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If past experience with wastewater monitoring is worth anything, we will see a surge in covid illnesses starting in the next few weeks. And, that may not be the only summer surge in the works.


CDC wastewater data for SARS-CoV-2 is very reminiscent of the last 2 summers when we saw subsequent upticks in covid illness.

Of course this can vary across the country and is less informative due to absence of wastewater tracking in large swatches of the country. Still, you can see that higher levels of activity (the darker the blue the more the virus concentrations, with gray denoting insufficient data) are common all over. (Data as of July 18, 2024.)

Contrast this with the latest map of influenza-like illness that should pick up covid cases - nothing much doing here.

Wastewater tracking methodology is the least changed post-pandemic, so it is the most useful information to use to compare with past years. Monitoring of infections, illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths have all changed dramatically, due both to changes in individual behaviors in testing use and changes in reporting mandates for communities and medical institutions, with resulting under-reporting of clinical events due to covid. Keep an eye on what happens on the west coast, probably the first region to ring in the clinical surge.

Take-away point: it might be time for high-risk individuals to go back to masking and avoidance of high-density indoor crowds for a while. New covid vaccines may be available as early as next month.

Speaking of Influenza

Not surprisingly, more human cases of influenza A H5N1 have cropped up in Colorado, this time in poultry workers involved in culling infected chickens. Clinical illness is mild. CDC has sent an outbreak investigation team to these sites and, coupled with a serologic survey getting going in Michigan, should help define modes of transmission and range of clinical illness.

PEP Didn't Work for Covid

A new article in NEJM failed to show any benefit of nirmatrelvir-ritonavir (Paxlovid) compared to placebo in postexposure prophylaxis for household contacts of persons with covid infection.

It's a well-constructed study and should end talk about using this agent for post-exposure prophylaxis in most circumstances.

Fear of Flying

No, not the Erica Jong book. I came across a systematic review published recently suggesting that masking was beneficial on long airline flights. It covered studies performed in the early pandemic period so it may not be entirely reflective of current events, but it was interesting.

It's not overwhelming evidence, but wearing a mask on long airline flights might be a choice, both for high-risk individuals as well as for those who just don't want their expensive vacations spoiled.

Enterovirus Surge?

July through October usually is peak enterovirus season in the US, with much variability depending on climate and who knows what else. You may not be aware, but CDC has a National Enterovirus Surveillance System (NESS) set up to monitor enteroviral activity. It is a laboratory based system, and reporting is passive and voluntary, so it tends to have relatively little data and a significant lag in reporting spikes in enterovirus illness. 2023 data, as of April 2024, reported on 193 specimens tested at CDC for that entire year. It is mostly useful for identifying strains responsible for more severe illnesses such as acute flaccid myelitis.

Anecdotally though, it seems as if we're having one of those bumper years for enteroviral disease. In my telemedicine practice at a few regional hospitals surrounding Washington, DC, I've had a handful of newborns with mostly mild illness test positive. Similarly, I'm hearing a lot about hand, foot, and mouth disease from primary care doctors consulting me as part of some nationwide volunteer curbside consults I perform.

If this is true, primary care offices, urgent care settings, and emergency departments could get a little busy with covid and enterovirus illnesses soon.

The shootings in Pennsylvania give all of us a chance to reflect. We should be thankful that more people weren't harmed while also keeping the families of the critically injured and the dead close to heart.

More Poultry Workers Presumptively Infected With Bird Flu

The Colorado state health department now reports 3 other presumptive H5N1 cases in poultry workers, adding to the single case in that state earlier this month. All apparently had mild illness with respiratory symptoms and conjunctivitis. We're still waiting for ongoing studies to provide better understanding of transmission modes and extent of infection in high-risk workers; such knowledge likely will lead to effective preventive measures.

Infection in animals is widespread in the US.

Olympic Wastewater

The World Health Organization has plans to monitor 6 pathogens in wastewater from the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics in Paris: poliovirus, influenza A and B viruses, mpox, SARS-CoV-2, and measles. It's an interesting read if you have the time.

More Kudos for Nirsevimab

Last week saw the publication of a report from France of a matched case-control study of nirsevimab effectiveness during the 2023-2024 RSV season and reflects real-world implementation as it occurred in that country. Results were again excellent, 83% (95% CI 73.4-89.2%) effective against hospitalization.

Returning to my broken record mode, I implore all pediatric healthcare providers to ensure families protect their infants with nirsevimab (or with maternal RSV vaccine use).

Blood Culture Bottle Shortage

Usually we worry about medication/vaccine shortages, but don't forget equipment shortages are relatively common. Now the FDA has announced a shortage of blood culture bottles likely to last a long time. This does give me an opportunity to reference again one of my favorite guidelines, recently updated, concerning effective use of the microbiology laboratory.

Many providers were surprised by the recommendations for volume of blood to be drawn for pediatric blood cultures:

Two separate cultures are usually recommended but can be drawn at the same time. Utilizing appropriate skin decontamination and proper blood volumes will increase yield of true pathogens. While one could argue that adhering to the guidelines above would actually increase the number of bottles used (since most pediatric practitioners obtain just 1 culture at a time), I'd push back against that claim by stating that fewer bottles would be used because we wouldn't be obtaining cultures in very low risk clinical settings nor chasing contaminants nearly as often. If you frequently make decisions on obtaining blood cultures, this is a good time to review the guideline section on bloodstream infection.

Remember the Children

I wrote some time ago about how the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963 affected me. I was a 5th grader when the presidential motorcade, including the limousine carrying JFK, the First Lady, and Texas Governor Connally and his wife, drove past my school the day before the assassination. I was one of a couple hundred kids on the curb waving as they went by. I remember the confused thoughts in my 10-year-old mind. Take time to discuss yesterday's event with your children, grandchildren, and with your patients and their families.

H5N1 Human Victim #4

Now we can add a fourth case this year of avian flu in a human residing in the US, again a mild case with conjunctivitis in an individual in close contact with infected dairy cows. No surprise there, but I'm waiting to see what happens with all the summer state fairs that provide more opportunities for human exposure to infected poultry and mammals.

Summer Covid Watching

The bottom line in the US is that covid infections are likely still pretty low, and we don't really know if we'll see a significant surge in the next few months. Any prediction is harder these days because our monitoring systems are probably the worst they've been in the past 4 years. On a national public health level, post-pandemic reporting and tracking have been relaxed and made voluntary, which for many healthcare institutions and jurisdictions can mean no reporting at all. On an individual level, people are less likely to seek testing or treatment, probably due to a combination of numbness from years of being on the edge plus relatively lower disease severity.

I'm focusing on a few data sites.

First is the CDC's Respiratory Virus Weekly Snapshot. The percentage of positive tests sheds some light in disease activity, still cloaked in individual behaviors in seeking testing in the first place and lack of reporting from most home testing. The recent covid percentage is trending up, though not at the level of fall 2022.

Covid wastewater trending is helpful and perhaps the least altered by changes in practice over time. Unfortunately, vast areas of the country have no reporting. Activity levels are rising particularly in the western US, but still well below prior surges. I noted that wastewater updating took a holiday last week, so we're missing the most recent numbers.

Second, I'm keeping a watch on relative predominance of different variants, with an eye to how effective our next vaccines will be. The top 4 variants currently are KP.3, KP.2, LB.1, and KP.1.1. Any late summer or fall surge likely would include one or more of these. I'm waiting for more data on how well serum from recipients of the new vaccines will neutralize these variants in vitro.

Should I Change My Annual NJ Beach Trip?

A flurry of beach closings due to poor water quality last week. I couldn't find any national consortium on this, so you'll need to look at specific states to find out what's going on at your beach rental house this summer. In my browsing I particularly liked the Massachusetts interactive water quality dashboard; Massachusetts seems to be one of the harder-hit states.

Meanwhile, a bit farther south:

Only 1 site in NJ is closed currently, I'm OK!


The song I Ain't Worried was written for the beach football scene in the movie Top Gun: Maverick. It was conceived early in the pandemic (when we were worried!) and was an upbeat breather contrasting with the intensity in the rest of the movie. Not a bad antidote for your summer worries, whatever they may be.

I had expected last week's ACIP meeting to include more presentations and discussions about which covid strain to include in our fall vaccine. I viewed only a small portion of the meeting live (darn those pesky patient care issues!), so I probably missed any brief mention of strains; the slides themselves didn't address strain selection, other than to go with the FDA's statement for use of JN.1 lineage with preference for KP.2 if possible. I still found some interesting details about covid and nirsevimab and will share those with you. Perhaps meh is a bit of a harsh judgement, but I love the word.

In the meantime, thankfully still not much going on in the pediatric infectious diseases world this summer.

Love That New Technology

The CRISPR technology has been in the news for a long time. In case you had forgotten, like I did, it stands for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats and is now reported to have high sensitivity and specificity for detecting antiviral drug resistance and influenza subtype rapidly enough to be used as a point-of-need assay. The study itself requires journal subscription (thank you, GWU faculty status) to read in full. Investigators studied influenza isolates from the 2020-21 season looking primarily at AH1N1 and AH3N2 strains. The report is highly technical, beyond my ability to critique the laboratory methods, but the take-home message is important: if such a method is scalable (e.g. cheap enough) to employ across the world, including in resource-poor communities, it would be a boon to early warnings of resistant and/or new flu strains. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I must applaud scientists in this realm for their acronym constructions: in addition to CRISPR and others, they also used DETECTR (DNA endonuclease-targeted CRISPR trans reporter) and SHERLOCK (Specific High-sensitivity Enzymatic Reporter unLOCKing) assays. Elementary, my dear Watson. (And, that phrase never appeared in any of Arthur Conan Doyle's writings!)

Dengue HAN

Perfect timing after my mention of dengue last week, the CDC issued a Health Alert Network warning about dengue in the US. According to the Pan American Health Organization, early signs are that cases in the Americas this year will exceed last year's numbers, a year that was already much higher than previous years. Here's an example from the report of what's going on in the Caribbean subregion:

Puerto Rico is under a healthcare emergency because of dengue, and we will certainly have cases of autochthonous (acquired in the US without travel to an endemic area) transmission in the mainland US again this year, primarily in Florida and other southern states. The HAN is worth reading.

This would be a good time to review clinical presentations of dengue and be prepared to investigate/obtain consultation for suspected cases.

Pustules and Vesicles in Afebrile Infants <60 Days of Age

Pediatrics had a nice retrospective review of 183 infants from 6 academic hospital-based pediatric dermatology practices. It's open access and has a nice suggested management algorithm.

Note the first branch in the algorithm details key features to decide whether HSV evaluation and treatment is recommended.

ACIP Meeting Highlights

The regular meeting was spread over 3 days last week. Slides are posted, and I picked out a few that contained interesting new information.

First, even with all the problems of supply chain and late administration, nirsevimab appears to have been incredibly effective in preventing RSV hospitalizations and healthcare visits.

Yes, that's about 98% effectiveness in preventing hospitalization, with very narrow confidence intervals. When this slide was shown it elicited a round of applause from the committee members. This is truly remarkable. Similar results were seen using a different RSV surveillance method. Both the above and below slides are from the Payne presentation on June 28.

It appears we'll have better availability of nirsevimab for the next RSV season, so please prepare for that. I find myself fantasizing of some future day when new pediatric trainees won't see hordes of infants hospitalized with RSV bronchiolitis, with worried parents at the bedside.

Second, although I mentioned I didn't see any new data/discussion about strain selection, the covid vaccine discussion had useful updates about epidemiology and risk factors, mainly from the Haver presentation on June 27.

About half of children hospitalized for covid had no underlying risk factors; we already knew that, but here's a more detailed breakdown. Note that these numbers are for the past year, at time when virtually all US children had some prior antibody from infection and/or vaccine.

Here is the vaccination status, including the low numbers who received the 2023-24 version, of the hospitalized children:

One BIG disappointment for me with the presentations: there was no mention of a control group - i.e. what are the rates of underlying medical conditions and 2023-24 vaccine status in the pediatric population as a whole? Adjusting for rates in the general population would provide a better estimate of the relative contributions of risk factors and vaccination to more serious outcomes and give us a better handle on the magnitude of benefit of vaccination, for example. Still, nothing has changed; for the individual child, covid vaccination is better than not being vaccinated, even factoring in the low rates of serious outcomes and adverse vaccine events in children.

The 2023-24 vaccine was highly effective against emergency department and urgent care visits in all age groups, though waning of protection over time was seen. Lack of enough events of hospitalized children precluded reliable estimates of VE against pediatric hospitalizations. (Link-Gelles presentation June 27.)

Bird Flu

Exciting (to me) news that CDC is collaborating with the Michigan health officials to carry out a seroprevalence study for H5N1 infection in Michigan dairy workers. This should produce much better information about asymptomatic and mild infection in humans and possibly lead to more clues about transmission.

Covid Uptick?

Still a question, but positive test percentages are increasing, albeit at a low level and predominantly driven by western states.

Wastewater variant detection is lacking across the country, see all the block dots (no sequencing data) below, but you can magnify your area of the country and find a few sites with enough data to determine predominant covid strain.

For example, in my neck of the woods most of the sites have no sequencing data. Of the 2 that did, one showed a predominance of KP.2 and the other LB.1. Nationally, KP.3 is starting to exceed KP.2. Again, we're still at low numbers.

A Tip of the Hat to "The Simpsons."

I knew that "meh" might have been adopted from a Yiddish term meaning so-so or unimpressive, but it looks like a 1994 episode of the TV series The Simpsons, featuring ultraconservative Sideshow Bob, popularized the term. Lisa Simpson was investigating voter fraud as the reason Sideshow Bob was elected as Springfield's mayor, and the "meh" word was uttered by a Hall of Records bureaucrat when Lisa expressed disbelief that he would give her the entire mayoral voting records that should have been kept secret. (Thie episode is available only with subscription, but I verified the quote at about 15:30 time in the recording.)

Voter fraud 30 years ago?

Not only did the summer solstice arrive June 20 as expected, the temperatures outside confirm that summer is here. I noted 100 F in the shade on my patio Saturday afternoon.

Summer usually means a switch in circulating pathogens and pediatric infections. Outdoor activities mean more scrapes and scratches which then means more cases of cellulitis, abscess, and osteomyelitis. Also in the mix are the vector-borne infections including Zika, Powassan, and West Nile viruses, babesiosis, Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and yes, even in the US, malaria and dengue. International travel lengthens the list considerably.

Respiratory viruses usually take time off in the summer, other than enteroviruses - the name misleads many to conclude these are primarily GI pathogens, but in fact they are more likely to cause mild respiratory illnesses. They do replicate in enterocytes and the viruses are found in stool, hence the name. Peak enteroviral season usually is August and September, though they are present year-round.

That said, let's look at a few out-of-the-ordinary pathogens to watch for this summer.

Summer Covid?

Yes, I know I'm repeating myself, but it's again worth noting that our ability to monitor SARS-CoV-2 is in a new era. With the pandemic ended and little to no availability of free testing, plus local, state, and federal jurisdictions relaxing reporting requirements, we're mostly down to crystal ball guidance to know when to expect the next surge. The closest to an accurate predictor is waste water monitoring, though it too is limited. Here's the latest:

You can see the start of an upward blip maybe - looks a lot like last year when we had a mini-surge that peaked in September and seemed to correlate with clinical disease. Levels are low now. Test positivity is up a little out west.

CDC's Advisory Council on Immunization Practices meets this week, June 26-28, with covid vaccines discussed Thursday morning and voted on Thursday afternoon.

Summer Bird Flu?

Still not a major worry for us, other than folks who have contact with live poultry (included backyard coops), other livestock, and unpasteurized dairy products. Still, it's good to have a plan for when and how to evaluate potential cases if they show up on your doorstep.

If you are seeing a child with a cold this summer (remember, so far the 3 cases of AH5N1 in the US have been mild and include conjunctivitis), please add in a few questions: any exposure to livestock, or to others with this exposure - this includes those state fairs with petting opportunities; also ask about unpasteurized dairy ingestion. If the answer is affirmative, this is someone worth testing for influenza, and if positive for influenza A in the summer in the US should launch more investigation that will involve your local health department.

Fortunately, CDC has lots of helpful advice at the Bird Flu web site. Scroll down to the Recommendations for Clinicians. The weekly update doesn't contain significant new actionable information. Other pages are in the process of being updated, but again your local friendly ID doctor or local health department are good partners to help you.

Summer Reading?

Not a summer pathogen, but will be occupying some of my time the next few months. Many of you probably would surmise that Dr. Fauci's new book is high on my list, but in fact it's not. I lived through all of this, plus I'm much more interested in the science than the politics. I'm sure it will be a bestseller, and I'm appalled at the ongoing vilification and threats he's experienced.

My biggest summer reading project is Emily Wilson's new translation of The Iliad, but it's not really a beach book in spite of the seas and beaches mentioned in the epic. For my annual beach trip I'll instead be buried in noir mysteries and other enjoyable light reading.

Romare Bearden's Odysseus Enters at the Door Disguised as an Old Man, c. 1977, from