Published Books Professor Barnett has published extensively on international relations theory, global governance, humanitarian action, and the Middle East One State RealityCo-edited with Nathan J. Brown and Marc Lynch State Cornell University Press. Global Governance in a World of ChangeCo-edited with Jon C. W. Pevehouse and Kal Raustiala. Cambridge University Press. Humanitarianism and Human Rights – A World of Differences?2020. Cambridge University Press. Purchase Publication Purchase Publication Purchase Publication The Star and the Stripes – A History of the Foreign Policies of American Jews2016. Princeton University Press. Paternalism Beyond Borders2016. Cornell University Press. Eyewitness to a Genocide2016. A new “Afterword.” Purchase Publication Purchase Publication Purchase Publication Empire of Humanity: A History of Humanitarianism2011. Cornell University Press. Rules for the World: International Organizations in World PoliticsWith Martha Finnemore. 2004. Cornell University Press. Humanitarianism Contested: Where Angels Fear to TreadWith Tom Weiss 2011. Routledge Press. Purchase Publication Purchase Publication Purchase Publication The International Humanitarian Order2010. Routledge Press Humanitarianism in Question: Politics, Power, and Ethics 2008. Co-edited with Tom Weiss. Cornell University Press. Power in Global Governance2005. Co-edited with Raymond Duvall. Cambridge University Press. Purchase Publication Purchase Publication Purchase Publication National Identity and Foreign Policy in the Middle East2002. Co-edited with Shibley Telhami. Cornell University Press. Dialogues in Arab Politics: Negotiations in Regional Order1998. Columbia University Press. Security CommunitiesCo-edited with Emanuel Adler 1998. Cambridge University Press. Purchase Publication Purchase Publication Purchase Publication Israel in Comparative Politics: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom.1996. State University of New York Press. Confronting the Costs of War: Military Power, State, and Society in Egypt1996. Columbia University Press. Purchase Publication Purchase Publication Other Publications Book Chapters2008. Barnett, M. N., & Sikkink, K. From international relations to global society. In The Oxford handbook of political science.Refereed Journal Articles2021. Progress and the Liberal International Order.” Chinese Journal of International Affairs, 14, 1.2020. Change in or of Global Governance? International Theory2020. COVID-19 and the Sacrificial International Order. International Organization.2018. Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and the Practices of Humanity. International Theory. 10, 3, 314-49.2017. The Humanitarian Act: How Humanitarian? International Social Science Journal. 2016. How to Get Away with Cholera: The United Nations, International Law, and Haiti. Perspectives on Politics, 14, 1, March, 70-86. With Mara Pillinger and Ian Hurd2016. Expertise, Accountability, and Global Governance: The View from Paternalism. Regulation and Governance, 10, 134-48.2015. Paternalism and Global Governance. Social Philosophy and Policy, 32, 1, Fall, 216-43.2014. Compromising Peacebuilding. With Christoph Zuercher and Songying Fang. International Studies Quarterly. 2013. International Paternalism and Humanitarian Governance. Global Constitutionalism. 1, 3, November, 485-521.2009. “Evolution without Progress? Humanitarianism in a World of Hurt,” International Organization 63: 621-63.2007. “Peacebuilding: What’s in a Name?” (with David Kim, Laura Sitea, and Madeline O’Donnell), Global Governance 13, 1: 35-58.2006. “Building a Republican Peace: Stabilizing States After War,” International Security 30, 4: 87-112.2005. “Humanitarianism Transformed,” Perspectives on Politics 3, 4: 723-40.2005. “Designing Police: Interpol and the Study of International Organization Change” (with Liv Coleman), International Studies Quarterly 49, 4: 593-620.2005. “Power in International Politics” (with Raymond Douvall), International Organzation 59, 1: 39-75.2001. “Humanitarianism with a Sovereign Face: UNHCR in the Global Undertow,” International Migration Review 35, 1: 244-76.1999. “The Politics, Power, and Pathologies of International Organizations” (with Martha Finnemore), International Organization 53, 4: 699-732.1999. “Looking for a Few Good Cops: Civilian Police and Peacemaking” (with Chuck Call), International Peacekeeping 6, 4: 43-68.1999. “Culture, Strategy, and Foreign Policy Change: Israel’s Road to Oslo,” European Journal of International Relations 5, 1: 5-36.1997. “The UN Security Council, Indifference, and Genocide in Rwanda,” Cultural Anthropology 12, 1: 551-78.1997. “Bringing in the New World Order: Legitimacy, Liberalism, and the United Nations,” World Politics 49, 9: 526-51.1996. “Regional Security After the Gulf War,” Political Science Quarterly 111, 4: 597-618.1995. “Partners in Peace? The United Nations, Regional Organizations, and Peacekeeping,” Review of International Studies 21, 4: 411-33.1995. “Sovereignty, Nationalism, and Regional Order in Arab Politics,” International Organization 49, 3: 479-510.1995. “The United Nations and Global Security: The Norm is Mightier Than the Sword,” Ethics and International Affairs 9: 37-54.1993. “Institutions, Roles, and Disorder: The Case of the Arab States System,” International Studies Quarterly 37: 271-96.1993. “Dependent State Formation and Third World Militarization” (with Alexander Wendt), Review of International Studies 19: 321-47.1992. “Alliance Formation, Domestic Political Economy, and Third World Security” (with Jack Levy), Jerusalem Journal of International Relations 14, 4: 19-40.1991. “Domestic Sources of Alliances and Alignments: The Case of Egypt,” International Organization 45, 3: 369-96.1990. “High Politics is Low Politics: The Systemic and Domestic Sources of Israeli Security Policy, 1967-1977,” World Politics 42, 4: 529-62.