Free-surface turbulence (FST) facility

The facility design relies on an open-box symmetric configuration inspired by enclosed equivalent turbulence boxes to generate two-dimensional (2D) homogeneous and isotropic turbulence (HIT).

Close to the free surface, the chamber is equipped with a dissipative wavebreaker to minimize wall effects.

With increasing distance from the surface, we identify two main layers; a free surface (FS) influenced zone and a 2D HIT zone. The HIT zone horizontally develops around the facility core, with the HIT core increasing with the distance from the forcing level. Within the free surface influenced region, we verify the presence of an energy redistribution mechanism without significant variation between the turbulent conditions investigated (at the onset and past the air entrainment limit). Our measurements for the thickness of the FS-influenced zone agree with observations predicting a thickness proportional to the integral length scale of the flow.