This facility is in the B-lab of Tompkins Hall. It is the world largest sloshing tank: 6 m, 2.4 m wide, 1.2 m tall. The tank is driven by a 22 kips hydraulic actuator (100 kN). The tank weighs 6 tons and is optimized to be stiff while light. Up to 10 tons of water can be accelerated laterally at up to 1.2 g. This facility is designed for optical diagnostics. The facility was developed for the US DOE.
Time lapse of the frame assembly.

Validation of SPH for RISMC
We built a dedicated large sloshing tank (6 m x 2.4 m x 1.2 m) to validate the SPH solver (Neutrino code) for Fluide-Structure Interaction and demonstration of CFD for risk analysis. The tank is very flexible and offers a very good test platform for validation as well as gaining physical insights into free surface flows.
One of first runs of the sloshing tank.