Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or any number of winter solstice/festival of light ceremonies like Saturnalia, Dong Zhi, Sah-e Yalda, or Shalako (the list of holidays this time of year is quite long), or choose to celebrate nothing at all, I hope you will take advantage of a few days away from work to relax and reflect.
Tripledemic Tracking
Let's check the latest stats from CDC.
The hospitalization rate graph looks pretty similar to last week on RSV-NET, the final endpoint is for data ending December 17. As indicated in the inset, recent data likely suffer from reporting lag. Still, overall good news.

I'm hoping our community of RSV-susceptible individuals is very low now, such that we won't see a rebound later. Note that we usually have 2 strains of RSV circulating every year, RSV A and RSV B, so in theory it is possible to be infected twice in a season. In the past this has occurred only rarely.
Influenza likewise continues to decline nationally as per FLUVIEW, though still at a high level.

The lay press has a lot of buzz about flu increasing because of holiday travel, but I'd remind folks that sometimes with early flu seasons in the past, we've actually seen a big decline in infections because kids are out of school. Again, still plenty of flu around, and with 3 strains circulating still important and not at all too late to get vaccinated.
The CDC's weekly data update is on holiday, but daily updates occurred last on December 23 and I could access a graph similar to last week that tracked through December 21.

Rates continue to increase in general. If you aren't already, indoor masking would be prudent now. I continue to be appalled by the low booster vaccination rates in people who have already received the primary covid vaccine series.
Invasive Group A Streptococcal (iGAS) Infection
I've been following this topic in my myriad of listservs since early reports appeared from the Netherlands last spring, but now the lay press has raised an alarm likely in response to CDC weighing in. The problem is still very uncommon and only sporadically cropping up, but it's worth reviewing what's going on.
CDC issued a Health Alert Advisory (HAN) on December 22 documenting increased reporting of iGAS cases this fall; these include entities such as scarlet fever, cellulitis and necrotizing fasciitis, mastoiditis and sinusitis, retropharyngeal abscess, pneumonia/empyema, and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome. What isn't clear is whether this is something unusual or just the expected number during streptococcal season in a year when we are back to mostly "full contact" among people in our communities. Certainly the large number of respiratory viral infections bear some blame; iGAS is well known to follow viral infections. A few clinical caveats for healthcare providers as well as parents:
A biphasic illness, meaning a respiratory infection/fever followed by a few days of relative well-being and then return of illness with high fever and other symptoms, is a classic red flag for bacterial superinfection following viral illness. That is a time to seek care and pay close attention to consideration of iGAS.
Streptococcal skin infections occur much less frequently since the advent of varicella vaccine. But, given the drop-off in regular childhood vaccines, we likely have a much larger group of children non-immune to varicella. Beware iGAS superimposed on varicella.
Group A streptococcal pneumonia and empyema can be severe. Back in my days as inpatient teaching attending I referred to this as Henson's disease (not to be confused with Hansen's disease, aka leprosy) because this is what killed puppeteer Jim Henson. (I note that his Wikipedia entry has a confusing entry about his final illness, including blaming Disney negotiations for his illness!)
Necrotizing fasciitis is especially dangerous. It is a deeper skin and soft tissue infection than is simple cellulitis and can progress very rapidly to cause extensive tissue destruction and death. One possible clinical clue for healthcare providers is that the degree of pain at the site seems out of proportion to the skin appearance. Quick intervention with both antibiotic therapy and surgical resection can be life-saving.
Speaking of antibiotics, pediatric healthcare providers are aware of the amoxicillin suspension shortage nationwide, ongoing for many months now. AAP has a nice list of alternatives.
Cherish Diversity
Too often recently, the cultural and other differences among us are used instead as excuses for persecution. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all just cherish our diversity and use it to build rather than tear down communities? Have a wonderful holiday of your choice!