BAND is taking data!

The Backward Angle Neutron Detector (BAND), part of the CLAS-12 Spectrometer in Jefferson Lab’s Experimental Hall B is back up and running and collecting data as part of the winter run. There have been a couple of bumpy days as the accelerator has come back online, but right now, CEBAF is delivering 40 nA of 10 GeV electrons, and BAND is “seeing” particles.

The BAND detector is live and collecting data. The left plot (green) shows the rates in individual scintillator bars, the center plot shows the energy spectrum, and the right panel shows the high voltage control.

To start, CLAS-12 is collecting data with a reversed magnetic field polarity in the torus magnet, which will be useful for calibrating how the magnetic field bends charged particles. The neutrons that hit BAND, however, will have straight trajectories regardless of the orientation of the magnetic field.

MIT Graduate Student Efrain Segarra in the Hall B “Counting House”
From this station, shift workers monitor the experiment, and make adjustments to the spectrometer and the data acquisition system.

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