a rare risk of RSV vaccination, though not enough to outweigh benefits for high risk populations.
A quick look at the benefits versus GBS risks for adults > 60 years of age (Melgar presentation from RSV session):

Note risks might vary with vaccine type - hard to know with rare events and large confidence intervals, plus both in the ballpark of background GBS numbers.
This session was interesting for me to see a preliminary assessment of vaccine effectiveness for the 2023-2024 flu season. I'll just show you an overview of VE in the pediatric population; note that multiple methodologies are used to measure VE. (See slides from Frutos presentation in the influenza section.)

This is good VE for flu, certainly the CDC and WHO were on track for choosing the best combination of strains for this season. Look for the vote for next season's vaccine composition in June.
Meningococcal Vaccines
The focus of the discussion was how best to incorporate meningococcal B vaccine now that we have an approved combination vaccine containing this serogroup. Here are the main options discussed, from the 1st Schillie presentation:

The issues are complex, primarily due to 3 factors. First, meningococcal group B infections are extremely rare; traditional cost-effectiveness models show that meningococcal B vaccination in the US is by far the most expensive vaccine; very few cases are prevented due to the rarity of infection. Second, vaccination at age 11-12 risks significant waning of immunity by the age for peak meningococcal disease in adolescents; it might make sense to move the first dose to a later age. (The main argument against this is the confusion caused by eliminating the long-standing practice for vaccination at age 11-12, perhaps lowering overall vaccine acceptance.) Third, it is clear that not all meningococcal disease risk in adolescents is equal: college attendance is prime, but there are other behavioral risk factors (1st Schillie presentation):

The discussion was mainly to hear input from all stakeholders and then go back to the drawing board. Expect a vote on this at the June meeting - it will greatly impact your summer vaccine guidance for adolescents and young adults.
COVID Vacines
This section of the meetings seemed to garner the most publicity. Of course most of the results presented dealt with adults, given the relatively lower risk for bad outcomes in children plus low rates of vaccinations. Most helpful I thought were the discussions about covid VE in recent months looking at the fall monovalent vaccine.

These are great numbers. Also mentioned was the fact that waning of efficacy hasn't been seen yet, but that could just be a result of not having enough time to pass since the fall vaccine. Other good news is that in vitro studies suggest that the current monovalent vaccine is likely to protect against newer variants.
The official recommendations from CDC now state
Special situation for people ages 65 years and older: People ages 65 years and older should receive 1 additional dose of any updated (2023–2024 Formula) COVID-19 vaccine (i.e., Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer-BioNTech) at least 4 months following the previous dose of updated (2023–2024 Formula) COVID-19 vaccine. For initial vaccination with Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine, the 2-dose series should be completed before administration of the additional dose.
That "should" wording was the subject of much debate, finally choosing this wording more for simplicity of recommendations. The gnashing of teeth came about for a good reason - people in the lower end of this age population who do not have underlying risk factors will have less benefit from a spring vaccine because rates of bad outcomes in the post-pandemic period are lower.
Recommendations for younger people with moderate or severe immunocompromise have slightly different wording:
- People ages 12–64 years who are moderately or severely immunocompromised may receive 1 additional dose of any updated (2023–2024 Formula) COVID-19 vaccine (i.e., Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer-BioNTech) at least 2 months after the last dose of updated (2023–2024 Formula) COVID-19 vaccine indicated in Table 2. Further additional doses may be administered, informed by the clinical judgement of a healthcare provider and personal preference and circumstances. Any further additional doses should be administered at least 2 months after the last updated (2023–2024 Formula) COVID-19 vaccine dose.
- People ages 65 years and older who are moderately or severely immunocompromised should receive 1 additional dose of any updated (2023–2024 Formula) COVID-19 vaccine (i.e., Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer-BioNTech) at least 2 months after the last dose of updated (2023–2024 Formula) vaccine indicated in Table 2. Further additional doses may be administered, informed by the clinical judgement of a healthcare provider and personal preference and circumstances. Any further additional doses should be administered at least 2 months after the last updated (2023–2024 Formula) COVID-19 vaccine dose.
- For all age groups, the dosage for the additional doses is as follows: Moderna, 0.5 mL/50 ug; Novavax, 0.5 mL/5 ug rS protein and 50 ug Matrix-M adjuvant; Pfizer-BioNTech, 0.3 mL/30 ug.
As an aside and not receiving much media attention, a new report showed that vaccine mandates didn't help and probably hurt. States with vaccine mandates didn't have higher covid vaccination rates and actually had lower covid booster uptake and flu vaccination rates. Yikes!
Nipah Virus
Never heard of it, or hard-pressed to find facts at the tip of your tongue? Most providers in the US don't need to know much about this bat-borne virus, but if you have any patients planning a trip to Bangladesh you may want to advise them not to consume raw date palm sap (not on my list of delicacies so far) and to stay away from pigs.
NiV gets its name from the village of Sugai Nipah in Malaysia, site of a 1999 outbreak highlighted by cases of encephalitis in pig farmers. Outbreaks typically occur in Bangladesh and India. Now, the World Health Organization reports that 2 individuals, including a 3-year-old girl, have died from the infection after consuming raw date palm sap. The sap likely was contaminated with fruit bat droppings laced with NiV. In addition to signs and symptoms of encephalitis, typical findings are those of nonspecific febrile illness. Diagnosis is difficult until/unless encephalitis findings appear. It's a relatively uncommon infection even in Bangladesh, but mortality is high.

Good Attitudes
It's a sign of our times that I was pleasantly surprised to see a vaccine attitude survey with good news. Investigators from RAND corporation, University of Iowa, and CDC performed an online survey of 1351 parents to assess their willingness to have their children 5-18 years of age receive a vaccine to prevent Lyme disease. About two-thirds of parents definitely or probably would vaccinate their children. The boldface numbers below show statistically significant predictors of willingness to have their children receive Lyme vaccine, with willingness of the parent to receive the vaccine the strongest predictor.

In case you were wondering, for the purposes of this survey the high incidence states were Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington D.C. (yes, I don't need to be reminded it's not a state), West Virginia, and Wisconsin. They also looked at states characterized as "emerging" Lyme disease states (Iowa, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, North Carolina), but this group had a slightly lower rate of willingness than in high incidence states. Lyme vaccine trials in the pediatric and adult populations are ongoing, so don't be surprised if parents and children have this option in the next year or so.
Speaking of attitudes, take a look at AAP's new guidance for improving vaccine communication and uptake. It has an excellent literature review and describes various strategies that pediatric healthcare providers can use to improve vaccine acceptance. It is still true that different studies sometimes have reported different conclusions on how best to discuss vaccine hesitancy with parents, likely because it is very difficult to design studies that deal with such subjective issues in a uniform manner.
Winter respiratory infection season is still chugging along, mostly due to influenza which is stubbornly persisting in scattered areas in the US. What a crazy patchwork!

New Covid Isolation Guidelines
Maybe this has overshadowed everything in the news. I've discussed this recently in the blog and was expecting the new guidelines to come in April, but CDC bumped it up by a month. It incorporates new information about covid epidemiology, hospitalization rates, and outcomes with balancing for impacts on the economy and on school and work attendance into a comprehensive guideline for all respiratory infections. So, no longer do we have a specific number of days after covid diagnosis to remain out of school or work. The document has multiple links and is pretty complicated. The CDC's press release is a good summary, however. Note that vaccination is still stressed heavily, though I expect it will be ignored by the same hardcore group of antivaxxers. Here's the quick blurb:
"When people get sick with a respiratory virus, the updated guidance recommends that they stay home and away from others. For people with COVID-19 and influenza, treatment is available and can lessen symptoms and lower the risk of severe illness. The recommendations suggest returning to normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, symptoms are improving overall, and if a fever was present, it has been gone without use of a fever-reducing medication."
I am very much in favor of these new recommendations. Circumstances have changed, and we have learned a lot from management of the pandemic these past few years. I just hope our vaccination rate will improve and that people with any respiratory symptoms at all will be aware that they can pose a significant risk to others who may have circumstances putting them at high risk for hospitalization or death from respiratory viruses. Also, please note this only applies to community settings; there are no changes for healthcare settings.
Squirrel Redux
If I were superstitious, I wouldn't mention the fact that my neighborhood squirrels still have not attacked my newly-positioned bird feeder. I was bemused by an article in the Local Living section of the Washington Post last Thursday, clearly written by a squirrel lover. Squirrels do have value, and I have no desire to wipe them off the face of the earth. I just don't want them eating all my bird seed.
A friend of mine in South Carolina with an array of bird feeders and birds also has come to terms with squirrels, albeit somewhat differently than my crazy solution. He just monitors things, and when the squirrels reach a point that he feels they become a significant barrier to maintaining bird happiness and seed access, he uses a humane trap to collect squirrels and then release them far from his neighborhood. I won't disclose where he releases them, but it sounded like a good place for squirrels and unlikely to bother too many people. I wonder if any of them found their way back to him.
A downy woodpecker said hello to me last week.