APS Division of Nuclear Physics (Remote) Fall Meeting

The group was well-represented at this year’s APS Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting, with Phoebe, Sara, Tyler, Axel, and group alum Holly all giving talks about their latest research results. But for CoVID, the meeting would have been held in New Orleans, but it seamlessly transitioned to Zoom.

In her first APS talk, Sara presented her work on the upcoming LAD experiment, in which a measurement of deep inelastic electron-scattering on neutrons deuterium—with the crucial addition of a “tag” on the spectator proton—can help test the connection between the EMC Effect and short-range correlated nucleons. Sara presented her studies of simulated backgrounds, which will help optimize electron spectrometer settings. In the same session, Tyler also presented the latest analysis of the complementary BAND experiment.

In her first APS talk, Phoebe presented the upcoming SRC@GlueX Experiment in Jefferson Lab Hall D, in which short-range correlations will be probed using a high-energy photon beam. She showed her latest simulation studies helping to plan and optimize the run, which will begin in August, 2021.

We’re all looking forward to in-person meetings in the future, but until then, stay safe, wear a mask, keep social distance!

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